
Showing posts from April, 2010

iphone - How should i add Object in NSDictionary for the same key at runtime? -

I am trying to add value in the NSDctionary as an array for the same key, I do not think I How to add, what is the meaning of PHP, we've added a multi-dimension array on the runtime as the value form DB is to be brought to the same key, we have to add it to NSD Tutorial?

php - How can I make a silent mode for TinyMCE editor -

I want to create a TinyMCE editor on the page, but to boot it and focus on action How can I do this, please, you can advise me. Depression The page may contain elements of TINMEE, and the page will hang. Therefore, the field should be converted to TinyMCE as needed, initially it is just Textera. In the document shows how you can turn the editor on and off in Javascript. Just enter your & lt; Textarea & gt; Attach a onclick handler to which turns on the editor. Here's some jQuery-based code that I have not tested, but it should work ... Click the $ ("textarea") (function () {if (! TinyMCE Get (this .id)) {tinyMCE.execCommand ('mceAddControl', incorrect,;}}}

Web view Android -

We can do GIF animation in the Android web view .... I want to run some images in a random order. ....... If it is possible please tell that ??? It should work similarly to html. You just have to give a .gif animation to and lt; Img src = "..."> gt; and move it.

python - File Downloader with GUI progress display? -

I am trying to write a file downloader that contains a GUI and displays the progress of the file being downloaded. I want to show it a text percentage, a progress bar, or both. I'm sure it can be done in Python, but I'm not sure how. I am using Python 2.6 on MS Windows XP. The easiest progress bar dialogue will probably be (according to the same API as the module which is Mac version of Python ) Determine the progress of the download, experiment with the "report hook". Something like this: Other libraries are available for rich GUI interfaces (But this is bigger or more difficult if you They are for your needs). He downloaded more than Uarelbib probably faster things, but it's an easy and Stdblb.

hash function - Maximum length for MD5 input/output -

What is the maximum length of the string that can be the md5 head? Or: if there is no limit, and if so, what will be the maximum length of the MD5 output value? MD5 processes an arbitrary-length message in a fixed-length output of 128 128 beats, Usually indicates the sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits.

ruby on rails - Save object from form to DB -

मेरे पास एक मॉडल है: वर्ग Scr & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस डीईएफ़ self.find_scrs लगता है (: सभी,: आदेश = & gt; "आईडी") अंत अंत देखें (फार्म): & Lt; div class = "scr-form" & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; & Lt;% form_for: scr,: url = & gt; {: एक्शन = & gt; : Save_scr} करना | फ़ॉर्म | & Gt%; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "scr_id" & gt; आईडी: & lt; / label & gt; & Lt;% = form.text_field: id,: size = & gt; 40% & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; label = "scr_description" के लिए & gt; विवरण: & lt; / label & gt; & Lt;% = form.text_area: वर्णन,: पंक्तियों = & gt; 3,: cols = & gt; 40% & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt;% = submit_tag "सहेजें",: वर्ग = & gt; "जमा करें"% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / fieldset & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और नियंत्रक: वर्ग InboxControlle...

shell - Why does my bash function return the wrong value? -

तथ्य () {यदि [$ 1 -q 1] फिर 1 और y लौटें = 'expr $ 1 - 1' तथ्य $ yb = $ (($ 1 * $?)) $ $ वापस लौटाएंगे "एन्टर करें" को पढ़ने के लिए तथ्य $ n प्रतिध्वनि "$?" यह एक संख्या का फ़ैक्टोरियल खोजने के लिए एक कार्यक्रम है। उत्पादन 5 तक सही है। 6 का उत्पादन 208 के रूप में दे रहा है, लेकिन सही उत्तर 720 है। इस त्रुटि का कारण क्या है? फ़ंक्शन रिटर्न मान केवल 255 तक जा सकते हैं: a () {return 255} एक गूंज $? बी () {वापसी 256} बी प्रति ईको $? उत्पादन: $ bash 255 0 वापसी है जैसे exit और exit केवल 255 () तक के मान ले सकते हैं। एक वैकल्पिक एक पुनरावर्ती सुझाव पर स्विच करना है, जैसा कि एक अन्य उत्तर में वर्णित है । वैकल्पिक रूप से आप प्रतिध्वन का उपयोग करके पुनरावर्ती आउटपुट को इस तरह से कैप्चर कर सकते हैं: #! / Bin / bash fact () {यदि [$ 1 -q 1] तब 1 और ycho = $ (expr $ 1 - 1) एफ = $ (तथ्य $ y) b = $ (($ 1 * $ f)) echo $ b f} एकोरो "एन्टर" पढें n तथ्य $ n

How can I track uploaded file names through my network using squid? -

I want to use squid uploaded file names from my network. I want to monitor uploads for my network and I want to generate a report of files that were uploaded from my network. We have such a problem in sourcebits ... in this way we find a way around took. .. Clear the OS Foundation firewall & amp; Squid Setup To snooze jusniffer which are going through port 80 to packets of http jusniffer is modified and some ruby ​​scripts are written to ensure that this password / Username / other Confidential Information For our requirements, we only wanted to have the uploaded filenames .. Finally another script which will analyze the log and prepare a report !!! Hope it helps;)

algorithm - How do I detect the "conversation" pattern in SQL? -

In fact, this is not specific to SQL, and I suspect that "Conversation Pattern" is the correct name, but I could not have thought of a better caption. To make it simple, imagine you got a huge flow. The job is to a {1; Max_N} A pattern is detected: If any N (> 0) is followed by other ints, then the original reversal again, while n & lt; = Max_n. Example: ... 4 4 3> N = 3 3/4 - 2 ... Here, int 4 is triggered in the middle of 3 arbitrarily inset, so for max_n & lt; Pattern is satisfied for = 3 value 4 . The question is how can I follow the figures, can detect the numbers of huge integers in the dumps? I am mostly interested in algorithms, but you also welcome an example in SQL or C #. The experience I have gained is to first collect a list or all the different points, then check the patterns in each simple manner for each of them, but this will hamper a performance. You can hold some dictionary (C #) or map (C ++) structures Where the sta...

