
Showing posts from March, 2010

c# - Handling multiple connection strings in ONE DataAccess Layer -

I have an interesting dilemma I currently have a dataweek layer that will work with multiple domains and in those domains Based on the procedures stored in each one, there are many database treasures as AS, I'm just running on the application to determine the machine to use a SWITCH statement and return the proper connection string to Web.config is. Now I have a daunting task in dealing with multiple database treasures in the same SQL Server and IDs, such as dynamically determining the connection string based on the stored procedure. Maybe I am thinking on this, but I am not able to wrap my head about how to handle it. First of all I can say that there is a flaw in your design, because multiple databases have multiple stored processes Inviting is unusual. However, many options are available, because example: Web. Store a list of stored procedures with each of the corresponding connection strings in the config and retrieve them at runtime. Collect a centralized table e...

How do I use JSON objects from Facebook with PHP? -

I'm trying to capture some of the values ​​of Facebook JSON, even PHP also has an object i.e., location of location, location and participation in people. Using the graph API. & lt ;? PHP $ Jasonurl = "Https://grafkfesbukkcom/33l2l8348435?akses_tokn=2227470867:2krtbzmkvivgkgz7Xr4px3Dw__k3600kl280822400-6628l7093&mpi_uhk_2SKQFel3XxpKJ09GEo4." ; $ Json = file_get_contents ($ jsonurl, 0, null, null); $ Json_output = json_decode ($ json); The How to echo the values ​​of JSON output? I'm assuming that it will be returned as an array. Thank you! If you are using PHP, you can use it to query the API This means that you can make the call: $ user = $ facebook- & gt; API ('/ someusername', array ('fields' = & gt; 'id, first name, last_name ..')); However, with your example, you can do the following: $ url = " ? Access_token = 2227470867 | 2.rtBZMkVIVgKGZ7Xr4px3Dw __3,...

database - Difference between Blob and a file -

What is the difference between saving the file (eg AVI) in the datastore as a BLOB save it as a normal AVI file A webserver for? Thank you! Joel A file saved on the server will be a normal file system file. But, in the database they have tables to save data. Therefore, when you want to save a file in a database, there is a special field that is a binary big object (bluebine) field. Which bits allow to be stored in a database similar to any other field. What kind of file is this and does not store any other attributes of the file system? When reading back from the database, you should know the type of file that is usually stored in some other text field in the same table .

delphi - How do I associate a record with a TListBox item? -

I have a record type, I want to add that record type variable to TListbox and retrieve it on click event of TListbox Want to do Is this possible? If yes then how? I've added it using lstbox.AddItem (data, Myrek); This is an error of incompatible types of data and the Myreck is the variable of MyRecord that I have created to add: new (fptr1); ZeroMemory (fptr1, sizeof (fptr1 ^)); Fptr1 ^: = fptr ^; LstboxLeft.AddItem (path, TObject (fptr1)); To retrieve: fptr: = PData (lstboxLeft.Items [lstboxLeft.ItemIndex]); Additem takes one tobject as the second parameter and one record is not an object You can either create your own record instead of an object (usually the best solution), or put the record into an object. Here's an example using the record: type PMIRC = ^ TMyRec; TMyRec = Record I: Integer; End; Process TForm1.FormCreate (Sender: TObject); Var P: PMIRAC; New (P) start; P. I: = 42; ListBox1.AddItem ('A', TOBject (P)); End; Process TF...

php - Creating a table using jquery - can I then populate a field automatically once the first function is done? -

I'm probably doing all this wrong but it goes here .... I'll call A fashion function with AJAX to create table with three columns. At present, the PHP function fetches all data and creates a table that loads in a single device when the function is finished. The third column can only be made using data from the first two columns. Is there any way to automatically populate this column with any other AJAX calls? (I have another PHP function which I can feed the first two variables) Can anyone help ??? EDIT: I can not populate the fields in the first call - as it would take important time to process the function - I want to show the user populated the progress of this column. Each (function (index)) {var $ ('# yourtable tr'). Col1 = $ (this) .children ('td.col1') text () .; Var col2 = $ (this). Children ('td.col2'). Text (); . $ (This) .children ('td.col3') Load ('yourscript.php col1 =' '+ Col1 +' & amp; col2...

jsp - Copy my addresses in different fields in javascript -

I have different addresses in my jsp, I can choose to copy in my fields. I wanted to know that to provide me a sample code in javascript, thanks. A list of various editable field addresses, when I select an address, I will automatically notify my fields To begin, you must provide an element of HTML elements of interest: You can get a specific element by using: var addressElement = document.getElementById ('address'); Var other address element = document.getElementById ('other address'); You can get values ​​by the value attribute: var addressValue = addressElement.value; You can set a value with the same attribute: otherAddressElement.value = addressValue;

comparison - What's the difference in R between identical(x, y) and isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))? -

क्या परीक्षण isTRUE (all.equal (x, y)) में कोई अंतर है और समान (एक्स, वाई) ? सहायता पृष्ठ कहता है: 'सभी। समान' का उपयोग सीधे 'अगर' अभिव्यक्ति में न करें -इतर उपयोग 'isTRUE (all.equal (....))' या 'समान' अगर उपयुक्त हो। लेकिन "अगर उचित" मुझे संदेह में छोड़ देता है मैं कैसे तय कर सकता हूं कि दोनों में से कौन सा उपयुक्त है? all.equal पास समानता के लिए परीक्षण, जबकि समान अधिक सटीक है (उदाहरण के लिए यह अंतर के लिए कोई सहिष्णुता नहीं है, और यह भंडारण प्रकार की तुलना करता है)। समान से: फ़ंक्शन 'all.equal' भी इस तरह से समानता का परीक्षण करने के लिए कभी-कभी उपयोग किया जाता है, लेकिन कुछ अलग के लिए किया गया था: यह संख्यात्मक परिणामों में छोटे अंतर की अनुमति देता है। और एक कारण आप all.equal में isTRUE लपेटते हैं क्योंकि all.equal रिपोर्ट करेगा केवल FALSE वापस करने के बजाय मतभेद।

javascript - replace callback function with matches -

& lt; विकी & gt; यह पृष्ठ & lt; / wiki & gt; से & lt; A href = 'wiki / this_page' & gt; यह पृष्ठ & lt; / a & gt; कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर: text = text.replace (/ & lt; विकी & gt; (। +?) & Lt; \ / wiki & gt; / g, फ़ंक्शन (मैच) {वापसी "& lt; a href = 'wiki /" + match.replace (/ / g,' _ ') + "' & gt;" + मैच + " & Lt; / a & gt; ";}); परिणाम यह है कि टैग & lt; विकी & gt; संरक्षित है (पूर्ण मैच) - & lt; a href = 'wiki / & lt; विकी & gt; this_page & lt; / विकी & gt; 'gt; & lt; विकी & gt; यह पृष्ठ & lt; / wiki & gt; & lt; / a & gt; क्या मैचों [0] मिलना है, मेल [1] के रूप में PHP के preg_replace_callback () ? मैचों पैरामीटर के रूप में लेता है। उदाहरण के लिए: text = text.replace (/ & lt; विकी & gt; (। +?) & Lt; \ / wiki & gt; / g, फ़ंक्शन (मैच, सामग्री, ऑफ़सेट, S) {return...

