
Showing posts from January, 2010

What's the correct method to subclass a singleton class in Objective -C? -

I have created a single square and I want to create a square which is the subclass of this singleton class, what is the correct method To do I do not particularly know about Objective-C, but in general singleton sections Preventing subclassing If you have found an example of an example of a base class and subclass, then you can effectively There are two objects, you can provide the value of the base "singleton" class, did you not? As soon as you get two examples, it is not really a singleton ... and separates the possibilities that there are many sub-classes, or many examples are made in the sub-class . Of course you can change your base class, so it's just a way to get to a "default" example, but it's not the same as making a singleton.

c# - Getting exception when calling CryptGetKeyParam -

I am trying to use crypto API (CAPI) to exchange a Diffie Hellman key I am using MSDN documentation. // Step 0) receives the reference, then (! CAPI.CryptAcquireContext (reference this._cryptographicProvider, null, null, CAPI.PROV_DSS_DH, CAPI.CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) HandleWin32Error ( "cryptographic context Unable to get "); // Setp 1) Generate Private Key (! CAPI.CryptGenKey (this._cryptographicProvider, CAPI.CALG_DH_EPHEM, DHKEYSIZE & lt; 16) CAPI.CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | CAPI.CRYPT_PREGEN, this referee. _privateKeyPointer) HandleWin32Error ("Generate Unable to do private cryptographic key "); UIT GSize = 0; CAPI.CryptGetKeyParam (this._privateKeyPointer, CAPI.KP_G, blank, referee GSize, (UIT) 0); Byte [] g = new byte [jeezy]; Var res = CAPI.CryptGetKeyParam (this._privateKeyPointer, CAPI.KP_G, g, referee GSize, (UIT) 0); The first call cryptgetKeyParam works perfectly, i.e. it successfully returns the size of G as 64. Then the code on the last line fails, ne...

jQuery UI dialog - Outer window scrolls while scrolling inside the dialog -

I am using a dialogue to show a page a popup. When I scroll inside the popup and if the scroll bar comes down, parents start scrolling the page. I have created a modal dialog using the following code. // dialog ($ auto_pen: wrong, width: 800, height: 550, minhite: 500, macecite: 800, minwheat: 500, maxwidth: 900, modal: true, Button: {"cancel": function () {$ (this) .dialog ("off");}}}) $ ('# addNewItems'). (Function () {var currentURL = getURLOfCurrentPage () ; $ ('# Dialog') dialog ('open'); $ ("# dialog") dialog ("option" "width", 800); $ ("# dialog"). $ ("Option", "Dragable", Wrong); $ ("Option", "Model", True); $ ("# Dialog") Dialog ("Options", " $ ("Option", "title", "my title"); $ ("# modalIframeId"). Etter ("src", "http: // MyUrl "); Return Back;}); This is ...

Converting C to Delphi - Guidance -

I am converting low level C library to Delphi. I think there are so many people that I think that it is normal in C world. I think I am safe to throw them out. The integer is only 32 bits. What do you think? If I change it into object etc. what can be the overhead of OOP? Similarly, I want to know the cost of trying .. Finally and the exception. Give me a tip that you think will be useful. Likewise, I want to know the cost of trying. Finally and the exception. Try the cost ... In the end, it is careless except for tight ends (keeping them around and not in the loop) The cost of a try ... Apart from this, there is a lot more to use them to answer those exceptions, but when you can actually do some meaningful action such as the exception Because of the counter, working on certain specific information that will be lost at a higher level in your app, etc. Otherwise, propagate exceptions to the caller of your code, so that it can (finally) be caught at a more gen...

c++ - destructor is never called -

Sorry for my intensification, in short, ~ CSArray () is working, but the interface is The implementation was in different files of the class, so the mistake is Make sure you declare your killer In the virtual base class.

c# - Will the Factory Pattern solve my problem? -

I need to create some objects that implement a given interface, where the type of concrete implementation is being made NUm Value This problem (C #) is OK: public enum ProductCategory {modem, keyboard, monitor} public class SerialNumberValidatorFactory () {Public IserialNumberValidator CreateValidator (ProductCategory productCategory) { Switch (productCategory) {Case ProductCategory.Modem: New ModemSerialNumberValidator (); Case ProductCategory.Keyboard: New Keyboard Back SerialNumberValidator (); Case ProductCategory.Monitor: New Monitor SerialNumberValidator Return (); Default: New Logic Expression ("Product Type"), string.format ("Product category serial number is not supported for verification: {0}", productCategory))}} But, what happens if concrete implementations have different constructor logic? I can not go into all the values ​​for the SerialNumberValidatorFactory.CreateValidator () method, so how do I proceed? I'm going to solve this by... - gridview editing without using datasource control -

I'm looking for gridview for some common examples like displaying, editing, deleting, paging, sorting, batch updates Etc., but without the use of any data source controls, I want to pair the data into the code in the custom object collection. All the samples found on the web so far use some data source control, I think enterprise applications should not use this pattern. In my solution, objects only have business logic and no data access codes. Instead, I use manager objects to do this. If you have an example of a Gridview that works normal without using any data source control, can you share them? It will be very helpful. Thank you.

windows ce - Which is the first build comand to be used after a fresh installation of VS2005 and platform builder -

I have installed VS2005, then PB with all R1 and R2 and other releases. Now I select one of the new OS Project BSP default installs. Set it to release Next What ... What to Do to Choose from the Build Menu Please note that anyone on this PC Also the OS is the first build. SYSGEN is the next step.

how to create test plan in jmeter -

I'm starting at Jmter, I try to make a test plan for the test website ( I am doing ), But I do not know what the name of the server is here? And do I need an HTI request for this? Thank you anyway wait It has been explained in all.

windows - Calling .NET from Perl -

I have a Perl script and need to call a method that is in a .NET assembly. I found it, but it is very much involved for a Perl script so I did not use it. I've finished writing a trivial .NET console app as a cover for the call and using my Pearl script by Console.In / Console.Out / IPC :: Open2 . Need to communicate with / P> This became problematic because the .NET's StreamReader.ReadToEnd method was not able to detect the end of the file on Console.In , my Even after the pipe closes at the end of the Pearl script! I have terminated the solution for my purposes, but is there a better way to call .NET than Pearl? "StreamReader.ReadToEnd method is able to detect end-of-file on console " You think that is capable of interfacing with .net. But you have called on console input it can be problematic, even a part of why it is without pearl: ReadToEnd assumes that the stream knows that it The end is reached for interactive protocols, in which the ...