Unit testing a service method- how to assert -

I'm trying to get my head around the idea of ​​performance testing and reduce the number of requests. Say that I have such a service method: Public Zero Transfer Fund (Intit Debit ID, Intradent ID, Summer Fund) {Account Debit = Account Rippernary. Gate (debit ID); Account Credit = Account Repository. Gate (Credited); Debited.Debit (yoga); Credited.Credit (yoga); AccountRepository.Update (debit tax); AccountRepository.Update (credit); } My Unit Testing I think that should be divided into two accounts, the deposit of one account and the debiting of the others should be examined. But should I be overwhelmed by the current status of each account for verification of the account which has been added / deducted - or is it an examination for my account model? If so, what should I say? That update was called? It does not confirm functionality ... Anyone have an idea? If you test the result (final balance), then you can also effectively manage account objects You are test...

cross browser - how can i do to hide iframe in ie 6,7,8? setting attribute of style = "display:none" does not work! -

How can IFrame hide in 6,7,8? Determining the feature of style = "display: none" does not work! Sorry, I already want to post the context. Iframe is generated by dynamic javascript.such: function addIframe (node) {var iframe = document.createElement ("div"); Iframe.src = ****; = "Display: None"; Node.appendChild (iframe); } Works in Firefox and Chrome The hidden frame created by the upward function but fails. target IE8 only iframe {// display: none} targets IE7, IE6

Using multiple arguments for string formatting in Python (e.g., '%s ... %s') -

I have a string that looks like '% s in'% s' and I know I want to differentiate arguments so that they are two different% s. My brain is coming from Java: '% s in% s'% Unicode (auto author), Unicode Publication) But this does not work, how does it look in Python? Mark Ciadde's answer is correct - you need to supply a tuple. However, after Python 2.6 you can use instead of % : {0} in {0}. Formats (Unicode (self-author, 'UTF-8'), Unicode (Autocomplete, 'UTF-8')) % for formatting strings now Is not encouraged. This method of string formatting is the new standard in Python 3.0, and the new code should be preferred for% formatting described in string formatting operations.

Accessing windows scheduled tasks in Java -

Is it possible to access Windows scheduled tasks in Java? I essentially want to create a scheduled task from the command interface. You create commands with a schedule task from java. Take a look

ruby on rails - Prawn PDF and empty database cells? -

I am using PDF prone to create a PDF file when I fly into my Rail application. I recently know that if there is nothing to display then I think that & lt; Li & gt; I can hide rows. For some time I was thinking something! Is it possible to do this in shrimp? Hide a row if it's empty? I currently have the following: contact name address line 1 address line 2 address line 3 postcode phone number fax number If, for example, the user has just entered the contact name and postcode, there would be a significant difference where address line 1, 2 and 3 should be. If I can ignore these lines because they are empty and display it in this form: the zip code of the contact name Use incorrect fields to ensure that this will adjust my PDF and save the user looks correct in PDF. This code of my shrimp looks up: pdf.text_box "client" ,: size = & gt; 9, = at & gt; [50,673] pdf.text_box "#{}" ,: Size = & ...

winapi - DEP and ASLR and how to use it? -

There are two technologies that are used to protect applications from hackers. There are more security-awareness with many modern applications, these techniques are becoming more important. For now, I'm just focused on Windows 7 and I wonder how and when I can use these techniques best, especially when developing desktop applications using the developer tool in addition to the .NET compilers. (For .NET security, will provide an answer.) I am particularly interested in compilers like Delphi and C ++ Builder, but other WIN32 compilers too. In fact, how do I support those applications both DEP and ASLR? And is there any such way that I can control these options with my own (Win32) code? This is just a matter of using the right linker option, so it's a little flip in executable headers Does the Microsoft Linker option / NXCOMPAT (DEMP) and / DynamicBase (ASLR) I do not know my devices well enough to know if they have the same options. Editbin.exe also supports these option...

php - How to keep two sessions at a time for a single page? -

I have an online service tool where users themselves register and use it. I have a control room for this service. Sometimes when users tell us some strange things about data and usability, then we need to check that they are entering ... So I have a page 'xx user' in the admin panel where xx is a user of our service .. I just set the session variable for that particular user account and Login Options Byeep When I finished the trial, I logged out and logged in again But now I do not need to logout and then when I log in as a different user I have to log in as an administrator. I can set one in two simultaneous sessions? Time for a page / service ??? (i.e.) I work as an administrator in a tab in the browser, and do I work as a user in another tab? Any thoughts .. I remember that they have used PPBB ... The session is available worldwide, you can do different front and backend sessions like this: & lt ;? Php $ _SESSION ['Front'] ['Log In_ID...

Is there an api for Google News autosuggest? -

A few days ago I was introduced with the Google Autosuggest API:. I created a small Yahoo pipe for Yahoo News to take out the Top 5 suggestions from the 5 biggest English-speaking Google sites and wanted to do this for Google News. Changing the above URL for, but it seems that the same result returns ... Does anyone have any specific ideas if there is a specific synchronous equivalent? Thanks! Just add ds = n as a parameter to your code , I.e.: You also get answers in more useful Add JSON format as a parameter to json :

f# - Where is "id" literal defined? -

FsUnit स्रोत कोड में एक असामान्य परिभाषा है: let = id = एफएसआई आउटपुट: वैल था: ('a ->' a) "आईडी" की शब्दावली निम्न कथन का कोष्ठक रूप है: एक्स = एक्स एफएसआई आउटपुट दें: val: 'a ->' एक आप थोड़ा अंतर देख सकते हैं: बाद के उदाहरण की जगह अभिव्यक्ति सच हो के साथ सत्य , जबकि पहली वाक्य रचना इसे (सत्य) के रूप में दर्शाती है। मुझे क्या पहेलियाँ हैं कि मुझे एफ # भाषा संदर्भ में "आईडी" का कोई भी संदर्भ नहीं मिल पाया है, न कि यह "प्रोग्रामिंग एफ #" पुस्तक में वर्णित है इसके अलावा, "आईडी" आरक्षित शब्दशब्द नहीं है, मैं कुछ और "आईडी" को परिभाषित कर सकता हूं, और फिर मैं इसका उपयोग किसी ऐसे तरीके से नहीं कर सकता जिसे पहले उदाहरण में दिखाया गया है। तो मुझे आश्चर्य है कि क्या कोई ऐसे एफ # दस्तावेज़ हैं जो इस शाब्दिक और इसके शब्दों का वर्णन करते हैं। इन कार्यों को FSharp.Core लाइब्रेरी, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators मॉड्यूल में परिभाषित किया गया है। वे MSDN पर प्रलेखित हैं यहां आईडी : है

tsql - Visual Studio 2010 SQL Variable Color -

I am trying to configure Syntax highlighting like Jenburn for my Visual Studio 2010 environment and I have customized color scheme. In the SQL Text Editor, "plain text" is like some teal with local variables and user defined table names, and I want them to be 220, 220, 204 As if they have other text ads Whether in Tearce. / P> I had a problem like you did Because I use a dark background color scheme, mounds of SQL variables make the SQL script almost unreadable. Then, after weeks of frustration, finally I got the culprit. Go to the "Fonts and Colors" section and locate the item named "Identifier" instead of using "default" for foreground item, instead, change it to color that is not the default. (To be on the safe side, do not use the same color as the "plain text" item, so that VS 2010 will not look like you're using the default color.) Now, Your "identifier" foreground color should be displayed as "cu...