WPF - Maintain Group Style in ListView -

I have found a simple list view that draws data from an Observe Collection, and I have a collection of ViewSource in a group property description set I'm using my rows to group I have used the following style to use an extension for each group: style target type = "{x: type Group entity} "x: key =" listViewGroupStyle "& gt; & Lt; Setter property = "margin" value = "0 0 5 5" /> & Lt; Setter Estates = "Template" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x: Type GroupItem}" & gt; & Lt; Expander IsExpanded = "False" BorderBrush = "{Compulsive name, converter = {static resource status player converter}}" bordertextness = "2" margin = "1" & gt; & Lt; Expander.Header & gt; & Lt; Border bordercutness = "3" borderbrush = "{binding name, converter = {static resource status background converte...

flex - Find out deselected item in spark list with multiple selection -

In a spark list I could find out which item was selected by using the change event Or remove the mark of right. and oldIndex keeping this information t work now because newIndex and oldindex can still reference the indices of the selected elements. A solution changes selected indix vector to another variable and after the change in selection, compares this variable with selected indices But it appears to be some complicated. Does anybody know that some other elements are still selected, while the index / object is a user unselected You will need to store selected indies and compare the difference. Private Static Function Search Missing (ar1: Array, ar2: Array): Array {var unavailable: Array = []; For each (var item: object in AR1) {if (ar2.indexOf (item)

iphone - How to change image of a button? -

इस रेखा पर एक EXC_BAD_ACCESS त्रुटि प्राप्त करने के लिए। [(CCMenuItemSprite *) [प्रोफ़ाइल चयन मेनू प्राप्त करेंबिल्डटैग: 333 ] SetNormalImage: normalSprite3]; असल में बस एक CCMenuItemSprite की सामान्य छवि को बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा है I NormalSprite3 और चयनितप्रोटी 3 दोनों CCSprite हैं। और मैं उन्हें बंद रखने के लिए गुण सेट करता हूं, लेकिन यह अभी भी ऊपर की रेखा पर हमेशा क्रैश करता है क्या ऐसा करने का एक आसान तरीका है जो पूरा करने की कोशिश कर रहा है I मूल रूप से एक टॉगल बटन होने के लिए बटन सेट? और यह छवि को हर बार दबाया जाता है normalSprite3 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: @ "main_menu_button.png"]; SelectedSprite3 = [सीसीएसप्रकाश स्प्रेड विथफ़ाइल: @ "मेन_मेनू_बटन_सैक्टेड पेज"]; Profile3MenuItem = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalSprite: normalSprite3 चयनितसंपादित करें: चयनितप्रदर्शित लक्ष्य: स्वयं चयनकर्ता: @ सिलेक्टर (पी 3 :)]; [प्रोफाइल 3 मैन्युइटम सेटटैग: 333]; [(सीसीएमएनयूआईटीएएमएसप्रैक्ट *) [प्रोफाइलसमेनमेनस चाइल्डबेटटैग: 333] सेटनॉर्मल इमेजः सामान्यएसप्रैस ...

c# - What is your strategy on implementation of Visual Inheritance In MVVM? -

I want to write an extension (notification) screen on my framework with MVVM pattern. There will be a basic description view model and this toolbar has toolbars and buttons (save, delete, new button, etc.). And the users of this profile write their / her extension (notice) screen without using the manually added toolbar. The visual model of their expansion (information) screen will be inherited from the description details of the framework. That's why the toolbar is added to its details screen. Has anyone implemented such a situation in this way or can you give me a pattern or strategy on this issue? Thanks all I do not use visual heritage. Instead I have the main window with the button toolbar and area where I plug in user controls For each user control the applicable interface, ViewModels which is the command for the button on the toolbar, I can share buttons to reduce the implementation. See examples in this MSDN article:

html - How can I use a link to open file automatically instead of showing open save dialog? -

I am trying to open a PPT file. I do not want to show the save as dialogue, instead I just want to open the click immediately on the file. How can this be done? You have to keep two things in mind: HTTP Headers - If any- should not be set to inline , attachments Later, the client will actually be forced to display the Save As conversation. The HTTP header should have a mime type that is recognized by the client, a PPT file that is usually inline and the browser does not actually use it Know what to do with it (i.e. the application type or extension does not have any application with the built-in platform / OS), it will open save as You use such tools Rke feedback can debug header. You can modify the response header in the server side code and / or the webserver configuration. If you tell which language and / or webserver are using, then we can offer more specific solutions.

html - How to make a RESTful search button? -

I need to search based on the word in the text box. I simply: the user clicks on something and returns the result Are given. It is quite straightforward, except that I really have difficulty implementing it. The problem is, I want to do it as soon as possible, so I do not want to create a button as follows: Because this will post data to the server, and I do not want to post one because I am not changing any status. I am retrieving data based on value in the search box I want to do this as a simple link, such as: But it should be styled in the form of a button. If I was using input, then I could have a CSS like this: .standardButtonStyle {background: url ("..//images/search_button.png") No-repeat Scroll 0 transparent; Limit: 0 none; White color; Cursor: indicator; } But I do not think I can apply it to anchor tag. Can anyone tell me the right way to do this? 1) You can choose the method for your form if you type attribute in your form tag "m...

