iphone - Dynamically creating a uiImageView -
I'm still very new to touch cocoa so please forgive any terminology that may be wrong for me.
I have a bunch of images in the bundle, which is constantly named image0.png, image1.png etc ...
I have a view controller and an example variable That keeps track of the current line.
When a user clicks on a button then I want to be able to create a uiImageView object based on the line number (and first checks whether already exists), ie: uiImageView * ImageView1 for row1.
Is it possible or will it be easy to make a line of code for every possible case?
I hope this makes sense, and thanks in advance for any light! Where there is an instance variable (IBOutlet) associated with image view control in the imageView interface builder.
- (zero) picker view: (see the UIPicker *) was selected pickerView: component in the (NSInteger) line: (NSInteger) component {[ImageView setImage: [imagesArray objectAtIndex: line]]; }
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