validation - Validating actions in Symfony (PHP) -

I'm reading some sample documentation about verification / error-management for controllers. Verification and error-handling methods (less than 2-thirds only) I think the idea of ​​a function is being automatically called - to be executed Before the new action is called the modulation, and what type of scene you can control, for example, myActionSucess or myActionError is used. However, it does not seem to work with Symphony 1.4, I have been denied such error handling / recognition, so I'm not sure how I do it with Symphony 1.4 I am here. I know that pre and post execution work do something similar, but I like to do a dedicated verification work for each action. Or am I using filters now? Thanks for any help / advice public work preExecute () {$ Method = 'validate' $ This- & gt; ActionName (); If (method_exists ($ this, $ method)) {if (! $ This-> {$ method} ()) {return sfView :: error; }}} Such a thing can duplicate a validator function...

sql server 2005 - How to register assembly in Net Framework 4.0 -

I have a pure assembly that was originally written in frame 1.1. I have followed it with a framework 4.0 and should be put in GAC, there is no framework configuration tool (Administrative Tools / Microsoft .Net Framework NN Configuration Now. How do I View / Manage Framework 4.0 GAC Assuming assemblies. I am using this assembly with SQL Server 2005 'SP_OA ....' You can only run Windows Explorer Open Windows Explorer and go to the assemblies folder in your Windows folder. Then you should see all the MPs registered, if you want to add them in Or if you want, you can find GETULI.XA and use it to do it (but it is not installed with the framework nowadays, I think only with SDK).

Combining xml files -

I have several hundred XML files, which are 2kb each, so they are small, but I want to combine them all. One is required because I need to cross the information in those databases I have. Each file contains a special case number with other non-critical content. Is there any way by which I can add all those files to an XML file and for this to exclude all necessary information in addition to the case number: 123456 File If so, you can use the archive () function in XSLT or XQuery, which can point to a directory of XML files. There are 3 exams in XML files which I put in my 'C: \ test_xml' directory. Two of these are "123456" in their case number and not one of them: File 1: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Doc & gt; & Lt; Case & gt; 123456 & lt; / Case & gt; & Lt; Blah & gt; Test 1 file & lt; / Blah & gt; & Lt; / Doc & gt; File 2: ...

objective c - Change locale for current iphone application (custom locale for NSBundle?) -

I want to change the local program in my iPhone app (basically because not all languages ​​are supported by the iPhone, Should the user be able to switch language only for my application). Have I looked at a different question on OSX apps? It should work with [[NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults] setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "de", nil] forKey: @ "AppleLanguages"]; - But this is not for me ... [NSLokel Movolocale] The system still gives a comprehensive local return and 'main bundle' gives me files from a wide location of the system .. So .. my applications How to set a custom locale for? Or - that would be enough for me - create a new NSBundle installation with a different location? OK, I'm stupid .. As the question has already been answered .. restarting that code Required to be used. I.e. when the user selects another language [[NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults] setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "de", nil] forKe...

php - How to assign custom role automatically on registration? -

I am using a hook form to override the registration process. I want to play a custom role that I have defined a new user. How do I get to do this? I think it is possible to enter a users_roles table with a user ID and role ID? Thanks If every new user gets the role of a certified user by default So, do not just set the way you want for that role? In this way you do not need to mess with the database tables.

c# - EF code first - composite key -

I have a legacy database that has two columns and I want to map them because 1 ID is possible For example public class product {public string ProductID {get; Set;} public string short-description {get; Set;} public string username {get; Set;}} Then my modelbrander looks like this Modelbinder Anti & lt; Products & gt; () HasKey (P = & gt; p.ProductID) .MapSingle (Product => New {colShotDesc = product.ShortDescription, colUser = product.UserName}) .ToTable ("Product"); I would like something like ProductID = ShortDescription + UserName in the mapping ... because these two columns are part of a unique key mating ... don 't Know that this makes sense but no suggestion would be great ... please do not ask about database design => this is it and it should not be changed ... so I thought EF code can help me first (Hopefully cross fingers) ... because it seems that PK Unique key constraints have not been defined ... Anyway ... help will be ...

perl - Further question on segmenting AJAX responses -

This question is already related to one, see. One way to apply Ajax to the segment responses, I created a code that does this: Customer first calls the script that initiates the process on the server side , StartScript.cgi starts generating code data, and does so, it group responses into fragments, and writes them in indexed indexes (chunk1.txt chunk2.txt, etc.) into individual files. Start-up CCG immediately after starting this process, client side starts each other's AJAX request, sent together to produce output. Cgi, with parameters? Index = 0 The gathered CGI request sees, and then appears in 'Chuck'. $ Index '.txt' and then returns the data that the client outputs it to HTML, and then the second ajax request starts to gather the output. Cgi with the parameter? Index = 1, etc. It continues until all data of startScript.cgi is reported if the collect can not find the output .cgi "piece $ index.txt", then this loop In: ( "|| Warning ...