c# - DataPager jump back to first pages -

I have a strange problem that I do not understand about DotPeger. After changing the page set (pages 6 - 10 for example), and clicking on any page (6, 7, 8, 9 or 10), it will transmit the first group of pages coming back from 1. Let me explain an ASP with the app Aap and Dotpiger. Is the net page. & lt; Asp: ListView ... DataSourceId = "EntityDataSource" DataKeyNames = "id" & gt; & Lt; LayoutTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: Datapiger Runat = "Server" id = "Datapageer 1" PageSize = "15" & gt; & Lt; Fields & gt; & Lt; Asp: Next PurposePagerfieldFirstPageXT = "& amp; LT; & amp; lt;" ShowFirstPageButton = "True" ShowNextPageButton = "False" before appearing Button = "False" /> & Lt; ASP: Numeric Pagefield / & gt; & Lt; ASP: Next changePagerfilled final pagetext = "& amp; g; & g;" ShowLastPageButton = "True" ShowNe...

c++ - How to get really smooth moving objects using openGL -

I am working on an application where I remove a circular progress indicator which is gradually "filled" Here you can see. I am using Intermediate mode and I am portraying this circular shape by simply illustrating the corner on each frame update (see the code below). When the circle fills the boundary between white and brown then there is a slight flicker and I am thinking how can I make it more smooth. This is a concrete example, but in general I am thinking that how to get the easiest offer while using very simple liner interpolation? When I see the proposal when I flick between the pages on my iPhyl, it is very smooth, which makes me wonder how will I achieve it on my fast (fast) mac? Photobondown: Photoshop Countdown (Float Affiliation): Duration (FMIL), Start_time (0) {Set Action Command ("LEPP"); } Zero PhotoBoothCountdown :: update () {if (start_time! = 0) {float cur = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis (); Perc = (cur-start_time) / period; }} Zero PhotoBoothCo...

c - returning reference of local variable -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: जीसीसी 4.4.4 सी 8 9 सी मुख्य में मैं फ़ंक्शन को पाठ की एक पंक्ति को पास करने के लिए फ़ंक्शन बुलाता हूं। मैं इस पर कुछ ऑपरेशन करना चाहता हूं। हालांकि, इसका मतलब यह होगा कि लाइन का कोई उपयोग नहीं है। इसलिए मेरे get_string फ़ंक्शन में मैं सामग्री की प्रतिलिपि बनाउंगा और परिणाम वापस कर दूंगा। एकमात्र समस्या यह है कि इस नतीजे की स्मृति खो जाएगी और अप्रत्याशित कुछ को इंगित करेगी। मैं बस सोच रहा हूँ कि मैं कैसे परिणाम वापस पास कर सकता हूं, बिना डेटा के क्रमबद्ध रेखा को रख सकता हूं? किसी भी सलाह के लिए बहुत धन्यवाद, कोड Snippet main: अगर (fgets (line_data, (size_t) STRING_SIZE, fp) == नल) {fprintf (stderr, "चेतावनी: पाठ फ़ाइल संख्या पढ़ने में त्रुटि त्रुटि [% d] N ", i); } यदि (get_string (line_data)! = NULL) {यदि (strcmp (get_string (line_data), "END") == 0) ब्रेक; } Else {fprintf (stderr, "चेतावनी: छात्र का नाम पंक्ति में नहीं मिल सकता है [% d] \ n", i); } / * छात्र जानकारी भरें * / strncpy (स्टड [i] .name, line_data, (size...

select - How to Rank in MySQL Using a WHERE clause and UNION ALL -

I need some help from a MySQL query. I am trying to rank the participants using a WHERE clause. Therefore, I want to rank novice, intermediate, and different experienced people. For example: Rank name grade type -------------------------------- - - 1 Bob 98 Nov 2 Jill 88 Newbie 3 Jimmy 42 Nov 1 Mark 87 Intermediate 2 Scott 85 Intermediate 3 Gym 77 Intermediate 1 Jane 90 Advanced 2 John 89 Advanced 3 Josh 87 Advanced Tried: SET @ rank = 0; (SELECT @rank: = @ rank + 1s rank, name, grade, type myTable WHERE type = 'newbie' grade DESC by ORDER) UNION ALL (SELECT @Rank: = @ rank + 1s rank, name, grade, Type type from myTable = Grade DESC by 'Intermediate' order) UNION all (SELECT @rank: = @ rank + 1s rank, name, grade, type myTable WHERE type = 'veteran' by order grade by DESC) I think I need to set the rank again in some way. Maybe I have another problem? Use: SELECT t Name, T.Grade, T. type, (* (SELECT COUNT (*) from your COUNTER, where x * ...

JQuery mouse over question -

I was wondering how can I remove the mouse over the append when my mouse is not more than the pointer element? $ ('.one'). Mouseover (function () ($ ('# log'). Append ('& lt; div & gt; is called mouseover () for handler. & Lt; / div & gt;');}); $ ('.one'). Hover (function () ($ ('# log'). Edif ('& lt; div id = "over"> handler for .mouseover). & Lt; / div & gt;');}, function ( ) {$ ('# Over'). Deletion (); });

c# - Raise event among all instances of a class -

मेरे पास जीविका नामक एक abstact class है जिसमें एक जन् हुआ ईवेंट है । इसके अलावा मेरे पास कुछ वर्ग हैं जो जीवित वर्ग वर्ग को प्राप्त करते हैं ... तो मेरा सवाल है कि मैं कैसे सभी वर्गों के सभी उदाहरणों में जन्मे घटना को बढ़ा सकता हूं, जो कि कार्बनिक वर्ग संपादित करें: क्षमा करें, मैं लिखने का मतलब था टिक नहीं जन्मे ... जन्म एक घटना स्तर की घटना है ... यह महान नहीं है, लेकिन यह काम कर सकता है: सार्वजनिक सार कक्षा जीव: आईडीआईस्पोज़ोजल {निजी स्थिर रीडॉनली लिस्ट & लेफ्टिनम; ऑर्गिनिज़्म & gt; LiveOrganisms = नई सूची & lt; Organism & gt; (); निजी घटना EventHandler onBorn; सार्वजनिक शून्य InvokeBorn (EventArgs ई) {foreach (LiveOrganisms में var जीव ऑर्गनाइजेशन। जहां (liveOrganism = & gt; liveOrganism.onBorn! = नल)) {liveOrganism.onBorn (यह, ई); }} सार्वजनिक ईवेंट इवेंटहान्डलर का जन्म {{onBorn + = value; } {OnBorn = = value; निकालें; }} सुरक्षित ऑर्गनाइजेशन () {LiveOrganisms.Add (this); } सार्वजनिक शून्य निकालना () {LiveOrganisms.Remove (यह); }} ...

