
Showing posts from May, 2010

css - Get hex codes for all colors between two colors? -

I have a button that is changing from one color to another. The example is 1000 buttons where the first one is yellow and the last green and slowly move from yellow to green in between all. So I think I need some software / webpage to generate all the hex codes for colors (eg # 8a3a3a) between these two colors Is this possible? Thank you! It may be what you want: code:

java - Threads and Jms Transaction -

I am stuck in the following scenario. Please give me advice on this There is an inbound queue running a main thread (we are not using the JMS listener) and selecting a message from the queue and processing the message and again Start another sub thread to process. The problem now is how can I handle transactions in the main thread and sub thread. Which means that when I process the message in the main thread, there is some data base access error, so I want to rollback back the message in the inbound queue. And if there is a single failure in the sub thread that was created by the main thread, then the recovered message should rollback in the inbound queue. I have gone through the context of JMS Spring, but these transactions only JM listeners How can I apply the concept of transaction in my scenario Please advise me, if you have any sample program please share it with me It would be better to understand your concepts. I think you are in a difficult area here. Due to ...

java - How to use @ResponseBody and @RequestBody? -

I'm reading Spring 3.0.x reference but I do not know how to use it, do you paste a full example Can you? Use @ResponseBody if you return content directly without any JSP Want to do / Html>}

localization of web.sitemap using a resx file in other project -

I am developing a web application and I am using culture information localization. All of my application's localization resources are in another project with only one resource (resx) files. This architecture is used because I have other applications that use the same resources. My problem is now localization of web.sitemap. I currently have a resx file for web.sitemap in the project and I refer to it using the following syntax title = '$ Resource: Sitemap, clip, _LIST' Description = '$ resource: SiteMapRes, CLIPS_LIST The problem is that this approach does not work when I use the resources contained in other projects Does Does anyone know how to solve my problem? Best regards, "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Uses sitemap Localization expression contained in the Sitemap The default localization provider to open does not allow the default provider to set an external assembly through expression. The only way to change this behavior...

winapi - remote desktop software -

I know how to soften the remote desktop on the Windows OS (low tech content) Where Gui is the best way to "Hook" by the server host, and send it to the client via TCP so that customers can view the remote desktop. maybe help

java - ROME : Unable to get full description of post for a feed -

I am parsing the feed. But when describing each post I get some lines and then it is scaled down with [...] characters. For example. L 305 Stand out from the crowd with a high level of professionals with mobile data projectors. 3000: 1 ANSI Lumen and advanced 3-chip LCD technology save images that are highest quality, realistic and fast. Colors are not [...] Can anyone explain what is the problem and if possible, then what is the resolution? Thanks in advance. > Regards, Amit Feed only one Provides brief description. You must either meet any other feed with more details or create something to recover the content from each item.

c++ - How to implement "record macro"-like functionality similar to Microsoft Excel? -

How to implement "Record Macro" in Microsoft Excel? As far as I know, I can embed a scripting interpreter (for example javascript) and in a web browser, I can create C ++ objects that are visible to scripts like DOM. My question is how do you record user tasks and then generate this Javascript code? In Excel we can record a macro and it will generate appropriate VBA code. How does one implement this feature in C ++ or other languages? PS: Anybody can have a language / forum - I have to do this to think about how to do it. One way to do this is to double event handlers for each menu item / button click. A fire occurs in the form of standard event handlers, your secondary macro-builders' events fire. As macro event builders record a list of tasks you have done, e.g. Active Document> & gt; Save ActiveDocument-> SaveAs ActiveDocument-> Print You can then translate those actions into your desired scripting language. Hope it helps.

Where can i set the location of the css file in wordPress using php? -

I am using WordPress and trying to link to the stylesheet: & lt; Link Rel = "stylesheet" href = " This link does not recognize the tag, because I think the bloginfo ('stylesheet_url') is not working properly. Where can I determine the location of the stylesheet url in WordPress? This is what should be specified: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = " You are specifying correctly, make sure that you have inserted the css file in your Theme folder and the CSS file is named style. CSS

iphone - MFMailComposeViewController does not send mail -

I am trying to send mail using the MFMailComposeViewController. Everything works, except that mail is not sent, and I always get MFmail. As a result result. Any hint? I'm not using the simulator, and sending mail works from my device. I have a relation (test through rebebrency), and [MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail] yes get returns. There is no compiler warning in this project, no crashes ... I had an exchange match and had an old, inactive IMAP account on my phone. Obviously, that leads to problems with iOS4 Mail was actually stuck in the outbox. Once I deleted the passive IMAP account, everything worked as expected.