Can someone give me a real world example for when I might want/need to use the BitArray class in .NET? -

I understand how to use the bitary classroom, but I'm looking for an example where someone in the real world The program can be used. The most legitimate use of BitArray I have seen in this sensitive category of size bool is the backing store for the group of values ​​ class examples {private bitrate _data = new bitters (...); Public bool Value0 {get {return_data.Get (0); } Set {_data.Set (0, value); }} Public Child Value1 {get {return_data.Get (1); } Set {_data.Set (1, value); }} ... Using one 'bull' for each of the above mentioned fields, each byte will create an overhead of per property. To reduce the overhead by 1 bit per property in the best case scenario Using BitArray is potential . This can be important for some specific cases. Note: When I say valid above, I mean that the type of shape is not sensitive, but it is actually measured and proves important.

c++ - ExTAPI: lineRegister returns before line is registered -

I used the lineSetEquipmentState after enabling the radio to register GPRS radio on the network Using the TAPI function . Actually the line registrar function is returning successfully before the network is actually registered. The asynchronous line registrar function first returns a positive number, which Indicating that the job succeeds, I then wait for a LINE_REPLY callback from TAPI indicating the value of 'DwParam1' matches the initial return value of lineRegister That this is my last lineRegister The asynchronous reply. The dwParam2 value is set to 0, which is called MSDN that the function is successful. Then I try to connect to GPRS network but the connection fails. I have entered the code to lineGetRegisterStatus in LINE_REPLY for the line line, and I can confirm that the radio is not yet registered. Is there any way to inform the network if it is successfully registered and usable? It seems that voting for a network registration is required when a...

iphone - how to pass arguments to url (.php file) -

I need to pass two variables for this .. How can I pass them, I can play in my config playlist 13 and Any body can show me the sample code. I am using it as , I am able to get it, variable to To see "view = useragreement" NSString * termsURL = [[[NSBundle main bundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey: @ "termsURL"]; NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @% @% @% @% @", termsURL, @ "? OwnerID =", ownerID, @ "? View =", user agreement]]; but not working, I'm checking that parsing is successful or not but with this URL but failing ... The code is taken directly from my app. What works for you NSString * post = [ NSString stringWithFormat: @ "ownerID = 13" and see = user's consent "]; NSDTA * PostData = [Post Data Usage Encoding: NSSEIITITING Encoding Permission Loansy Conversion: Yes]; NSString * postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", [Postdeta length... - Accessing .Text property in a Master Page from the Master.cs -

I have a text box and a button, and I am trying to give the user a search option in the master page . The onClick event of my button is OK, but the text box. Text property is always empty I went a little bit more content about accessing the master from the content holder, but I believe that I have no issue ... help Appreciate it :) > Pedro Dooso You should work on it. Please check if there is an introduction to the text box. The text on the page. Download () Event.

ActionScript dynamic classes -

Can someone use me well for the Action Script Dynamic Classes? Because it's really a bad practice for me, for me in every context. Anything using an extension should be dynamic; I use proxy quite regularly; For example, this is one.

Is local Notification feature available in iphone os below 4.0? -

Is the local notification feature available under 4.0 in the iPhone OS? How can I send notifications from the app in the OS below 4.0 is not running. I do not want to use push notifications (notifications from any server side). Please guide me Thank you. No, local notifications are only available in 4.0 and higher. There are various third-party services, such as simplifying the process of working with Push. Notifications for developers, the APIs they provide are similar to local notifications in 4.0. In my app I am now using Local Notifications for users at 4.0, and I am using UrbanAirships for people with older OS versions. As more people are being updated in 4.0, I will leave the city, but at present it is about 50/50 partition.

sql server - SQL Query to remove hyperlinks from a column -

I have a column deck with the following data I like the site and the user The answer is good I also like it and I want to return the data as follows I like the stack overflow site and the users are good and Also liked. Basically, you want to remove all hyperlinks from the column. Please let me know how to write a search query. I am using SQL Server. Thank you. The function to straighten all HTML from a column content here is a link to a function that Will hide HTML

javascript - Animated List Rearrangement (JQuery UI Sortable) -

I'm trying to create an animated list. Apple Cacheman Assume that I have selected apple and I I want to switch with the service, I want to click on Apples Cavemen and bannas and cave men have animate to the proper position. I know that jQuery UI Sortable allows for some level of this functionality, but I'm not sure there is a way to specify something before DOM changes or by cloning a few during breaks. $ (".selector") .sortable ({change: function (event, ui) {...}}); Is it possible to manipulate sortable to provide this level of functionality, or would I like to make a plugin better than scratch? I think this is what you want ... $ (".selector") .sortable ({start: function (event, UI) {...}}); See this page for more detail:

c++ - Cleaning Up After OpenGL on iPhone -

Right now, I'm playing with the OpenGL ES on the iPhone using an along engine. This can be a silly question, but how important is it to clear after OpenLL when the app is released? My problem is that I have a static vector that manages the loading model, and with dysfunction it ensures that the models are not filled twice. Because of this, handles all VBs and textures models objects in a static map & lt; Model & gt; is stored in. When the app stops, Map Detectors does not call different model objects, so they do not call glDeleteBuffers () . My question is, is it absolutely necessary, if the application is small enough that I am ever loading and reloading models from memory during runtime? Or OpenGL just takes care of everything for me? I can create a stable cleanup () function that is called the dealloc of the application, but is it worth it? When the actual app exits, all the resources clean with it Which contains all GL content. Do not worry, the OS...

Run com+ application when no user is logged into server -

I have a com + app that runs through web applications (Initials). I have successfully deployed Win XP (for testing) and Win Server 2008, but it only works when a user is logged in. Since the server is hosted on an external location (in the case of GoDaddy in my case), I can not just log in and can exit the server with the lock-in server. I tried some of the solutions I have found on Google but have not done any work. One of the solutions was to start the COM application through a defined task, when the window starts, but it does not work. When I log back in and run a web application, the second example of the COM application is created with that user. Another solution was to change the DCOM configuration settings - the interactive user in the Identification tab identified by the specific (administrator) user changed COM application properties. But the application did not work even in this case. (It was started but no one failed to compute.) Is there anything else I can try?...

desktop - Programatically triggering tab key functionality in a VB.Net windows application -