iphone - NSFetchedResultsController refresh refetch? -

Text after " Repeat the data from my NSFetchedResultsController using a different predicate that is set using a Boolean value Want to do ? I have NSFetchedResultsController to bring a new set of fresh data. - (zero) refreshFetchedResultsController {NSLog (@ "refreshFetchedResultsController"); NSError * Error = Zero; If: {ErrorType Loading "@" Error loading data "@" [UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle ([[self fetchedResultsController] performFetch & amp; error]!): NSLocalizedString (), message: [ NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString (@ "This error was:% @, quitting.", @ "This error was:.% @, Leaving"), [error localizedDescription]] Rep: AutoCodeButtonTitle: NSLocalizedString (@ "Cancel" @ "Cancel") otherButtonTitles: Zero]; [Alerts show]; } } who says - (NSFetchedResultsController *) fetchedResultsController {if (! _fetchedResultsController = zero) {NSLog ( @ "I was killed."); Re...

objective c - code quick view disappeared in xcode -

I'm using xcode for programming purpose c. For any person using it, you will know that there are files in your project on the left, and when you click once, the source code appears on the right side of the X code window, though I have made sure something I'm not sure and the scene has disappeared and I have to double click on each file and open it in a new window before I can edit it Anyone who is very upset about me? Anyone know how I can get the scene to appear again, which shows the contents of my source files? I searched through settings but found nothing. It seems that you just grab the splitter (this is what is actually called?), Which will be on the far right side of the window, with a little dot in the middle, and drag it to the left, you can also try the command-option-shift-e, but then your opposite problem can be.

arrays - python: using numpy.histogram -

I am using: I have a list a that I want to use in this way: numpy.histogram (a, bins = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 ... 6], Category = [0: 6]) How do I include a set of 0.1 to 6 cans in 0.1 intervals? How do I specify a range from 0 to 6? Maybe you search for np.linspace (0,6, num) Are doing = 61) or np.arange (0,6.1,0.1) : import np as np a = np.random Random (100) * 6 hist = np Astrogram (a, bins = np.linspace (0,6, num = 61))

How to Open multiple gmail accounts without logging out from the old one -

How can I open multiple Gmail accounts without logging in to Chrome in the old Before you use the private browsing mode to use but are going forward ....... provided by Google You can use multiple login features, which allow you to login multiple accounts in the same browser. You can read the complete information about this here.

php - Event Registration -

How do I create a site like Drupal? If this is not possible in Drupal, then what I should do is probably use it. More specific - Users can add their events, add pricing. From that pricing, the website can say 5% a certain%, when users buy tickets. The commission can be based on every incident and can not be changed by the users, only the administrator can do this. You can also add free events. It should also have event management features like artist management, portfolio management. Event creators must have a profile, which can be rated by users so that they can profile like a system. Your question is very normal, Use date, location, view and CCK modules. If you want a more specific answer, make your question more specific.

android - Close virtual keyboard on button press -

मेरे पास गतिविधि एक EditText से है, एक बटन और एक ListView । उद्देश्य EditText में एक खोज स्क्रीन टाइप करना है, बटन दबाएं और खोज परिणामों को इस सूची में पॉप्यूलेट करें। यह सब पूरी तरह से काम कर रहा है, लेकिन वर्चुअल कीबोर्ड व्यवहार कर रहा है अजीब। अगर मैं EditText पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मुझे वर्चुअल कीबोर्ड मिलता है। अगर मैं वर्चुअल कीबोर्ड पर "संपन्न" बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो वह दूर हो जाता है हालांकि, अगर मैं वर्चुअल कीबोर्ड पर "हो गया" क्लिक करने से पहले अपनी खोज बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो वर्चुअल कीबोर्ड रहता है और मैं इसे से छुटकारा नहीं पा सकता "संपन्न" बटन पर क्लिक करने से कीबोर्ड बंद नहीं होता यह "संपन्न" बटन को "तीखे" से एक तीर में बदल देता है और दिखाई देता है। आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService (संदर्भ। INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); InputManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow (getCurrentFocus ()। GetWindowToken (), InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS); मैं...

closures - JavaScript OOPS Question -

Here's a JavaScript Newbie I have the following code: function testObject (elem) {This.test = "hi"; This.val = elem; Console.log (this.test + this.val); Echo (); Function echo () {console.log (this.test + this.val); }} Var obj = new testObject ("hello"); When this is going on, I hope that "HiHello" will have to be output twice in the console. Instead it outputs as expected for the first time, but NN returns for the second time. I'm sure I'm missing something here. I thought internal functions can be used outside the Vars. Can anyone guide me? I am more of a functional UI developer and I do not have much experience with oo codes. Thank you! The problem is that inside echo this Value indicates the global object, and this.test and this.val (which are referring to window.test and Window.val ) are undefined . You can set the value of this resonance by applying it: Echo. (this); This is because you have echo ...

Android: stop services and alarms when the application ends -

I have an application that contains many activities when the app starts, then some alarm alarm manager and some services are started: AlarmManager AM = (alarmmanager) context.getSystemService (Context.ALARM_SERVICE); A.setInexactRepeating (...) .... I would like to know by any means that every service has been shut down and every alarm is unchecked when the user Exits from the application . The problem is that the user can leave the application from different activities, and I do not like the idea of ​​overriding the onDestroy method in every activity. Code> intent , when the application ends? I have also found that an Android application can have a class that spreads from app to a onTerminate method: But the document is very clear: "Depending on this method, it's never being called. In any case, any unnecessary application process will be executed by "Kernel only" without executing any application code. Any suggestions Highly ap...

c# - Generalized settings UI + settings classes -

For more classes derived from the base class, I use basic user control and derived class for each user (for visibility; on the right side). Now each of the derived UserControls has a specific setting (red rectangle on the left) settings UI is a separate userrent (it can be moved easily, can put different dialogs if too large Is ...) and the underlying data class that changes it (the example of this class is a member of the main user control) This allows me to hold different classes (and possibly, Savings), makes settings different, al By setting c-different user controls and manually adding it manually For the first time I did not run into such a problem, so I started thinking about some class + interface, so that I can easily create classes containing data and generate consumer control. My idea is something class SettingsItem {string name; TypeEnum type; Double value; // How about bool of different types? Inheritance? } The Settings class will be a list of these items....

