java - NoClassDefFoundError when running Facebook official example -
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I try to use official Android SDK () I install SDK and try to run an example
First of all, it failed on "build" This can not be found in the Facebook SDK, so I follow the steps found in the SDK page.
Add dependencies to the Facebook Android SDK library on your app:
- From the File menu, select "Properties"
< Li> Once the project properties are- In the "Library" section below, click "Add ..." and select the Facebook SDK project
- Open the Android section, more info See for
I check the link at # 4, it's a Mac OS X version Ex It displays the ips, which is the library segment, but on my Vista PC, with the Eclipse 3.5.2, there is no library section in it ...
I try to add the Facebook SDK to the Java Build Path. Now it can "build" on both the emulator and the device. However, once it started, this accident shows the logcat:
Error / AndroidRuntime (518): java.lang.NoClassDefFound error:
< P> -)I almost searched about the "NoClassDefFoundError" program, but it appears that the external JRS files are being solved with those solutions, I have no problem connecting other jar files. , And this is not a Facebook SDK jar ...
I clean, rebuild, delete everything and re-con Try to fall, but can not yet solve the problem.
This exception is thrown when no class could be found at runtime Even though it was available when the program was compiled. You need to double check that the SDK jar in the launch configuration is available for the program. This device contains physically present jars
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