How can I programmatically trigger tab key functionality in VB.Net windows application? Currently when I press the key of the tab, and the focus is in the right order, then my application is using a splitter. However, I have to use the arrow keys to focus on the next controls, focusing on when the user presses the tab keys. In advance thanks You SendKeys.Send method (in systems .indows.forms namespace). You will call SendKeys.Send ("{TAB}") to simulate a tab keyboard. To see all the top codes, check

php - What causes a rollback failed error in mySQL? -

I get the following error when I try to rollback. Rollback failure is not an active transaction. I searched this problem and found some suggestions that recommend disabling the AutoCommit setting. But I'm sure how to do it. Is there any other reason for the above error? I am using MYSQL and Zend and my php.ini file is loading the necessary drivers. MySQL works in autocommit by default. You can turn it off: $ connection-> Set properties (Doctrine_Core :: ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, incorrect); I have another idea that you have not started the transaction (which should disable the autocommit in the doctor): $ connection- > Gt; Starting restriction ();

iphone - how to remove a navigation controller with a view -

I have a tabbar application with the navigation bar for any one of the tasks I started with a navigation controller program I am doing and adding a scene with the table view. I want to remove this navigation bar and table viewer from clicking on a button on the new navigation bar. How to do this I tried to pop in but it is not pop out. to hide it [[self-navigation controller] set Navigation bar: yes]; If you've added a UINavigationController over a UIViewViewController, then with the UINVIGATION controller, you will not be able to delete the navigation bar, even if you delete the current view, and all the subview (Parents UVIC controller also receives Nav Bar) This is one way to decide, access the app representative, and remove the above view from the window before adding the UIAgentroller app delitat * dg = (app delayed *) [[uiPcryation share epicling] representative]; NSArray * ar = [[DG Window] SubView]; // Then remove all ideas in AR, then add UIAVC contro...

In which class/module is the = method in Ruby? -

Do anyone know how the class / module = method is in Ruby? I want to convert a = b in equal to b In I should know which class / module is such, so I can surname. Thank you. = is the assignment operator I can not be redefined. In addition, you can not define new operators. As Yeharg tells, is equal to B is similar to a (equal to b) or equivalently self.a (self.equals (b)) , therefore, you need an object that responds to both : a message and : equal message.

webserver - Connecting Android application to HTTP Server -

I create an application for user registration. When the user registers into the application, I want to save user data on an HTTP server. How can you do this? You can store data on the remote server using networking. File For example, fileToUpload.txt "); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (" http: / / / Host / some_path "); Part [] parts = {new stringpart (" param_name "," value "), new file page (f.getName (), f)}; FilePost.setEntity (new multilateral request (parts, file Post tag) ()); HTTP client client = new HTTP client (); Int stat = client.executeMethod (filePost);

math - How do you convert an XSLT 2.0 date duration to a string? -

I am using XSLT 2.0 using a few code subtracting from one date to another: & lt; Xsl: Template Match = "Leaving End" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select the value = "current-date () - xs: date (.)" / & Gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; This works, but it leaves me with the answer to P2243D, which I believe is "2243 days duration" Correct mathematics in context). Since I only need a number of days, not P and D, I know that I can use substrings or something similar, but as a newbie to XSLT, I'm curious If there is a better and more excellent way to manipulate this simple string there. You just FN: day-to-day () one xs: integer : From day to day ($ Arg as xs: duration?) As xs: integer? returns a xs: integer that represents the component of the day in the canon, the literal representation of the value of $ arg is negative Could. See the specification for more information. In your case: & lt; Xsl: temp...

java - Calling System.gc() causing data loss in JSP -

I am currently debugging a web application which is causing intermittent problems, especially when the hit rate is high as everyone The new user is given a session with the personal navigation menu, so I thought how much memory I would need for the session variable. In the code section of JSP which handles the creation of session objects, the following code was added: System.gc (); Long orgHeap = Runtime.getRuntime (). FreeMemory (); ... Create session variables ... System.gc (); ("Heap Delta:" + (RuntimeGreat Time (Freemo) - Org Hep.);) I'm surprised that Adding System.gc () breaks the app, it does not work much because some objects are losing (or it seems) the values ​​that were started They are zero When GC () calls are removed, the app works fine. GC () should only remove those items that have been marked for removal - is not it? OK Is anyone else having such a problem? The only case I can think is where it can be from what it really can be...

Text to HTML in PHP -

nl2br (); What can EOL do for, but what about the initial (or not) white spaces and / or tabs of the line? Is there a function to do this? I need the formatted HTML output of the text file Thx. well can also htmlspecialchars () Htmlentities ()

visual studio 2008 - msi Installer to run twice -

I have a program that gets installed through an MSI. MSI was created using a VS2008 deployment project and after completion of the install, there is a custom action to run the program. Once the MSI is being run, I can just update the version number, prepare a new product code and MSI can run on the same PC again. However, what I want to be able to run an MSI for the second time on the same PC (without repairing the MSI) and re-installing the software again (even if anything has changed) is not there. Is this possible? You can register productive actions, register user action, publishing, action, and PublishFeatures from the InstallExecuteSequence table Removing will not be registered in the MSI database of application system and you can install it and start it again as if it was first installed. MSDN:

How can I get powershell exception descriptions into a string? -

I have access to a single message, when you send an error record in the output stream, PowerShell prints Example: This exception message is C: \ Documents and Settings \ BillBillington \ Desktop \ psTest \ exThrower.ps1: 1 character: 6 + throw When I can get an error by $ error [0] I do not think so Understand how to get this information in a simple way. I got this 'solution error' function in the expanses of the community, which is what I want broadly but it is a huge semi-formatted The list prints I It does not need that I have to get a strip. Does the message use powershield or there is no way of failing, which is an easy way to get the hash of values, Can I put a format of my choice in the string? If you want a little message (more useful user sometimes?) @ Tomaszer suggests That would be: $ error [0] .ostring () + $ error [0]. Designation message you will find something like this: path can not be found 'C: \ TEMP \ _100804_135716 \ missing...

c# - How does WCF turn a ServiceContract/OperationContract into a Message that can be serialized? -

I experiment with the use of ActiveMQ (with ActiveMQ.NMS binding) to support some cross-platform RPC messaging I am starting As part of this, I want to be able to define my RPC contracts, like WCF provides - like [Service Contract] Public Interface IUsers {[OperationContract] IINMrebel & lt; IUser & gt; Zero GetByEmail (string email); } And I agree to do this work to contribute to the ApackeMQ.NMS.WCF project, and I have some experience in writing custom binding so that I am away from him However, for the first time I have a conceptual issue in which WCF operates. Obviously, at some level, for "GetByEmail", a call through the proxy on the client channel must be converted into a message and response object so that they can be serialized. I want to know how it works to get a better understanding of WCF. I am unable to find any documentation that is actually how it is done, and in fact there are quite a number of classes WCF infrastructure. Does anybody...