database design - Decoupling using stored procedures at what cost? -

I was taught to reduce the code implementation with database implementation through the use of stored procedures, For example: decoded DAO methods (C #) User FindByName (string value); User FindByLogin (string value); User FindByEmail (string value); User FindByFoo (string value); User FindByBar (string value); Contrast with no-so-dekopple dao methods Find user (string ) ColumnName, string value); This is the result of writing a lot of code (though, it assumes that most of these will be cut and paste), very few stored procedures are written and kept, but also added Code for database implementation In this case, where is the line between good and impractical design practice? The decompressing is not as bad as you anticipate. In your example, you have the possibility of FindByName () and FindByLogin () , and no option is available. What exactly are you demanding a good fragmentation between your compiled code and the database, do not spread the stored pro...

jQuery stop click event from bubbling when using $.get() -

I've assigned a click event to a button, which gets a different HTML snippet and uses it to create a div Injects into the element. Html (string) method $ ('# btnclose'). Click (function () {$ .get ('content' html ', function (data) {$ (' # editcategory '). Html (data);});}); Content.html page is as follows: & gt; Button ID = "BTN Newcat" type = "button" & gt; Add new category & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Click on $ ('# btnNewCategory') (warning ('test')). & Lt; / Script & gt; Every time I click on the '#btnClose' button, HTML sniper content is displayed but the warning ('Test') is also removed. I have tried the Stopprogram (), Stop Default () and False Return; There is no happiness and there is no happiness. Am I doing wrong, can any light enter ??? Your handler should be like this instead: $ ('# ...

How to catch all elisp function calls that require user interaction? -

I want to type a function that is emacs (in particular, kill-buffer-query -functions ), but if any of them requires the user's interaction, then instead I want to return just zero so that the whole thing can run non-interactive. I am trying to use defadvice to modify each function, which is usually the exception to the value of throw with the value of zero Instead indicates Then I'll wrap everything with a catch form only the problem is that I do not have a detailed list of all emacs elisp functions which can prompt the user for something Is there any such list, or is there an easy way to go about it? For example, yes-or-no-p and y-or-np will definitely be in this list, such as read-string and full-read . Actually, I want to fill in the code in this code: (defun eval-but-return -f-required-user (form and optional interactive -Return) "evaluate the form, but stop immediately and return interactive-returns if user interaction will be required in ...

jquery - Triggering 'onload' behavior in AJAX return data -

A friend and I are looking at a website that creates an AJAX phone that loads the HTML on a successful return Does the specified DIV tag and a Javascript function call. The problem is that it will only work twice, after clicking twice it fails to work properly. We are trying to dynamically control what is the function implemented (). Here is a simple matter: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery-1.4.1.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("# trigger"). Click (function () {$ ("# target"). Load ('load.html');});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "target" style = 'width: 200px; Height: 200px; Limit: 1 px solid black '& gt; Not loaded & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "b...

How do I set a parameter to a list of values in a BIRT report? -

I have a dataset with a query like this: Select, w .week_ending, from store s, weekly_sales_samuri w where = w.store_id and =? I want to modify the query to allow the list of store IDs to be specified, like: choose, w.week_ending, Store s to, weekly_sales_samuri w where = w.store_id and IN (?) How can I complete it in BITT? What type of parameter do I need to specify? The easiest part is the report parameter: set the display type for the list box, then check Allow multiple Value options Now the hard part: Unfortunately, you can not force multi-value report parameters in a dataset parameter (at least not in version 3.2, which I am using). Here is a posting on BITT World Blog: It explains how to use code plug-ins to bind multi-select report parameters in report data parameters. Unfortunately, when I tried to do it, then it did not work. If you can get it to work, I will recommend this method; If you can not, in ord...

How to link against msvcr90.dll with mingw gcc? -

How can mingw link with GCs with msvcr90.dll? I tried - lmsvcr90, here's the least example: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (int argc, const char * argv []) {printf ("% s \ n", "hello"); Return 0; } My OS is win7, mingw gcc 4.5.0 $ gcc -v ... with GCC version 4.5.0 (GCC) $ GCC Hello.c -lmsvcr90 $ a Then I found this error: R6034 An app attempted to load Have the C runtime library incorrectly please contact the application's support team for more information. In which part I am missing? edit1: @ user440813 Looks like my mingow is very different from yours. $ gcc hc -nostdlib -lmsvcr70 -lgcc -o h.exe d: / mingw / bin /../ lib / gcc / mingw32 / 4.5.0 / libgcc.a (__ main .o): (.text + 0x5a): Undefined reference to `atexit ': d: / mingw / bin /../ lib / gcc / mingw32 / 4.5.0 / libgcc.a (__ main.o) :( Text + 0xc2): `Entite 'collected 2: LD returned 1 exit status Then I have int atexit (zero (* function) (emp...

silverlight - Getting Started with Windows Phone 7 -

This is a community wiki list of Windows Phone 7 resources Feel free to edit While posting, please use the favorable form of the resource with [link real name] [ Some long URLs which have no meaning until I click on it] General info Blog Articles Understanding Windows Phone Application Performance Model, Tombostoning, Launcher, and Choosers: Books > Podcast Video Developer Tools Framework

How to map an ftp share folder to a local drive using C#? -

How can I map an FTP share folder to a local drive using C #? Is there any class library available for this? Do I need to get the same functionality as NetDrive () using ADP? Perhaps you can take advantage of someone else's work and get a headstart. For example, the manufacturer of NetDrive - is not sure what is required for it / cost, though it may be worth an investigation, do not you? And, perhaps, if you combine a remote FTP site to define a Windows network share, and then use the C # to share the network as a drive, So you can do your work: -)

scripting - How to strip down a jquery to fit your needs? -

I am running this script, and I wonder if I need all this 70 KB, and I would love to be able to strip it down. $ ('anframe'). // (function () {var e = $ (this); if (! E.Data ('state')} // if the state is undefined ('state', 'open'); // ' Remove the height of the frame from the frame frame of the set / rel attribute highlighted in the state 'Highlight' = E.attr ('rel'); var pat1 = new RegExp ('height:'); pat1.test (frameshigh); frameshit = regxp Right contex; var stomach 2 = new regx ('px'); pat2.test (frame height)); FrameHeight = RegExp.leftContext; If FrameFeight || (Math.ceil (frameHeight)! = Math.floor (frameHyight)) {// if it is empty or not an integer frame hect = '550'; // default frame height, if none is specified}; Framehead = + 'px'; Framewidth = '100%'; // After the link just insert the iframe e.after ('& lt; iframe style = "width:' + framewidth + ...