Spring map entries versus resources -

एक कारखाना बीन पर विचार करें। इसमें मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; प्रकार की एक एकल संपत्ति होती है। यह 'ऑस्टिंग ऑफ रिसोर्स' के लिए सभी ऑब्जेक्ट्स को ध्यानपूर्वक जांचता है और संसाधन संसाधन को उचित रूप से देखता है। मैं इस बीन की तरह कॉन्फ़िगर करता हूं: & lt; bean id = 'fact' class = 'my.class' & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = 'नक्शा' & gt; & LT; नक्शा & gt; & Lt; प्रविष्टि कुंजी = "x" मान = "फ़ाइल: /WEB-INF/foo.txt" / & gt; & Lt; / नक्शा & gt; & Lt; / संपत्ति & gt; & Lt; / सेम ​​& gt; डीबगर में, मैं देखता हूं कि संपत्ति के लिए सेटर को मानचित्र के साथ बुलाया जाता है, और मान एक फ़ाइल के साथ java.lang.String है: अभी भी उस पर बैठा है। चूंकि सर्वलेट संदर्भ संसाधनों के लिए कोई स्पष्ट उपसर्ग नहीं है, अब मैं आधिकारिक रूप से हैरान हूं। मेरे पिछले प्रश्न में, 'समाधान' वास्तव में बेवकूफ डिफ़ॉल्ट कॉन्फ़िगरेशन को सही करने के लिए निकला मेवेन-जेटी-प्लगिन। फि...

jquery - determine whether dropdownlist is selected or not -

Trying to send post data via AJAX - Code has tried so far, var $ input = $ ('# myform: input'); Var values ​​= {}; $ Inputs.each (function (i, region) {if ($ (this) .is (': text')) {// alert ("id:" + + "value:" + field.value) (Value: field = value =) if ($ (this) .is (": radio")) {var v = $ (this) .attr ('checked') if (v == true) {value. Name] = $ (this) .val () //alert($(this).attr('checked '))}} If ($ (this) .is (": checkbox")) {var v = $ ( This) .attr ('checked') if (v == true) {values ​​[] = $ (this) .val () // alert ($ (this) .attr ('checked')) }} Alert ($ (this) .is (": hidden")) ($ (this) .is (": hidden")) {value [] = field.value} // alert ("dropdownlist : "+ $ (This) .is ('option: selected')); //values[] = field.value}); This works fine, but I want to determine whether the dropdown list has been selected or n...

css - How to remove border (outline) around text/input boxes? (Chrome) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब क्या कोई भी यह स्पष्ट कर सकता है कि कैसे निकालना है नारंगी या नीली सीमा (आउटलाइन) पाठ / इनपुट बॉक्स के आस-पास? मुझे लगता है कि यह केवल क्रोम पर ही दिखता है कि इनपुट बॉक्स सक्रिय है यहां इनपुट सीएसएस है जिसका उपयोग मैं कर रहा हूं: इनपुट {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: पारदर्शी; सीमा: 0 पीएक्स ठोस; ऊंचाई: 20 पीएक्स; चौड़ाई: 160px; रंग: # सीसीसी; } इस सीमा को दिखाने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है कि तत्व केंद्रित है (यानी आप इनपुट में टाइप कर सकते हैं या एंट के साथ बटन दबा सकते हैं) आप इसे हटा सकते हैं, हालांकि: textarea: फोकस, इनपुट: फोकस {रूपरेखा: कोई नहीं; } उपयोगकर्ताओं को यह जानने के लिए आप कुछ और तरीका जोड़ना चाहें कि प्रयोक्ता के लिए क्या तत्व कुंजीपटल फ़ोकस है। क्रोम अन्य तत्वों पर हाइलाइट भी लागू करेगा जैसे कि DIV के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया modals उन और अन्य सभी तत्वों पर हाइलाइट को रोकने के लिए, आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं: *: फ़ोकस {रूपरेखा: कोई नहीं; }

javascript - Use <canvas> as a CSS background -

Can I use the canvas element as a CSS background? This is possible in WebKit since 2008, see . & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Div {background: Webkit-canvas (class); Width: 600px; Height: 600px; Border: 2px solid black} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Script type = "app / x-javascript" & gt; Function draw (w, h) {var ctx = document.getCSSCanvasContext ("2d", "square", w, h); Ctx.fillStyle = "RGB (200,0,0)"; Ctx.fillRect (10, 10, 55, 50); Ctx.fillStyle = "RGBA (0, 0, 200, 0.5)"; Ctx.fillRect (30, 30, 55, 50); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body Onload = "Draw (300, 300)" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Currently, there is a feature in Firefox 4, which allows you to use any element (including canvas) as a CSS background: & lt; P id = ...

Android Activity Resize -

Which method is needed to change the size of the action on first load? This does not depend on the size of "activity", you have to resize your original container which There is a layout in it You can try the scale animation on your layout to see the effect of the shape again.

Basic Python question: referencing original variable inside for loop? -

Quick, novice Python Scroping question. How can I ensure that the original variable changes in the loop given below? In other words, I print > To print convertible print, not original. There is no sign of dragon, okay? Thank you! References Python pointers (conceptual level) instead and objects. What you want to do is assign the new value of the name to some name that exists after the loop. Loop Open and use each name where you need it, like name_level_1_translated = util.translate ( "iw", "en", name_level_1.encode ( 'utf-8')) print name_level_1_translated Name_level_2_translated = use.translate ( "iw", "en", name_level_2.encode ( 'utf-8')) do_stuff (name_level_2_translated) or If you are going to use each of the same names, just create a list and use that place. names = [name_level_1, name_level_2, to name name_level_3, name_level_4] translated_names = [util.translate ( "iw", "en...

vertical alignment - Vertically centering an anchor within spans and li with css -

I'm using the jQuery tab, and I've added some spans for the tab header so that I use the background image You can markup here: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab_outer' & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab_on_' & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab' & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Order Info" & gt; Order information & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab_outer' & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab_on_' & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab' & gt; & Lt; A href = "#note" & gt; Notes & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'tab_outer' & gt; & Lt; Span class = ...

unit testing - How to create a test for Fluent nHibernate conventions? -

I am creating one. I create some conventions like primary key, foreign key, and several-to-many tables I do I want to be able to test these conventions in the memory database to see if I have coded these conventions correctly. Currently, I'm such a Skyuelaiti setting N Heibrnet using in-memory database: Configuration configuration = NULL; Var Factory = FluLi.Configure () .Database (SQLType Configuration Standard.InMemory (.) ShowSQL ()). Mappings (M = & gt; {M. Fulent mappings. Adfremassankaf & lt; Dataleyr & gt; (); m. Fulent mappings. Consenshn. Adfrem Alaskaof and LT; Detalayr & gt; ();}) Kanupryog configuration (( C) => Configuration = C). BuilderSecurity (); Var session = factory. Open (); Var export = new schemaxport (configuration); Export.Execute (true, true, wrong, session. Connection, zero); I am making a test case, but I do not have a test of naming convention. How can I get some unit tests in conventions using the Visual Studio Test Proj...