html - Center horizontal list style menu -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: सीएसएस #main {width: 100%; ऊँचाई: 120px; सीमा: ठोस 1px #efefef; } # लिंक्स {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: # 808080; } # लिंक्स ul {मार्जिन: 0 पीएक्स ऑटो; गद्दी: 0px; सूची-शैली: कोई नहीं; पृष्ठभूमि का रंग: #eee; ऊँचाई: 30px; } #links ul li {float: left; मार्जिन: 0px; सूची-शैली: कोई नहीं; पैडिंग: 0 पिक्स 10 पीएक्स; } HTML & lt; div id = "main" & gt; & Lt; div id = "links" & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 3 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 4 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 5 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; लिंक 6 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सूची आइटम डायनेमिक हैं इसलिए मैं # लिंक्स परत पर वास्तव में निर्धारित चौड़ाई का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता और मैं चाहता हूं कि सूची प...

How to implement WPF Dynamic UI -

Developing a WPF application to get a better understanding of what I'm trying to do and more about it I am here. I get a position, though I'm not sure how to implement the best, where basically my UI needs to be changed based on user selection. Basically, I want to create a set of 'conditioner', where the user specifies to specify a 'field' and 'condition' and a 'style' if that condition matches. I explain that layout as below. What I need to do is change which appears in 'Control1' (either text box or 2 text boxes and a label, or nothing) and 'Control2' (either bound combobox, numeric up / down, color picker). I am not convinced that the best way to change these controls is to dynamically and as much as possible, keep the code / XML separate. Text "> If you are MVVM, then you see the child for a polite property of the original view modal (i.e. control group view model, and a solid view for each potential contro...

php - Codeigniter first segment URL variables -

I am looking to use a URL shortening scheme where I want the variable in the first segment of the URL, www. / 0jf08h204 My default controller is "home.php" and I have Htaccess is mod-rewrites place, so what's the best way to manage it? I believe that my SmartTech has been blocked by the standard / controller / method / variable plan, is this a URI protocol setting? Thanks! To add to Matthew's reaction. You will need to be in your system / application / config / routes.php file: $ route ['(any)' ] = "Home"; All this will redirect. You do not want to redirect everything, if you have other controllers that need to be used. If this is the case, then you can use this regular expression instead: $ route ['^ (?! About | contact) \' * '] = "home"; This will allow you to redirect everything except about controllers or 'contact' - they will be directed to 'about.php' and 'contact....

model - GUI Design Pattern , MVP, Tab Control -

I have an application that has the same word as window. The requirement here is that when the user clicks the Save button, everything should be saved "Save" and "Reset" on all tabs "Button" is normal, "therefore, when the" personal information "tab is selected and click" Save ", then changes made in the program" Friends "tab and also the changes made in the" Employment history "tab should also be saved. . The app already contains the code and I want to keep this code: - View personal information, personal information display, personal information model - Friends view, friend viewer , Friendship - View Employment History, Employer Event Projector, Employorial Histim Modell Each presenter has an Save method. The question is, to take into account a good design pattern that I want to keep keep that code already, in addition to this, I want to do as well as the presenter. Or maybe I should r...

erd - Basic Database design question - 1 attribute three Entities -

Can someone please clarify something that I still need to know? If I have three surviving organizations, directors and company secretaries and everyone has primary primary address, I If I was modeling a conceptual ERD then I would have to separate each unit Should be the property of 'primary address' or should I know the fourth institution, the primary address should be added and they have to do PK> FK? / P> Since then, this link has been found which I want to know everything. I will do something like this, the primary address refers to the location of the organization: Table: Organization Org_Key {PK}, Org_Name, Primary Address Field, Any Other Fields Table: Personnel Person_Key {PK}, Org_Key {FK}, Status {Directory, Secretary, etc.}, Any other field In my opinion, in fact There is no need to separate people who are "secretaries" because they are "directors" because they Both employees of a specific organization. Now, i...

my own epub rendering application in iphone possible? -

I need to create an app that renders the book of the Apple App Format in iPhone Is it possible? I know that I can submit to PDF using webview How can I provide the APU format? Is there any apple restriction? Thanks It is possible that I am working for one month Now on one. Take a look: - Color Property On Custom Attribute -

I have written a custom attribute and received the following color property that I want the user to point to the color property Should be enabled on a class attribute: as the private _ColumnColor system. Drawing Caller Public Property as ColumnColor () system. Drawing Return the caller _ColumnColor End Set (Byval value.Drawing.Color as the system) _ColumnColor = value End Set End Property I get the following error: "Property or Field 'Column Coiler' has no valid attribute type I will start with adding your property & Lt; attributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Property) & gt; _ System like Private _ColumnColor.Downing Collar Public Property as ColumnColor () system. Get Color Return Return _ColumnColor En D set (IVV value as the system. Drawing.Color) _ColumnColor = value End Set End Property

paramiko - How to delete all files in directory on remote server in python? -

I would like to delete all the files in the directory given on a remote server, which is already paramiko. I can not explicitly give the filename, though, because it will vary based on the version of the file that I had previously placed. What I'm trying to do here ... I'm trying to call the line call below #TODO where there is something like "remote optifpath" something like "/ opt / ef / *" . ("~", ".ssh", "known_hosts"))) ssh.connect (server, user name = username, pkey = mykey) sftp = ssh.open_sftp () # TODO: Anyway, all the files on the remote ArtifactPath needed to remove thanks one According to the rules, this can be as simple as: CD (RemoteArtfactPath) with run : run ("rm *") execute a shell command on a remote server Fabric is great to have Fabric really uses Parmico below, So that you need both if you need it.

uploading an image from flash using php more specifically HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA? -

I'm currently working on it, so it displays a dialog box on your computer to save the image: if (isset ($ globals ["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"])) // // biteer $ jpg = $ global ["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; // Add headers to download dialog-box headers ('content-type: image / jpeg'); Header ("Content-Attention: Attachment; File Name =". $ _ Received ['name']); Echo $ jpg; } What is the procedure to insert the file directly into the directory / file without requiring just a dialog box? Like an uploader? No, no.