Pattern, matcher in Java, REGEX help -

I'm just trying to get rid of the duplicate constant words from a text file, and someone told me something like that I can do this: Patterns p = Pattern.compile ("(\\ w +) \\ 1"); Strongbilder SB = New string builder (1000); Int i = 0; (String s: lineoffined) {// line glossary is a list & lt; String & gt; In each line, the txt file is read from Matcher m = p.matcher (s.toUpperCase ()); // And then like some time (m.find ()) {// do something here} I have tried to see if I can make a new string , Or remove the matches where there are matches, but I was not sure how it works after reading the document. For example, how does this work as a test case, I did this: if (m.find ()) {System.out.println (s.sstring (i, M.end ())); } This text file contains: This is an example example testing test test. Why is my output this ? EDIT: If I have an ArrialList lineoffax that reads each line from a line of .txt file and then I create a new arrelist to captu...

python - identifying objects, why does the returned value from id(...) change? -

id (object) This integer (or long integer) is a guarantee that your During this lifetime, this object should be unique and stable. Can you explain this output? Why does the ID of j change? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; I = 10> and gt; & Gt; ID (i) 6337824 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; J = 10> and gt; & Gt; ID (J) 6337824 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; J = j + 1> and gt; & Gt; ID (J) 6337800 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ID (i) 6337824 itemprop = "text"> Because integers are irreversible, each integer value is a specific object, with a unique ID, the integer 10 has a different ID than 11 . The value of an existing integer object does not change to j = j + 1 , rather to point it to j on the object for 11 Changes . See that when we independently create a new variable k and value it 11 : & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; J = 10> and gt; & Gt; ID (J) 8402204 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; J = j + 1> and gt; & Gt; ID ...

ipad - How to make the UIPopOver origin at a same coordinate in the mainView even when I am moving its source button? -

I have assigned the UIOpair to a horizontal moving object. So when I keep popping it keeps going with it. But I do not want to move it, only the down arrow wants to move and popover origin should always be the same. So it looks as soon as the arrow is going down to him. How can someone get it? It was not possible and therefore I created a scene that would appear exactly like a popover and now everything working fine.

android - display the images vies one by one -

Hello, I am working on a child application in that application, I have 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 I want to show = 3 etc. For this, I would like to see that the number pictures are displayed one by one. This means that after some time firearms are displayed after the second number. Give me some suggestions for this. Please give me some example code. Thank you in advance Your IDA is similar to your application in the Android market, Used to be:. > I use a TableLayout with the individual TableRow s for images, like this: & lt; TableRow android: layout_marginTop = "5dp" & gt; & Lt; ImageView Android: id = "@ + id / img1" /> & Lt; ImageView Android: id = "@ + id / img2" /> & Lt; ImageView Android: id = "@ + id / img3" /> & Lt; ImageView Android: id = "@ + id / img4" /> & Lt; / TableRow & gt; Program has private variables for images, which I change on user selection. Initially it may l...

Is it possible to import/export EPiServer Community data (entity and attribute)? -

I am working on EPiServer Community 4 project. In the development phase, I create some predefined unit data (add some clubs, some forums, ...) and make attributes / assignments for them. How can I export those data (unit data and its attribute / attribute value) and import later? (I'll import while installing my product for the customer). Thank you. You can use some names though. This will target the community site to target your entity properties by code. Although unfortunately there is no such functionality to import / import content for content (clubs, elections, etc.).

c# - Using "using" statement to dispose -

क्या यह समझ में आता है? एक साधारण वर्ग होने क्लास टेस्ट {सार्वजनिक टेस्ट} {// जो भी हो}} और उसके बाद इसे चालू करना का उपयोग कर (नया टेस्ट ()) {// कुछ भी नहीं यहां पर} उपयोग करने वाले वक्तव्य में यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए है कि टेस्ट का निपटारा किया गया है। अगर यह सिर्फ निपटा जाएगा तो नया टेस्ट () टेस्ट नहीं है IDisposable , ताकि यह भी संकलित नहीं होगा लेकिन अगर यह था डिस्पोजेबल, हाँ का उपयोग करके ऐसा करेगा, और नया स्वयं नहीं होगा यह एक असामान्य उपयोग है, लेकिन मैंने समान देखा है। शायद ही। आपकी टिप्पणी (मुख्य प्रश्न) के आधार पर, मैं संदेह करता हूं कि आप कचरा संग्रहण और निपटान में भ्रमित हैं जबरन किसी चीज़ को एकत्रित करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है, जो जीसी से कम है (जिसे आपको नहीं करना चाहिए)। जब तक आप वास्तव में इसे इकट्ठा करना चाहते हैं, बस इसे होने दें - संभावना है कि यह "पीढ़ी 0" है और इसे सस्ता रूप से एकत्र किया जाएगा। इसके अलावा, जो कुछ भी "सुझाव देता है कर रहा है एक निर्माता में कुछ लेकिन निर्मित वस्तु के बारे में ध्या...

Scala protocol buffers compiler -

I was thinking of writing a code generator to generate scale from the Google Protoff definition file. Because of this, I consider it valuable. Java bind is also java-ish and can do a lot better in a scala. For example, the following definitions message foo {required int f1 = 1; Repeated string F2 = 2; Message internal (expected int F3 = 1;)} I want to be able to create protozy objects from Scala like this: val Foo = Foo (F1 (127), F2 ("first", "second"), inner (F3 (911)) My question is if any Already knows something with these lines, or if you do not find it eligible to start a new project? I currently present a Scala protocol buffers compiler with one of my mentors Victor Klang. This is my Google Summer Off Code Project and you can follow the progress of Gitub. [Update] The main part is completed; I still need to implement the extension, group and field option support. It is usable and I invite everyone to invite and respond to it; I am open ... mvc - jquery selection problem -

On some watch pages I have two partial views (their html is similar). The first one works with this script but the other does not work The problem comes when try to get article_number because I have two input boxes with some ID (id = marticlanknumber). If I change the second id for id = MArticleNumber1 So he has two article numbers but I have to do the action DevAccEditTemp only enable an article number. First, you can use more short-hand calls to get the value from an element with the ID (* details below). itemprop = "text" See): var article_number = $ ("#MArticleNumber") val () .; Second, it is not valid for elements with the same ID ID must be unique according to HTML specifications: Your ID is unique By creating, you will have a problem. (*) Explain why you should use the # selector instead of selector in [id = ...] in JQuery. $ ("# myElementId") Using the #id will result in a simple getElementById call, which is fa...