c - How to take a moving mean of an array -

Can someone help me with this problem because I have spent time without doing any work. I have data in an array of shapes which say 3O I want to take the first five elements of the array, they get the value. Store the value in another array Again, by looking at the mean value of 5 elements, go to the second element of the array. Stop the value in the array as above. Then pay attention to the third element, do the same thing over the last element which is 30 in this case. float tabdata [] = {1,2,3,4, ..., 30}; Four * store; Float yoga; For (Int j = 0; j & lt; tab data [30-1]; J ++) Yoga + taborda [ja]; If (J = 5) {float means = sum / 5; Shop [j] = mean; Yoga = 0; For (i = j; i & gt; tab data [30-1]; i ++) yoga + = tabata [i]; If (j = 5) ------- .... Need help completing this loop. Just add 1/5 in the next step and subtract 1/5 in the current window in each stage. The only thing you need to worry about is the floating point exact.

javascript - how to disable image selection using jQuery? -

When we drag on an image, the image is selected. How do I use jquery or javascript to make this selection? I am trying to create a custom image crop script. I tried e.preventDefault () but it is not working in IE6, please thanks There are some CSS properties -webkit-user-select: none; And select -mose-user: none

python - Get the current date as the default argument for a method -

मेरे पास एक विधि है: def do_something (वर्ष = ?, माह = ?): पास मुझे वर्ष और माह तर्क वैकल्पिक होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि उनका डिफ़ॉल्ट चालू वर्ष के बराबर हो और महीना। मैंने विधि घोषित करने से पहले दो चर को सेट करने के बारे में सोचा है, लेकिन प्रक्रिया का यह हिस्सा महीनों तक चल सकता है। इसे गतिशील होने की आवश्यकता है। ऐसा लगता है कि यह कठिन नहीं होना चाहिए, लेकिन आज मैं एक मानसिक ब्लॉक कर रहा हूँ आप इसे कैसे करेंगे? यहाँ मुहावरेदार दृष्टिकोण को कोई भी को डिफ़ॉल्ट मान के रूप में असाइन करना होगा, और फिर विधि के भीतर पुन: असाइन करना होगा यदि मान अभी भी कोई नहीं : def do_something (वर्ष = कोई नहीं, महीना = कोई नहीं): यदि वर्ष कोई नहीं है: वर्ष = () । साल अगर कोई भी नहीं है: महीना = ()। महीने # चीज़ें करते हैं ... आपको लगता है कि आप डीईएफ़ do_something (वर्ष = ()। वर्ष) , लेकिन वह मान कैश करेगा ताकि वर्ष सभी कॉल में do_something पर एक जैसा होगा। इस अवधारणा को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए: ...

c# - Calling Close() on Service Proxy blocks after One Way WCF call -

I have a simple fire and forget the service which works fine and does not block though, I try to close the proxy, until one-way calls will be blocked until the call is completed. Is this the expected behavior? Customer code: var serviceProxy = New MyServiceProxy (); ServiceProxy.OneWayCall (); ServiceProxy.Close (); // OneWayCall () has reached this block [Service] Service: [Communication of Service] Public Interface IMI Service {{Operation Contract (ISOOVA = True) )) Zero Vanqual (); } [Service Behavior (Instance Contempt Mode = Instant Contempt Mode. Single)] Public Class MySerary: IMISvirvi {Public Zero Innovative} {// Stuff and Cheese}} Yes - your service is to be based on binding / configuration and if you are using sessions in any manner below for information about the configuration Given link See who should block: Hope

bash - POSIX shell like implementation in Java -

Is there any address to implement POSISSL like scripting for scripting things? > If this is not available, does anyone know whether any ANLR or Residential Vocabulary is available anywhere which I can remember? Edit: I know that I have Javascript available for Jethon, Djerobi, Groove, scripting, but none of them Not like the creation. It will not be used for scripting Java code, but allowing people to manipulate a predefined command that manipulate with a large third party media asset management system. I would like to run such things: ls. Grep "something" & gt; Output Where ls and grep will be Java commands (this is just for example) Thanks Opening POSIX (I think that you have a Bash-like) syntax is quite complex, there is no clear separation between Lexing and Parsing. Hardly any backtracking is required for parsing on the other hand. So a parser generator can not help too much. Edit because you have clarified that you want...

Which of the actively developed Delphi components still support Kylix? -

I have recently been reading about CrossKylix, but for most uses, consider some 3rd party components So I would like to know which of the actively developed components still supports the Kylix. Several partial or complete Kylix support came back in the day, but I have not kept anything updated, and IFDEF-ed Therefore, ideally, I use real apps and Want a report of people with practical experience This may be of interest to users, who are hoping to release Delphi's future cross platforms, which have been announced, as well as the current Chelx / CrossKelix users. I think that and still Kylix has support at least they still have full code of Kylix Mentioned. . You can also browse Select the category in the left menu and see if there are active projects.

Limit SQL query result in MySQL -

मैं MySQL में लाने वाली पंक्तियों की मात्रा को सीमित करना चाहूंगा ex: पहली क्वेरी मैं केवल पहले 10,000 रिकॉर्ड प्राप्त करना चाहूंगा दूसरी क्वेरी मैं चाहूंगा आदि शब्द से केवल रिकॉर्वर प्राप्त करें आप "पृष्ठ पर अंक लगाना" की तलाश कर रहे हैं। दुर्भाग्य से, यह एसक्यूएल इंजन के आधार पर अलग ढंग से किया जाता है। एमएस SQL ​​सर्वर के लिए, यह देखें। चूंकि आपने मायएसक्यूएल का उल्लेख किया है, यह वास्तव में बहुत सरल है: सेलेक्ट [कॉलम] से [एक टेबल] LIMIT 10000 SELECT [कॉलम] से [एक टेबल] LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 10000 पहला वक्तव्य 1-10,000 परिणामों को प्राप्त करता है, और दूसरा कथन परिणाम 10,001-20,000 तक लाता है।

c# - Navigation menu for a standalone WPF application -

I'm just starting with wpf (in mix 4) and I would like to create an application that includes a The side menu contains the content. What I want under the File menu is something like 2010 word if you click on the menu on the left, accordingly the contents of the change on the right side I have a page in a frame page Have read about the nesting of XML and have changed the frame navigation source to each page. Is it true? When I do this, a navigation bar appears at the top, I can get rid of that easy but it seems like I'm taking the wrong path on what I want to achieve. Thank you in advance. To just chime it, TabControl and frames - Based solutions are at the peak of both a spectrum tab control tab affects a very close coupling between the state and the displayed UI (for example, you may find it difficult to change the dialog for which there is no clear Tab object is not), while enabling frame relatively loose coupling But may Overkill for this situation, because it...