Where to find information on Embedded C++? -

I want to find information on "embedded platform from C ++ programming" I went to it, but I could not find enough information on that subject. What exactly do I want to find, how exactly is C ++ useful in the embedded environment with detailed descriptions and examples (if they are available) If anyone can get me any links or any Can I suggest downloading free ebooks? For example Embedded C / Em> Michael J. By Pant, 2002 or Programming Embedded System in C and C ++ by Michael Bar, 1999 (). In short, all embedded systems start with C / Enmbler. C ++ can also be used, but the usage is not from "non-embedded C ++" (the only difference is that many features like RTI, exceptions, etc. have been removed). BTW is more useful to view related embedded platforms / OS related books / guides / examples.

Mixing ordered lists, links and variables in PHP/HTML -

I'm taking a break to learn some PHP / HTML for kicks and giggles, and I have a page of simple practice met . Therefore, on my site, 'I want a list of links to the pages of each practice page, but I have decided to do it in a dynamic way because I do exercise against every hard coding. Unfortunately, that page should be included in the list! Believing that there are files with the file "exawk # .php" on my system, "what else might be wrong with this code? Sorry, if it is sloping or horrible, then it really My first day of web programming is. gt; Top & gt; & lt; title & gt; awakening exercise & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; Body & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; & quot; a href = "" & Gt; This is "awake exercise." This page is & lt; / a & gt ;. & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; ol & gt; & lt ;? php $ arex = glob ("exawk...

php - doctrine query for chained one-to-many relationships -

I have three tables, A, B, C and B have one-to-many relations in B and C There are many relationships from one and the other, in another word, each A can have more than one BS, while many B. May be. Now I want to do a query for the record given by A to get all BS related to C. . In other words, for a given A, which is a record in Table A, I want to get all related B related to Table B, so that in each BS, table C is more than zero related C. How to write statements in PHP theory? I have some code that does not work: Doctrine_Query :: create () -> from ('bb') -> bayangon ('cc') -> and where ('b. A_ID =? ', -> and where (' c.b_id = '); with foo, bar and hawk (respectively A, B and C): doctoral-excel :: forming () - & gt; ('Repeatedly') - & gt; Where ('bar.foo_id =?', $ Foo- & gt; ID) - & gt; Inner joan ('barge falcon'); In this way you will find only times that are related to...

sql server - IN vs = in Where Clauses -

I try to make standardized SQL scripts for use in my SSRS reports if I want to make a statement like: Choose from mytables * And where to use the SQL variable (SSRS parameter) in one block, any speed advantage to use it: Where Field = @ MyFilled VS Where in the field (@MyField) I know that the second option supports multiple selections and single selections, while the first one supports only. Can I hit any performance if I write all the details with uniformity in the statement for uniformity? There is no performance hit As a side note, I hope That you are not actually using SELECT * in your actual questions.

php - Is there an ajax library for CodeIgniter that can invoke private controller methods and that currently works? -

The last time I did PHP I worked with CodeIgniter I used the XAxx Library to implement AJAX, which is extremely Was simple and was able to run private controlling methods. Unfortunately, XAJAX does not seem compatible with the latest version of CodeIgniter, or it may be that it is not compatible with php5.2 / 5.3. I was thinking of using jQuery, but since jQuery sends requests for an accessible URL it is not able to apply personal methods for some reasons I have private controller methods for AJAX functionality Because I do not want to get this work done directly through a URL. So, there is an AJAX library for codeigner, can you implement private controller methods? Edit: The answer to the triff has been telling me that one of the jQuery Post () is the method. However, I'm still looking for a library for codeigner which plugs AJAX functionality into the framework. Instead of typing jQuery into my templates, I prefer to work with AJAX via PHP and CodeIgniter. Is there a ...

sql - Oracle to_date function with quarter-format -

I need to find some records created in a range of quarters. For example, i was in the fourth quarter of 2008 and 2010 I am looking for all the records created between the first quarter of this year. I have this in WHERE-clause: ... and between r.record_create_date ('2008 4', 'YYYY Q') and to_date ('2010 1', 'YYYY Q ') But Oracle says: ORA-01820: Format code can not be displayed in the date input format . Q is a valid date format symbol, so I'm not sure what has happened. Is this a valid way of finding values ​​between calendars quarters, or is there a better way? This is also interesting, and possibly related, if I execute it: Selection of 'code' to_date ('2009', 'YYYY') Do; The value displayed in my IDE is 2009-08-01 I hope 2009-08-04 to today is 2010-08-04 . Select this: Dual to date ('200 1', 'YYY Q)'; Definitely fails. (Oracle 10G) Oracle says: ORA-01820: Format ...

How to reliably tell when finished reading from a socket in Java? -

We are integrating with an external product, for which we need to communicate with it using java sockets. We have been able to read the small responses from the server with no problems, but the big reactions are creating some headaches. I have made some changes in logic to deal with socket and now we have 90% of the big responses It still fails sometimes fails, in this case, this means that the Java client prevents reading from the socket before reading the full response. The client thinks that the reading is over, and normally closes - there is no exception or time incorporation is not included. The current argument looks like this: StringWriter response = new StringWriter (); PrintWriter author = new PrintWriter (response); Four [] buf = new four [4096]; Int readChars; Do {readChars = (buf); Writer (Written, 0, Reed Chairs); } While (readChars! = -1 & amp; ResponseBufferedReader.ready ()); responseBufferedReader a BufferedReader is wrap...

Hexadecimal string to byte array in C -

Is there a standard C function that changes from hexadecimal string to byte array ? I do not want to write their own functions As far as I know, there is no standard function to do this, It's easy to get in the way: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {const char hexstring [] = "deadbeef10203040b00b1e50", * pos = hexstring; Unsigned four valves [12]; Size_t count = 0; / * Warning: Any synthesis or error-checking for something that is * (for calculation = 0; count and lieutenant; size); size (wal [0]); calculation ++) {sscanf (pos, "% 2hhx ", & Amp; val [count]); Position + = 2; } Printf ("0x"); For (count = 0; count> sizeof (val) / sizeof (val [0]); count ++ printf ("% 02x", wall [count]); Printf ("\ n"); Return (0); } edit As Al pointed out, in the case of an odd number of hex digits in the string, you have to make sure that you Along with an initial 0 for the prefix. Fo...