gcc - Building and code signing an iPhone Application from the command line -

Now I want to make my iPhone app in MX, so without using the encoded How can I make my app from the command line (through SSH)? I can not use xcodebuild because there is no Xcode project, is there any tutorial in it that cover it? I want to compile them with GCC, and as soon as the developer tools come in 4.0, I want to compile them with LLVM. Can anyone help me? Thank you. Is it possible to debug this device without encoding it? You can start by running a build via Xcode and then take a look at the build log You can. This includes all the orders and related criteria used to make your commands. Then "Bus" should be a matter of making a file using the same command.

c - Prevent propagation of GSignal to further registered GCallbacks -

How to call signal handlers in front of the first signal handler callback in GS ignal? For example, I register three functions - func1, func2 and func3 for the same signal "mysignal". If func1 is called first, how can I be called by fun, stop func2 and func3? It should not be made permanent It should be runtime i.e. func1 can decide whether Func2 and func3 can get callback based on input parameters. g_sign_log_stop_mission_by_name () and g_signal_stop_emission () fixes this problem. Calling g_signal_stop_emission_by_name () from func1 prevents further spread of func2 and func3.

datetime - Date/Time parsing in C++ (Any format string to Epoch) -

I am writing a C + + app that parsing a date / time string and giving time to the era. But the format of the date / time string can be more than one (in fact 25 formats may have meaning) such as So get time in the era. Can you recommend a way to do this? Code samples will really be helpful. I am banking on boost libraries. Let me tell you whether this boost date / time can be obtained by parsing libraries. In advance, AJ I think that you can put your string in Using each of the formats, you can try to convert it to PTT and you can choose people who are not in not_a_date_time . This is slightly different from yours, I will only do the last five for this example: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / date_time / posix_time / posix_time.hpp & gt; Promotion: posix_time :: time_input_facet; Using Std :: locale; Cant local locale [] = {location (locale :: classic (), new time_input_faces ("% m /% d /% Y"), locale (local :: class...

MySQL rollback on the MyISAM engine -

By mistake I run an update query. This update gave values ​​to my table as O all rows. Is it possible to rollback table values? MyISAM does not support transactions, therefore, each person's statement, such as the transaction is enclosed by you Can not roll it back.

checkout - Show which git tag you are on? -

I have to find out which tag is currently checked out. When I do: git checkout tag 1 GIT branch I can not know which tag I am on It logs only: * (not branch) Master Is it possible to find out which tag has been checked? In the above example, this would be tag1 . edit : Jakub Narębski has more git-fu in the following very easy The command works perfectly: Description of git - tag (or - tag without The original answer is as follows: Describe git - Xact-match - Tags $ (GIT log-N1 - NPTI = '% H') There could be a more attractive solution with GIT-FU Confirms ... git-log reports connected with you started checking went to Czech. Tags (Lightweight or annotated) that matches that match. $ () The syntax above assumes that you are using bash or similar.

java - how to take the <html:text> in external javascript means js file in struts? -

अगर मैं स्ट्रट्स में मान सेट और पुनः प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। अगर मैं आपको सही ढंग से समझता हूं, तो आप एक बाहरी जावास्क्रिप्ट फाइल में & lt; html: text / & gt; को शामिल करना चाहते हैं। यह संभव नहीं है क्योंकि सर्वलेट कंटेनर जावास्क्रिप्ट फाइल के जरिए पुनरावृति नहीं करता है और एक जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल में जेपीटीएग्स को एक html समकक्ष के लिए बदलता है। यह एक जेस्प या jspx फ़ाइल पर किया गया केवल है। देखकर मुझे आपका प्रश्न समझ में नहीं आ रहा है, मुझे बिल्कुल नहीं पता है कि क्या लिखना है।

UILabel with cornerRadius inside UITableView -

I'm trying to reflect the count-label used in the apple mail app, which counts messages Indicates the color of the folder / mailbox text is white, and the labels have background gray / blues with spherical corners. () To make the same look, I have created a custom UITableViewCell for my table, and tried this type of label like this: label Layer.cornerRadius = 10.0; This code basically looks like a matching app, though the performance of this code is actually poor. I installed the app on my iPhone 3G, and after scrolling the table, the scene is actually running slow and unmootable. When I disable the spherical corners, because of that great again. Is my code something wrong, or what can I do to improve performance? Should I use PNG background instead of rounded corners? If so, what do I have to do to adjust the width of PNG background according to width / text length? I've already added the code to do this and it works, but I think this PNG will fix the background im...

websocket - Node.js and Web Sockets -

I have a node. The JS server is running and I can find it to show "Hello World" or Twitter feed. I navigate to the URL. The issue is that I can not make any communication between the node. Js example and the webcut defined on the client of any other page. Anyone think? Thank you very much. Node behind two yo. Js run proxy? Some proxies (like ngnix) do not support http 1.1 and http 1.1 are required for Websockets.

php - $_FILES empty when trying to do a file upload -

This is driving me crazy. I am trying to figure out how to upload a file. I've got two very simple files, yet it does not seem to work, this is the first file that allows the user to choose the file: & Lt; Form action = "getfile.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Br> Type (or select) file name: & lt; Input type = "file" name = "upload file" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "upload file" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Code & gt; The second is the php file that handles it: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Process uploaded file & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php print_r ($ _ files); Print "& lt; P & gt; \ n"; Move_uploaded_file ($ _FILES ['uploadfile'] ['tmp_name'], ...

How to create .bat file to run c# code? -

What I want is that: I have AC # code and I create a .bat file on it to create it Wish desktop So when I run a .bat file from the desktop, it should execute the C # code. Is there a way to change the settings or properties of the C # project before compiling to create a .bat file? Run this C # code? Compile the C # code in the console application. Then run this application using the batch file. Create a file on your desktop called batch.bat (or whatever .bat) and put it in the following: @echo off [Full path for your application ] \ [app name]. Exe [no extra parameters] --- Optional ---- In the project properties, the option is to Create Event Put the following in the build command line: echo the echo off & gt; [Path for desktop batchfile] .bet resonance $ (target path)> & gt; [Path for desktop batch file] .bat

.net - Own extensibility layer or MEF/MAF? -

For those who work with application extensibility in NAT, what do you prefer to do - your Extensibility Layer Creating or Using MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) or MF (Management Add-in Framework)? So far, I have used both methods of implementing application extensibility and I like the MEF for the fact that it makes it easier to load existing assemblies directly from the interface to a specific location For a implementation of (interface) for shortness of .NET) What is the benefit of what you see in your specific detail layer priority? What are the disadvantages? MEF has lots of advantages, whatever you have mentioned ... favorability, Modularity, lifelong management, and anything else I want to be available in the first class framework. It has been sent with the framework, so there is nothing to do and you know that it will be in compliance with the implementation. It has been used in VS 2010 so that more commonly the real world example can not be found. MF is... - Using same control in both itemtemplate and edititemtemplate in listview -

I have a list view where usercontrol in each line contains Usercontrol data for both EditItemTemplate and ItemTemplate mode remains the same for its Instead of setting the same user control twice for both user editing and item mode, can I use the itemTemplate usercontrol instance in edititemtemplate anyway? When a row enters editing mode, then the item does not present the template, therefore There is no duplicate rendering ... so you'll have to worry about that line in some way for an example. H.H.

php - How to run a function within an echo call -

It's a quick but simple question, I'm having a bad day and do not know how: What do I need to do ... I am checking the PMD in the URL if it is echoed like this: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _gET ['pmd'])) {echo "and Jerusalem walls; Your name will now appear on our virtual wall. & Lt; br & gt; ; Br & gt; You can also go to the latest news of Israel by going to our news feed below. & Lt; / strong & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & lt; / div & gt; "; } Else {etc ... Why do I need to include it as if to close a tracking pixel. & lt; Img src = "<?php Echo MT_Rend () ;? & gt; volume = 1" height = "1" width = "1" / & Gt; What do I have to do: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _gET ['pmd'])) {echo "div class = \" response \ "& gt; & gt; style = \" width: 350px; Height: 200px; Vertical-Align: Middle; Thank ...

android - Opening a context menu without registering the view -

I registerForContextMenu () ? How to open a context menu for a scene without registering using Overrides onTouchEvent to detect my activity speed, and if I If using registerForContextMenu () , it stops the work. I am locating a long press, so I would like to forward that request to the method that prepares the menu for me, but it does not know that it can work like that. I believe that you manually move your activity to a view at the time of layout initialization You can use the context menu as the provider, and after that, once you see the Call menu, find a long press to call it through your onCreateContextMenu call Just like you register it in a normal way. EDIT: OK, for this, touching the event listener has the same effect. Given this view, the only solution I can think of is to create a hidden scene and that Ask to register the context menu viewer of the scene, and then show a context menu above it, when a long touch real / visible view is seen on it.

Optimizing jquery checkbox script -

I am trying to be better at using Jquery and therefore would like to respond to ways to optimize my script. To summarize the functionality, I have a button to perform the "CheckOl" checkbox and the action on the checked elements. If there is no element, then my button should be disabled and the classroom should also be disabled. If there is only one element checked then the button should not be deactivated, neither the class has been disabled. Thank you in advance $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# checkall') click (function () {$ (this). Parents ('. Table_form: eq (0)'). (': Checkbox'). ET ('check', checked this); ($ (This) .parents ('. Table_form: eq (0) (': Checkbox'). (': Check') {$ ("# delete_selected"). Attr ("disabled AddClass (" disabled ");}}) $ $ (" # delete_selected "). ("# Delete_selected"). Remover ("disabled");} and {$ ("# delete_select...

app engine - how can i increase the datastore item size limit -

How can I increase the datestore item size limit in app engine, which is now only 1 MB? What will happen to this limit if I buy more limits? Thanks Enabling billing will not remove the limit of 1MB unit size , Although this will allow you to use the BlobStore API, where you can store the blops up to the size of 2 GB. These are usually uploaded files, but easily the Pakenan objects can be cooked. While each unit is limited to 1 MB, HTTP requests and responses can be up to 10 MB, so you can handle slightly larger files by spreading the contents of Blobs in many organizations, uploading the file Stitching to distribute and download it together back together.

.net - Help with InternetOpenUrl and InternetReadFile in <WinInet.h> API -

I'm just trying to access a page using WinInet API. Once I have access to it, I want to be able to read the contents in a string. I have already started the root node. I even got what I have so far: hinterter hChildURL = InternetOpenUrl (hInternetRoot, LPCTSTR ("http: // www / ")), tap, 0, 0, 0); After this, I know that in order to actually remove the data, you have to use an internetredfile. Does anyone provide a detailed example of how to do this? I am not particularly familiar with the C-style file functions and by using buffers, please make it easy for me. On another note, should I use a different or more modern Windows API instead? In the long run I have been assigned to develop an app that will act as a customer and send Rick data using the HTTP and HTTPS with the remote server. Am I going on the right track? Edit: To be more specific about the requirements: It should be written in C ++, it should be compatible with Win XP and above, and it on...

Security issue with wordpress website - htaccess -

I did not design the website anymore but a few months ago I had placed an existing website in WordPress for a client. . I have received a call from a customer about my website today, and there is some security problem. Website loads of websites are fixed, but if you try to navigate, it is brought to you from any other page - Even now the NAV is linking to the appropriate page (when you contact us by rollover, link / contact in status bar displays the link as us), but this URL Redirects to. Just wondering if anyone knows what the problem is, and who or who did this and how could it be. How can I fix this? Thank you! OK, I have seen some other problem and found that the .htaccess file was changed in some way. I am thinking that why someone may have done this? FTP Access, WordPad Admin Account or Any Holes in WordPress, Any Ideas? Change your password View more

math - Calculation of the position of an object moving in a circular motion in 3D -

I have an object that is performing a circular motion in the 3D space, at center or circle X: 0 , Y: 0, z: 0 Radius is a variable I know that the object is on the circle ([he calls from his angle] or from the distance that has moved). The circle can be tilted in all 3 directions, so I get three variables for the angle, call them ax, AI and edge. Now I need to calculate where exactly is the object? I need the X, Y and Z coordinates of this. float radius = some value; Float ax = someValue; Float AI = some value; Float az = someValue; Float ar = someValue; // This is representing the angle of the circle object // I have the object x. = Need to know ?; Object.y = ?; Object.z = ?; You need to provide more information to get the exact formula. The answer is that the order you apply to your rotation, which direction you are moving in, and what is the initial orientation of your circle. Also, it would be very easy to calculate the position of the object in a rotation at a time. ...