WCF integration testing in TeamCity -

I want my integration test to run in each commute in TeamCity. What's the best way to run automatically for my WCF service test? The WCF service is part of a solution that has been tested. Currently, I self-host the service in tests. host = new ServiceHost (typeof (...), URL); But I can not implement my actual IIS configuration file in this case. I could duplicate the settings with the code, but I rather not. What are the best practices for continuous integration and WCF testing? Note: I have seen WCFStorm and SoupUI but they are GUI based apps. I create a service host class in my test project which starts on the assembly of the test project Hosts self service I want to invite [Test class] Internal category service host {Private stationary service host In the examination I use ChannelFactory to start the service. I re-shut the service on AssemblyCleanup Try {ChannelFile Please give the exam project with your relevant settings to relevant settings s...

iphone - Get on screen coordinates of a certain UITableViewCell? -

So, I have this UITableView . It's in an iPad application. Some cells have a helper Button is (small round arrows). When it is pressed, I present a popover view where the user can pick actions related to those table cells that he touched. By now, nothing is difficult or extraordinary. But pop up view wants to know where it comes from, so that it can attract small arrows pointing at there. I would naturally like that arrow, which is related to popup in the table cell. How can I find the current on screen coordinates for a fixed cell on the table, provided I know it's IndexPath? Use the UITableView method -rightForRowAtIndexPath: . Note that the table gives a text within the coordinate system of the view - if you need leak of any other view in the same window, use the UIView method -convertRect: fromView: .

reporting services - How to restore Override Default button for default value in SSRS parameters configuration -

If I click the override default button, a text box appears. How do I get back the override default button? Re-report that folder, and the default settings ( And therefore the option to override them) will be restored.

tortoisesvn - Access 2007 Visual Basic Code Subversioning -

Whether there is a way to version of the VBA module inside an Access 2007 database, or I export the code and keep it Is different from database and maintains two separate copies? MS Access has an MSCCCI interface that you can connect to any MSCACCI in any source control system Is the interface. Many of them do for example the agent for SVN is SSVN or Visual SVN. Download and install Access 2007 Developer Extensions, and choose Source Code Control from your installed SCC providers. Uses Source Control Access Save Text / Loadprom text methods in MS Access. All the latest versions of the entry use VBA objects to keep the VBA module, they are not stored basically in the database, so you can only record each module, as you used to do. There are mixed reports about using integrated source controls in MS Access. Your match may be different. On a historical note, multi-user, multi-process relational databases are ideal for ensuring collaboration in source code. According to so...

transparency - Android API Demos 8 Translucent the class is doesn't do anything -

Transcend activity. Java does not do anything. There is no transit, nothing special about it, it only shows an activity screen. What's wrong in the sample, this is a question. // System behind this one is blurring any window GetWindow (). Setflag (Window Manager. LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); And it shows what this claim is about to show. But there is nothing, which I am asking, nothing has been done in TranslucentActivity.

html - page-break-inside:avoid equivalent for Firefox and/or IE -

I understand that css page-break-in: avoid instructions to stop a page For an HTML document is printed when broken within a div. Through the search of the Internet, I have found that it is supported only by opera and IE8, is there any work that requires me to stop page breaks in Firefox (3.6) or IE versions less than 8? Sorry, my answer is "not possible", although I like it if someone proves me wrong Can do. I have recently participated in the same problem, and after doing a bit of research, I decided that page-break-through: always; P>

bash - How would you group a number of lines? -

मान लें कि आपके पास निम्न है। यह 3 अद्वितीय हिट माना जाता है यह अंतर करने का तरीका यह है कि लगातार समान आईपी एक के रूप में गिना जाए आप फ़ाइल के माध्यम से कैसे लूप करेंगे और तदनुसार गिनेंगे? यदि आपका uniq मेरी तरह है, और अनुक्रम में केवल समान स्ट्रिंग्स काम करता है , बस अपने uniq : फ़ाइल से पहले सॉर्ट नहीं करें foo.txt: 192.168। 0.102 और: $ बिल्ली foo.txt | Uniq -c संपादित करें: क्या मैं खुद को एक पुरस्कार दे सकता / सकती हूं? $ uniq -c foo.txt / संपादित करें आउटपुट: 3 2 1

forms - Rails: Keep params after a submit -

Suppose you had a web app, where people can add links, links to your website and website links, which they say are 'city. The submission form is the same in both cases, when they submit the domain of the link. If the user is submitting from the list of their own registered websites, then they will receive a drop-down list of their websites. If the user is submitting a link, then the user types the domain in an area whose value I get in the "link" model through attr_accessor. The "link" model then executes a find_or_create method on that domain. My solution is unsatisfactory now: when the user clicks on "submit link", then I prompt = other in the URL and then conditionally: & Lt;% If the consultation [: other] == "expedited"%> & Lt; Div class = "prompt_form" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; This link is for: & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Span class = "blue_button" & gt; & Lt;% = link_to ...

windows - NTFS Filesystem Time -

I tested it on Windows XP. If I do Write the file. Close the file. (Then, the last time of the file has changed) But if set the last file time of the file. Check the time by calling GetFileTime (Then, the final version of the file changes Sleep in 20 seconds. Write the file. Sleep 20 seconds. Close the file. Check time by calling GetFileTime (process 5 time has never been applied. Why? ) Edit : Wstring filename = L "D: \\ testfile.txt"; Handle H = Make FileW (Filename. Cstr), generic_write | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); FILETIME ft1, ft2, ft3; If (GetFileTime (H, FT1, and FT2, and FT3)) {return; } Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Ft3.dwHighDateTime & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl & lt; & Lt; Ft3.dwLowDateTime & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Ft1.dwLowDateTime = 1000000; If (Setfiletime (H, FT1, and FT1, and FT1)) {return; } If (GetFileTime (H, FT1, & FT2, and FT3))...

stream - How to read a char[] object into a -

I have a D program with Tango and I am trying to uncompress a gimp string. Unfortunately I do not have any of its streams, but the compressed data is stored in char [] . I get it tonkos tango.o.o. How can I uncompressed using the .compress.zlbstream ? I need another char [] with uncompressed data I am trying today for these hours. I am not very familiar with Tango. Thanks Edit: My code looks something like this: four [] rawData; // Decode data goes here array array = new array (E.W. 4. (E.value.length-3)]); // E.View is a four [] piece of array, four is cast [] "H4sIAAAAAAAAA2NkYGBgHMWDBgMAJW2X0pABAAA =" // array.readable Returns 40 (matches the above string) // Decode string expected to be repetition of 33 "AQAAAAEAAAABAAAA" // "AQAAAA ==" Auto Reader = after the new ZlibInput (array); Ubyte [1024] buffer; (buffer); // throws in Z_DATA_ERROR Good, it never appears, The file format was designed, by compressing the data,...