cocoa - NSPredicate string matching against NSSet's -

I try to use an NSPredicate to search string matches against an array of coreadata items generated in this way I am: // Hold an array of all company projects NSArray * array = [[Company projects] all objects]; I use the following decision to match a project name, company name or client names with a case-insensitive string (Note: Allow it for partial matches 'App' can be used to match 'apple', etc.): (name as [cd]% @) or (any company name [cd]% @) Or (Any companies. Client names like [CD]% @) CoreData relation referred to as WordRetch Not like: SELF - & gt; (NSString *) Name SELF - & gt; (NSSET *) Companies - & gt; (NSString *) Name SELF - & gt; (NSSET *) Companies - & gt; (NSSE * *) - & gt; Client - & gt; (NSString *) Name Whenever I try to filter by the above bills, I find the following in my console: HIToolbox: Exceptions can not be ignored by ragging on objects ("Apple Inc.", "Test Co.", Microso...

php - XPath Node to String -

मैं निम्न नोड्स की स्ट्रिंग सामग्री कैसे चुन सकता हूं: & lt; span class = "url" & gt; शब्द & lt; b वर्ग = "" & gt; टेस्ट & lt; / b & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span class = "url" & gt; शब्द & lt; b वर्ग = "" & gt; test2 & lt; / b & gt; अधिक शब्द & lt; / span & gt; मैंने कुछ चीजों की कोशिश की है // span / text () बोल्ड टैग // span / string (।) अमान्य है स्ट्रिंग (// स्पैन) केवल 1 नोड का चयन मैं PHP में सरल_एक्सएमएम का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मुझे लगता है कि इसका उपयोग करने वाला केवल एक विकल्प है / span जो देता है: सरणी ([0] = & gt; सरल एक्सएमलेमेंट ऑब्जेक्ट ([@attributes] = & gt; अरे ([वर्ग] = & gt; यूआरएल) [बी] = & gt; परीक्षण) [1] = & gt; सरल एक्सएमलेमेंट ऑब्जेक्ट ([ Attributes] = & gt; सरणी ([वर्ग] = & gt; url) [बी] = & gt; test2)) * ध्यान दें कि यह "अधिक शब्द" टेक्स्ट को भी छोड़ रहा है दूसरी स्पैन। तो मुझ...

Javascript: display all user info (ie. the navigator object) for debugging -

I was going to write a script to get everything out in the navigator (except the user) to ask the user who they -What's the browser / operating system running, I'd like to tell them all on a page that makes everything interesting), and it's happened to me, it's probably done a million times ago Do you want to dump all interesting user information? Defense cross browser, aware of the light script? Bonus points if I have a clever way of getting data (i.e. avoiding cut-paste-email). This is a great website, I always point to those people when they helped them Plus: Plus, this is the built-in system to send email if you want to create your own, but if you want to turn it off based on your code, then its Most code is as follows: // screen if RSS (self.screen) {S_RESOLUTION = screen.width + 'X' + screen. height; S_COLOR_DEPTH = screen. ColorDepth + 'bit'; } And if (Java itself) {var javaobj = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); Var screeno...

python - Appengine Blobstore - Video Streaming -

I am trying to set up a video streaming app through Google Appengine Blobstore. Just wanted to know if it was possible, because there is not much about it in the Eppingin documentation. Actually I want to serve these videos through a flash player. Thank you I would say that blobostore is suitable for this. While datastore institutions are limited to 1 MB and standard HTTP responses are limited to 10 MB, with the blobostore you can upload, store and serve up to 2 GB files. The 30-second limit means how long your handler can execute; Downloading (or uploading time) does not count this limit. The Bluetooth also supports byte range, so if your Flash component supports it, then you can search for random posts in the video without downloading for the first time.

java ee - JPA: When parent entity got removed, child entity still remain -

ग्राहक इकाई (जनक इकाई) @ एंटीटी सार्वजनिक वर्ग ग्राहक {@Id @ generatedValue (रणनीति = जनरेशन टाईप.ऑटो) निजी लांग आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग का नाम; @OneToMany (मैप किए गए = "ग्राहक", कैसकेड = कैस्केड टाइप। एएल) निजी सूची & lt; सुविधा & gt; सुविधाओं; // नाव और सुविधाओं के लिए सेटर और गेटर्स सार्वजनिक शून्य addFacility (सुविधा सुविधा) {अगर (this.facilities == नल) {इस। क्षमताओं = नए ArrayList & lt; सुविधा & gt; (); } This.facilities.add (सुविधा); facility.setCustomer (this); }} सुविधा इकाई (बाल इकाई) @ एंटीटी सार्वजनिक वर्ग की सुविधा {@Id @ generatedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) निजी लांग आईडी; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn (नाम = "CUSTOMER_FK") निजी ग्राहक ग्राहक; निजी स्ट्रिंग का नाम; // सेटर और गेटर, बराबर और हैशोड ...} में ग्राहक इकाई, मैं CascadeType.ALL का उपयोग करता हूं, हालांकि मैं एक ग्राहक को निकालता हूं, संबंधित सुविधाएं अभी भी वहां हैं मैं ग्राहक द्वारा क्वेरी क्वेरी हटाता है = em.createNamedQuery ("Customer.delete...

iphone - Dynamically creating a uiImageView -

I'm still very new to touch cocoa so please forgive any terminology that may be wrong for me. I have a bunch of images in the bundle, which is constantly named image0.png, image1.png etc ... I have a view controller and an example variable That keeps track of the current line. When a user clicks on a button then I want to be able to create a uiImageView object based on the line number (and first checks whether already exists), ie: uiImageView * ImageView1 for row1. Is it possible or will it be easy to make a line of code for every possible case? I hope this makes sense, and thanks in advance for any light! - (zero) picker view: (see the UIPicker *) was selected pickerView: component in the (NSInteger) line: (NSInteger) component {[ImageView setImage: [imagesArray objectAtIndex: line]]; } Where there is an instance variable (IBOutlet) associated with image view control in the imageView interface builder.

c# - Client side Excel interop using Silverlight 4 -

I am trying to see whether reading Excel spreadsheets and using the Excel Interop Library on Customer using CaesarLite 4 It is possible to read the data. I have viewed the sample code like: dynamic excel = AutomationFactory.CreateObject ("Excel.Application") but How do I know also what is it possible to do using dynamic keywords here? Do you want to work with Silverlight with dynamic objects? Excel Object Model is documented here: