tsql - Null or empty full-text predicate -
When I found a solution to resolve the zero value supply variable.And @keyword I by the installation of @keyword An error occurred when the value '' '' occurs when the value is set to '' '' and no results are displayed when you run the query, it must display all records how can I do this?
@keyword nvarchar declared (50) set @ keyword = '"' 'to help users from u.Id Wherever you go to FREETEXT (the keyword first, last name, MiddleName) @ certification c union selection c.AId Where FREETEXT (certification, school), @ keyword) UNION SELECT ad.AId Advertiser Details from AD FREETEXT ((City, UNITED SELECTED EB. EducationalBackground EB: Where FREETEXT ((school, fieldofStudy, @keyword) UNION SELECTED ed.AId from EmploymentDetails AD FREETEXT ((Status, DescriptionofDuties, CompanyName, City, Province, StateorRegion), @keyword) Specialization from UNION Selection e.AId E. FREETEXT (expertise), @keyword) Zune selection ge.AId GeographicalExperience from GRE FREETEXT (([[details]), @keyword) Where the FREETEXT ((training, school), union selection from t.AId Training T @
Code> IF ISNULL (keyword, '') = '' SET @keyword = '' ''; Where to select users as a help from u.Id @keyword = '"" or FREETEXT ((first, last name, middleName), @keyword) certification from union selection c.AId Wherever @keyword =' "" 'Or FREETEXT ((Certification, School), @keyword) Choose Union from Advertiser Advertisement. AID is selected @ Union = '' '' or 'Freddes' (city, province, stator region), @ keyword) Select the union from academic background eb.AId eb WHERE @keyword =' '' 'or' Frédex '(School, Field of Study), @keyword) Union SelectAd.Aid from EmploymentAdWords @ keyword =' '' 'or Frédex (Status, Details, Duty, Company Name, City, Province, Stator Region), @keyword) UNION's selection e. Specialization from AID and somewhere @ keyword = '' '' or Frédéxus (expertise, @keyword) Geographic Experience GE selection of union from GE Whereas @keyword- '' '' OR 'FREETEXT (([description]), @Keyword Training WHOSE selected T. AIID @ keyword = '' 'or' fridayx (training, school), @keyword)
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