c# - if else Statement in stored procedure? -

I have this stored procedure that gets data from excellence and then updates the situation: ALTER process [DBO]. Start as [Sp_AllocateSerial] @Limit int, @Part varchar (50), @Status varchar (50) - SET added to prevent additional set result on NOCOUNT - Interference with SELECT statement. Set nosenate on; - Include statement for the process here SELECT TOP (@LIMIT) is the partner number, serial number, batch, location, palette number, position dbo.fg_filin where position = 'FG-Fresh' and Partnumber = @part order Part Time & / Code> / Pre> Now: If my serial number status has been allocated then I want to show an error message that the serial has already been allocated. Try something like this that I use mostly fake values ​​so that you can get your environment Have to change. if not existing serial number where serial number = @ circle number and status = 'allocated') // logic, if serial number is not allocated END ELSE BEGIN // serial Number ...

objective c - How to prompt and wait for next command in order to continue -

I have created a command line tool that parses JSD from reddit front page. After being able to successfully submit the Submission titles list; I would like to be able to indicate the numerical selection and wait to go deeper in the post. BTW, I am new to language and I am making it for fun. I really do not know how to ask this question properly because I have not ever developed for a compiler. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> what about plain matte 'C: int selection; Taxes {FCEC (STDIN, 0, SEEK_END); Printf ("Select and ID:"); } While (Scan ("% i", and Selection) == 0); Sorry you have no way to check with me. However, you can read man page from your conscience for scanf (and fseek , now I added it - sorry for non-functional snippets already!) . If you want a little exercise, try to figure out why it is necessary to call fseek . Although #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; .

drupal - Custom theme footer problem -

I have completed my theme for duplex, working fine, but not with a site name and slogan But when I changed it to something, got spoiled, my pastor has got an empty space, the top and bottom one, if I close them, I still do not know that no margin is being set. Any suggestions. Have you cleaned all cached data, more specific, theme registry properly?

c# - Sending an exception from thread to main thread? -

I want to pass an exception to the current thread (this thread is not the main thread) on the main thread. Why? Because I check my hard lock in any other thread (check that thread to check), and when hardlock is not accessible or invalid, then I can make an exception which is by itself Defines it and then it throws an exception. Br> So this exception does not work properly; Your best bet is to replace thread with > task (. New in .NET 4.0) Tasks class handles the appropriate Marshal of the exception to examine the outcome of the work. If you want to use it then Net 4.0 is not possible, so one of CoreEx.dll has an exception. Preferences Forrotho extension method that keeps the call stack safe for exceptions. You can use it to martial the exception of another code with the help of malio SynchronizationContext .

Should IDE project files be put under source control? -

It may be boiling for opinions: I think if the project files (created and used by IDE Files and compilers) should be included in Source Control Treasuries. Are there some cases where they should not and should not? EDIT: Let me tell you the reason I am asking because I'm looking at some lists of files to be ignored by git while using Visual Studio - some of these lists There is a project file and nothing else. A simple question: two you need to make them their code ? If not, then they are not artifacts, no source files, and there is no place in the source control system. Things like your editor color preferences or keybindings are not part of the build system. Compiler flags and so on. We everything which is necessary to build, under the operating system install disk and necessary configuration. Anus-keeper is also not coming close to narrating us :-) If we can store the hardware, then we will have to store the details of the hardware space details. We sometime...

jquery - how to make a 'forward' button using jqtouch -

I can create a 'back' button, Use it only to add 'back' Thanks But like the 'list' in the next crop, how to click the 'next' button, right clicking on that slide. class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You have to style some of your own CSS, Although & lt; Div class = "toolbar" & gt; & Lt; One square = "button back" href = "#" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; An id = "someId" class = "button slide list button" href = "# targetPage" & gt; List & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; will work with a bit of CSS ... (i.e. you are going to get a rectangular button by default, you need a button which is a mirror back button, behind How to see the button CSS Edit: I changed the href so that it could automatically go to the tabet page otherwise you need to add an ID to the "Slide" class, and then add some ...

vb6 - connect to the SQL instance Using Vb 6.0 -

How can I connect with SBO vb6.0 using SMO thanks I do not think you can because Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll is not an ActiveX DLL, Depending on what you want to do, you can complete it using SQLMMO. Unfortunately Microsoft is ending support for SQLDMO after SQL7. You can read more at

android - Git for Peer to Peer content distribution network -

Is such a git using GIT? I would like to distribute some multimedia content to a server I would like to send back a log file with the device usage statistics (I will write through an Android app) . The server may be anything but I would prefer a Linux box. I thought that since the only difference between the GIT handle and the files, the only difference will be a good tool for this purpose and I will have a material revision history in the form of bonuses. I recommend how repository architecture can be organized: should it be a star topology or something different? The system's remote end does not need any interactivity, in other words, the remote GIT can pull the repository and it can be done automatically and automatically, whatever it may be. Update: I'm talking about the author of git internals (I'm downloading it now), Scott Chacon I would like to apply the architecture Update 2: OK, I read the chapter about "the use of non-SCM GIT" an...

mysql - xampp - connecting to a local database from another local machine inside a LAN -

I am using XAMPP to create php projects. My system is: name = con7 and local ip = is another system: name = con12 and local ip = I want to connect con7 to a database in con12. I have read that we need to allow access to the host (IP) that connects to a different machine such as an access host in the CAPNL-> database (the control panel for Linux hosting) Is trying. I have access to that system because that person (Con7) enters data and manipulates me. How to do this Join the remote database to ensure that : The mysql-server has to listen to a public interface (for example eth0) so that access can be done through LAN. The mysql-user must be allowed to connect at least or% (i.e. all hosts) On port 3306 (default MySQL port) tested by Telnet May go. Mysql- The user has read the permissions (write +) for the database Do you want to run a PHP-script that should add the correct credentials to mysql_connect (). If you want to u...

.net - How do I simulate Text input to a WPF TextBox? -

I want to simulate user input in a WPF TextBox. I want to input a character like the OnPreviewTextInput event is triggered. I tried to set text through text property, but it did not trigger the event: public zeros some functions () {var textbox = new textbox (); text box. Text = "A"; } Can I trigger the event clearly? See answer for a good description of the simulation of input events You can also: Text Composition Manager. Start composition (new text composition (present manager, text box, "A")); This will increase the PreviewTextInput event and then will increase the TextInput event and change the text.

javascript - Identify whether the selected text in a web page is bold nor not -

I'm trying to identify whether a selected text (in Firefox) is bold or not? For example: & lt; P & gt; Some & lt; B & gt; Text is typed & lt; / B & gt; Here & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Some & lt; Span style = "font-weight: bold" & gt; More text is typed & lt; / Span & gt; Here & lt; / P & gt; The user can either choose a part of bold text or full bold text. Here's what I'm trying to do: is the function selection () {var r = window.get selection (). GetRangeAt (0); // Then what? } Can you help me? Thank you - Srikanth If editing is within an editable element or document , Then it's easy: function selection iSBold () {var isBold = false; If (document.queryCommandState) {isBold = document.queryCommandState ("bold"); } The return is bold; Otherwise, it is a bit trickier: In non-IE browsers, you need to temporarily make the document editable: function selectionI...

Zend Framework: Routing seems to interfere with rendering of Zend_Navigation menu -

मैंने bootstrap.php कोड> $ मार्ग = नया Zend_Controller_Router_Route ('उपयोगकर्ता /: आईडी', सरणी ('नियंत्रक' = & gt; 'उपयोगकर्ता', 'क्रिया' = & gt; 'दृश्य')); $ रूटर- & gt; एड-रूट ('व्यूउज़र', $ मार्ग); जब मैं गोटो / users / 1 की कोशिश करता हूं, और दृश्य स्क्रिप्ट में echo $ page-> getHref () , I get गंभीर त्रुटि: Zend_Controller_Router_Exception: आईडी D: \ ResourceLibrary \ Frameworks \ ZendFramework \ library \ Zend \ View \ Helper \ नेविगेशन \ HelperAbstract.php में निर्दिष्ट नहीं है 522 जब मैं गोटो / users / view / id / 1 की कोशिश करता हूं तो यह ठीक काम करता है। मैं सोच रहा हूँ कि जेड_ नेविगेशन दुर्घटना से मेनू आइटम को राउटिंग की तरह अलग से क्यों पहुंचाएगा? ठीक है, मैं की मदद से समस्या हल करता हूं, मुझे जोड़ना होगा आईडी के लिए एक डिफ़ॉल्ट मान $ route = नया Zend_Controller_Router_Route ('उपयोगकर्ता /: आईडी', सरणी ('नियंत्रक' = & gt; 'उपयोगकर्ता', 'क्रिया...

installshield - Install shield cannot replace locked file -

I use the installed gradient to update the application. I have a ws2003 server, multiple users can use at the same time. When other users run my application, I can run the upgrade process, recognize the shield that the files are locked and the temporary version of the new files (these are app.configs, which are automatic during installation In the application directory). These files should be changed after restarting the computer, although temporary files disappear when I run the computer and the new version of the files is empty, so my app crashes. It is weird because some time ago I used this system to other Very easy solution is to use two executable (or a batch file and executable). First looks for new versions of exe / batch files and gives them names and then real starts exe.

ajax - extjs: nested baseParams in request -

In the frame of an Ajax request, I tried to use the nested object for the parameter I am "baseParams" Basically, I would like to show a URL "ajax.php? Foo [controller] = demo and FUE [action] = index ". produces: "ajax.php? foo = [object] and foo = [object] ". (base parameter: {foo: {controller: demo ', action:' index '}}, proxy: new ({method:' GET ', url : '/ajax.php'}), (...)); Of course, I can write in some way but I was looking for another nifty solution. (Proxy: New ({method: 'GET', url: '/ajax.php?foo[controller]=demo&foo[action]=index'} ), (...)); After some attempts, I wonder if it is actually possible. But maybe I missed something, can you help it? or use something like this (which is better than long URL string): baseParams: {'foo [controller]': 'demo', 'fu [action]': ...

web crawler - How can I gather all links on a site without content? -

I would like to get all the URLs to a site link (on the same domain) without wget without downloading all the content. Is there a way to just list the links, download it? For a little background of what I am using for this, if someone can come up with a better solution: I am trying to create a robots.txt file in which p [4-9 ]. Not all files ending in HTML are included, but robots.txt does not support regular expressions. That's why I am trying to get all the links and then running a regular expression against them and putting the result in robots.txt. Any ideas? My recommendation: Combine wget and gawk into one (very) small shell script. There is a good overview of AWK on Wikipedia:

c# - Popup when a link is clicked -

is a link I need a popup. But the page is self-load, is shown popup in the bottom of the page I want it to show up only when the link is clicked. Where am I wrong ?? Please help me guys! I am a learner! Thank you very much & lt; CC1: ConfirmButtonExtender DisplayModalPopupID = "ModalPopupExtender4" id = "ConfirmButtonExtender4" runat = "server" TargetControlID = "lnkremoveloc" enabled = "false" OnClientCancel = "RemoveLocations" & gt; & Lt; / CC1: ConfirmButtonExtender & gt; & Lt; CC1: ModalPopupExtender id = "ModalPopupExtender4" OkControlID = "btnDisable" CancelControlID = "btnCancel" BackgroundCssClass = "modalBackground" PopupControlID = "pnlRemove" TargetControlID = "lnkremoveloc" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / CC1: ModalPopupExtender & gt; & Lt; Asp: Panel CssClass = "modalPopup" id = "PnlRemove...

javascript - Can I intercept a function called directly? -

In this code I have created some functions named function. Then I modified the function. Prototype The application and call methods are working instead of my function code, I'm running my interception code (which shows an alert). But neither "call" nor "applicable" direct method hides in the call. Is it possible to stop it? function.prototype call = function () {warning ("call");}; Function.prototype.apply = function () {Warning ("Apply");}; Function Some Functions () {} window.onload = function () { (this); // Call Alert Some functions are shown. Application (this); / / / Some functions that are applied are shown (); // How can I stop it? } You override only a known function by setting another function to its location (Example, you can not stop all the function calls): (function () {// An anonymous function wrapper helps keep you old Some functions are private var Some Functions = Some Functions; someFunction...

C++: inheriting overloaded non-virtual method and virtual method both with the same name causes problem -

I am trying to get two equally named designated methods for the same category with different parameter lists . One of them is virtual and override in the derived class, the other one is non-virtual. By doing so, I receive a compilation error while trying to access the non-virtualization of the base class from the client object I received. Here is the code snippet class base {public: void f () {cout & lt; & Lt; "[Base :: f ()]" & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Virtual Zero (int arg) {cout & lt; & Lt; "[Base: F (" generates the following compile error: Error: No matching function to call for 'Deriv :: f ()' function: Note: Candidates are: Virtual Zero Deriv :: f (int) I am not an expert in C ++, but so far I have been right in making this assumption that members Methods can be completely separated by their signature, non-virtual method base :: F () should not be override and Should be accessible. Am I wrong with this? Here are so...

Make lighttpd load vhosts live? -

My site connects people to their own vhost entries, which point to all the directories in the same directory, but PHP scripts are handled differently. The domain is stored in a MySQL table and when lighttpd starts, it is automatically loaded by running the Python script referenced in the lighttpd config file. But obviously, when someone adds new vhost, then it works only manually Restart Lighttpd is there any way to check light pdide for new VHOTs, or have read them ? I have thought of creating a script which periodically checks for new vhosts and when a change is detected lighttpd restarts, but it is probably a bad It already has a module:

How to update a database used as a source of data by an Android app -

I have an app that uses large amounts of data that has been compiled outside the app (my On the main PC). The app is for my personal use so there are no difficulties in distributing data updates of other users. However, I want to update the data at present, whenever I am following a very complex and time consuming process, and I wonder if anyone can suggest ways to make it easier. Whenever I want to add new data as follows: I enter the data in a new CSV file which is the corresponding table in the database As a source, I use the SQLite database browser to import data into an existing SQLite database (in this program to attach the imported data to the current table Does not have the ability, so whenever a table updates , Then I have to delete the existing table, then import the data from the CSV file into a new table, then manually edit the data type for all the fields in the table.) I drag the icon to the database file on my project 'Assets folder' in Excel ...

c# - PDF Converter for use from .net application -

We have a project where we need to change the following file types in PDF: Application / MS Word. Application / RTF .rtf Application / Application / Ppt Application / vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation.odp Application / vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet.ods Application / vnd.oasis Opendocument text .odt Application / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .pptx Application / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.xlsx Application / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessing Ml.document .docx Application / vnd.sun.xml.calc .sxc Application / vnd.sun.xml.writer .sxw Text / Html .html Text / plain .txt We have found many tools / products, but none can change all formats. We woul D like a device that had a pure API and could take a document as a byte array. Does anyone have any product / equipment they would recommend? We have used Asus tools in many products and th...

Android: How to force a request to use WAP -

On Android, is there any way to make a special request to go through WAP instead of WiFi? I want to turn on WiFi so that it can be used for other connections. Since this post was originally created, the 'possible duplicate' reply was updated has gone. Since Android 2.2 it may be possible that the WAP connection can be turned on and then started using it for a particular connection. take a look at.

c# - How does one get Properties using Reflection, while ignoring the inherited properties? -

There is no big deal to achieve the properties, but I do not want to attain the properties obtained from any other class. Cheers is Experiment with your call to specify properties to receive from the call. For example, without seeing the category of all non-static properties of any kind, you can do this: var properties = theType.GetProperties (BindingFlag.public | Binding flags.Nonopolick | binding flags.ininstance | bindingflag.defixed only);

sql - Dynamic Linked Server Query -

Is it possible to create a dynamic query for the linked server (and if so)? For example: @linked surfer varchar (50) @ var1 varchar (10) @ var2 varchar (10) * choose from openquery (@linked surfer, ' Select c1, from C2 to T1, where p1 = @ var1 and p2 = @ var2 ') Example exec (select 'from openquery * (' + @ linked surfer + ',' select 'c1, c2 to t1, where p1 =' '+ @ Var1 + '' and p2 = '' + @ var2 + '' ') Be sure to save from SQL injection

objective c - iPhone Sdk: Is it possible to add an UIImageView as a file? -

I was just thinking the weather was this one. It is possible to add Uiimageview as a .m and .h class file because you can only select a subclass and a subclass from the UIVUV or the utiwweil in the apple template. Creates M and H files. Is there a way to do it for a UIImageView or is it possible that it is possible for UIViv to "turn" in an image view? Thanks in advance! You can use subclass to UIImageView , yes . And if you are very brave, you can also create your own sub-section of UIView , it takes a UIImage and color in it - ( Zero) Direct: method. So it will be like a UIImageView . But why do you edit subclassing UIImageView UIView Easy, and then by changing the UIImageView word with UIView , so that you get: @interface UIImageViewPlus: UIImageView {/ / ...} All this is there, now just use the UIImageViewPlus You UIImageView .

php - How to wait for a variable to return before the next function starts -

I have a simple task 1 that makes an HTTP request for a Google API and returns $ results then I have If another function is 2, if the $ result isset, then some computing should use the $ result and then return the last final $. . My problem is that the call to Google API takes a few seconds and as a result of the time received by Function 1 by Function 1, Function 2 has already paid $ last payment Have done What I have to do, is to start function 1 completely and return the result of $ 2 before returning the result too. Well I'm looking for a solution that is not just using "sleep" because this function will not guarantee that the $ result is actually back. (Unless there is a way for $ refunds or sleep (1)) Sample code for visual galls and boys function1_geocode ($ addresses ); // This function makes an HTTP request for Google and returns the $ result function2_proximitysearch () {if (isset ($ result)) {// Essentially the script gets until that time, the $ ...

java - Reload Tomcat webapp automatically? -

क्या Web.xml को एक विशेष टॉमकेट वेबपैड को एक विशेष समय पर स्वचालित रूप से पुनः लोड करने के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर किया जा सकता है? यदि नहीं, तो क्या यह संभवतः प्रोग्राम करना है? प्रोग्राम - एक विकल्प एक चींटी स्क्रिप्ट लिखना है ant -dpassword = secret reload > और अपने सर्वर पर एक क्रॉन टैब (यदि यूनिक्स / लिनक्स) या खिड़कियों के लिए विंडोज टास्क शेड्यूलर में डाल दिया है। मैंने देखा है कि आपने अपना प्रश्न कूड़ा संग्रह संग्रहित किया है । यदि आप अत्यधिक जीसी के कारण वेब ऐप को पुनर्व्यवस्थित कर रहे हैं, तो इस पुनः लोड के कारण मूल कारणों से निपटने के लिए बेहतर होगा। मेमोरी लीक की पहचान करने के लिए एक प्रोफाइलर चलाएं। मेमोरी मुद्दे पर संबंधित पढ़ना / जीसी

java - JSP menu design advice -

I'm looking for a horizontal menu in a jsp page - menu items vary according to user but on every page Stay tuned, except for the presence of active tabs, there is a simple enough problem in the site (the format has been modified using CSS) for that user, but I can not decide where to build a menu is . Menu Code: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "url1" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "url2" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; ` As I have seen that there are 3 options to get the menu item: The first time any administrator receives an HTTP request To store two arrays in the session - [url1, url2] and [item 1, item 2]. Then make all JSP pages in the next code. To enter the active ID, the URL must be known to make JSP against the [url1, url2] array. Create the above ...

pymssql - How do I use SQL parameters with python? -

I have Python 2.7 and above. I am using. To query the database, I will do something like .net: Use (SQL Commands Com = New SQL Commands ("Choose from the Customer, Where Customer ID = @CustomMedia ", Connection)) {com.Parameters.AddWithValue (" @ Customer ID ", Customer ID); // something with the command} I'm trying to understand what is equivalent to the python and more specifically, pymssql I realize that I can only format the string, though It does not seem that there is no problem in avoiding the parameters as well (I may be wrong on that). How can I do this in Python? After creating a connection object db : Cursor = db.execute ('Select customer from customer, where customer id =% s', [customer_id]) then fetch ... Use any of the methods cursor of the object % s : This string is not formatting, this parameter replacement (different DB API module parameters use different syntax for replacement - pymssql is just unfortu...

windows - SQL Server 2008 enterprise setup and virtual memory -

Hi, we have a server with 32 cores and 256 GB RAM, we are using it with SQL. Server 2008 Enterprise on Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise At present Windows has automatically assigned a swap file of 256 GB which seems highly. Is it advisable to do something like 32 GB to force the swapfile to use the physical ram to the hard boundary? Is this a swap file or is it a hibernate file? The answer is expected to work on the machine depending on the job. You feel that the Windows swap file does not touch much because you have enough physical memory available. There will be an approach to cut swap file allocation in half, then make sure that it is still running fine, then use inbuilt performance monitoring tools, then again see half swap allocation after the steady period. But is this really a problem? With a machine like you probably have a good part of the hard drive space, and I suspect that they will be slow old 5400 RPM drives :)

Wordpress multisite, domain mapping www issue -

Hey, there I installed the WordPress multisite and domain mapping plugin. The problem is with www ... if I set up multisite without www and I use the site without www, everything works fine but if I use it without www So, it redirects to the main site. Why any thoughts? Ty Maybe it can help you Edit: Actually, I found a non-coding easy solution. In the 'Super Administrator -> Domain' page, add www to both. And non-www. Domain version, but if you want to use primarily for www, select the box for 'Primary' or non-www. And both of them will be assigned to the blog.

scp - Is there an easy way to copy files between servers using aptana? -

I have two Ubuntu servers, one is my development box, another is a production system, although they are not the same. Specifically, the MySQL server is on a remote server from production, whereas on Dev System it is on the local host. Basically it means that I can use a clone of mostly dev systems, but if I just sync the file system the production system is broken. In addition to this, I am using Aptana (highly recommended, BTW) till recently, I had a local copy of my development system as a project, but I only have to reformat Had it I am not using a local project anymore, but instead I am using SFTP to connect to my Dev System and I am just editing the files there. So far, I'm just scipping the files for which I need to update the production server from my local project, but I do not like it in a way I can restore it if necessary. My question (short form): Is it easy to use Apatana to copy files from a remote system? Tim, You currently have to use a local project...

android - How can I know which childview is shown on the current Device screen in a scrollview? -

How do I know which childviewview is shown on the current device screen in ScrollView? I want to create an unlimited ruler app, so when the scene is to flip I need to dynamically add and delete in view, but I can find out how and where to find that the current device screen Which childview view has been shown, so I can add or remove the correct view "itemprop =" text "> I have also completed this problem you getlocalonscreen f For example: 1. view.Glaloclokrune (xy); // xy [0] is the x axis, xy [1] ] Is y axis 2. int nScreenWid = getwindowsmanager (). Getdefaultdisplay (). Getwidth (); Int nScreenHei = getwindowsmanager (). Getdefaultdisplay (). GetHeight (); 3. if (xy [0]> nscreenWid) {// Your view beyond x axis Is} if (xi [1]> gtxxxhei) {// beyond y axis}

database - How to determine value of DbGrid cell during OnMouseMove event -

I have an on-house main event, during which I want to get the value of some cells (not underneath the mouse) . In fact, the question is how can the cell be used, using the X and Y coordinates without the selection, changing the focus etc? Toffig, you can use the MouseCoord process to get the current row and call To show the value of the status [Col., line] , you must set the value to the value of the property and create a new class descendant to use the protected property. Check this code type THackGrid = class (TCustomDBGrid); // Create a new class to access the protected property process TForm1.DBGrid1MouseMove (Sender: Tubect; ​​shift: TIFFTTSTATE; x, y: integer); Var Cell: Tigrid Coord; Line, col: integer; OrigActiveRecord: integer; inherited from; Cell: = DBGrid1.MouseCoord (X, Y); Colonel: = Cell. X; Line: = cell why; If DGITITALS in DBibrite 1 Option then dec (line); // If the headings are shown adjust the Row Index (-1); If DGIdactor in DB Grid 1 The alternativ...

Hibernate query result -

मेरे पास मेरे आवेदन में निम्न क्वेरी है: v सार्वजनिक सूची getLocation (स्ट्रिंग आईडी ) {वस्तु वस्तु = नल; कोशिश {org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction (); क्वेरी q = सत्र .createQuery ("एन्ट्रान्सेस्टोलोकेशंस से ईएल के रूप में ईएल छोड़ें। एन्ट्रेंस जैसे ई बाएं EL.location को एल के रूप में जोड़ते हैं एल =" + आईडी); वस्तु = (सूची) q.list (); } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {e.printStackTrace (); } वापसी वस्तु; } इस क्वेरी का परिणाम एक सूची है। Entrancestolocations स्थान और प्रवेश द्वार के लिए विदेशी कुंजी के साथ एक मेज है। मुझे यह नहीं पता है कि इन सूची के तत्वों को बिना अनुक्रमित किए कैसे उपयोग किया जाए, क्योंकि मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं किस तरह की वस्तुओं का व्यवहार करता हूं कार्यान्वयन गड़बड़ है - इसे सही ढंग से कैसे करना है? किसी अनुप्रयोग में उन्हें उपयोग करने के लिए डेटाबेस से विभिन्न तालिकाओं के डेटा को संग्रहीत करने के लिए मुझे किस प्रकार का ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करना चाहिए? मदद के लिए धन्यवाद! मैंने केवल सीतनिद्रा में होना के साथ एक महीने के लिए काम किया लेकिन...

ajax - Any alternate of drupal_json for non-JSON output -

In an AJAX call in Drupal it is recommended to use drupal_json () to send data to the client in general. This function converts raw data into JSON with HTML encoding. I want to send HTML data without encoding to the client. For this, I am using the following code: print $ html_output; Exit (0); Is there any recommendation or best way to do this? If you have only returned HTML output from the menu callback, then the following code is correct: print $ html_output; Module_invoke_all ('exit'); Go out(); If you want DROP to block your output output normally, then the code will need to be changed to: back $ html_output;

installation - Can I install Visual Studio 2005 on my machine over 2010 -

Do I want to install Visual Studio 2005 on my machine which already has Visual Studio 2010? Please help me India It can be done easily - in my other laptop VS 2005, 2008, and 2010 are placed on the same drive. Two versions should not interfere with each other in Visual Studio also has "version selector" which is registered as a handler for project and software files, and for the projects that IIRC is currently in V.S. Should launch the correct version of But even if this does not happen, you can always right-click and "open with ...".

Can Visual Studio Lightswitch connect to an oracle database? -

SQL-server can use to all the demo, it's possible that Visual Studio Laitscit data from Oracle? Visual Studio Laitsvich can be maintained in an Oracle database via the entity framework. Oracle Data Provider (ODP. NET) Oracle Odisi Equipment Data Oracle for use with Visual Studio applications Providers (ODP.Net) are included. The Oracle's latest drivers, with the support of the unit framework 4.1 and "model first" approach Edit: I'm not sure whether it supports "Code-First" or EF 4.2. He said, It is free and supported by Oracle so I strongly suggest starting with your own rolling, or open source providers / drivers before using it. Note: " Release 4" will cut it, but "" is more stable outside. Third-party drivers are available for purchase: Open source provider In addition there are some open source options available - one I found on Github: Tutorial on