objective c - Couldnt find Osirix Plugin Generator. How to start to develop plugin for osirix? -

According to the links to the Osirix webpages, the link where Osirix plugin generator is developing for the tutorials to develop apple scripts and plugins are present for osirics. Please guide how to start a simple plugin for osirix. Thanks! You can find some documents here:

objective c - Right way to make controller react on space key event -

Im to create an application where I found a queue list, and some other view around it. When the user presses the space, then I want to play the next Q. No matter what the result is, there is no textfield. So even though another table has been selected, I want Q to be played. I have created a custom class which works as Q controller, this is where the real "go" code is My question is, I have my custom Q controller How to always hear the space? I do not really know what I should do Hope someone can help me You want to see (even if you have not gone to WWDC, you should be accessible to everyone by Apple-Apple this year.) This will help you learn about several ways to handle a coup Is required. Every Mac developers should see that session.

Zend Framework Form load error -

I just took one JPF application from one server to another, and everything was loaded, It just throws this error: Fatal error: Class 'Admin_Form_Cms_AddForm' / 42 / / Modules, models, controllers are loaded, as they should be, but no form. What could have been wrong and how can I fix it? Do you have a * NIX server from a Win Server? Remember file names are case sensitive, so this problem may occur.

Perl pattern matching system variables -

I have a pattern: word1 word2 word3 after pattern Matching with word 1 (using Perl), I have to print 'word2' and 'word3' as described above. Is there a pattern system variable available to do this? What are the available ways to do so? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance Senthil. If I understand correctly, then you have the value of Word1, and you have the word Want to print two consecutive words after 1? Try it: M / $ word1 pattern \ s + (? Lt; word2 & gt; \ s +) \ s + (? $ + should be 2 words and 3 words, and $ + {word2} And you must match in $ + {word3} . If I understand your question for the first time, then it is ...

css selectors - CSS how to target 2 attributes? -

OK if I have a & lt; Input & gt; tag submit I can: input [type = submit] In addition, if I want to target & lt; value = "delete" Tagged with I can do this: Input [value = delete] but how can I target tags with both & lt; input & gt; ? input [type = submit] [value = delete] You are cheering the selectors Each step compresses your search results: input gets all input. Input [Type = submit] compresses it to be processed, while input [type = submit] [value = delete] It compresses what you want.

c# - WebServiceHost: Blocking call in a webservice method blocks whole service -

मेरे पास WebServiceHost वर्ग का उपयोग कर एक WCF webservice है। नया WebServiceHost (typeof (MyServiceClass)); यदि मैं एक अवरुद्ध कॉल का उपयोग थ्रेड में किया है। मेरी वेबसाईट विधियों में एक नींद (सिर्फ एक उदाहरण) और मैं इस विधि को कॉल करता हूं, तो ब्लॉकिंग कॉल सक्रिय होने पर पूरी सेवा उपयोगी नहीं है। क्या यह सामान्य व्यवहार है या मेरे कॉन्फिगरेशन या उपयोग में कोई त्रुटि है? ठीक है, मैं समझ गया। यदि आप सर्विस विंडोज़ जीयूआई थ्रेड में शुरू करते हैं तो आप सर्विस बीवियर के लिए UseSynchronizationContext = false जोड़ सकते हैं और अनुरोधों को समानांतर में संभाला जा सकता है। :)

python - Getting Django to work with Eclipse -

I'm new to Python and Django, but wanted to follow some tutorials. I installed Python, then the Django, and then the pydev plugin for eclipse. In the eclipse I tried to run a new project and tried to run it, I have established a run configuration for with argument runner and it has said "model valid", but I never said anything. I also tried to run through the command line, but I found some errors, in eclipse: c: \ user \ jp \ workspace \ mysite \ Src \ mysite> python runerver Confirm model ... unwanted exceptions for threads & lt; Function by internal_rane 0x02851E in 30 & gt; Traceback (most recent call final): file "c: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ management \ commands \ runerver. Py", line 48, in the inner_run self.validate (display_num_errors = true) file "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ django" c: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ management \ ", line...

Generic casting question C# -

I have a function that takes general: public static ShowTrackChangesViewModel CreateVM & Lt; T & gt; (IILIT & Lt; Track Changes & gt; Track Changes, Tee Entity) {// How do I use T properties? } T here is a unit framework object. How do I put it back to real one to use my property? Do I have to write a big code? Thx You can add this little gem to say that T Type of object MyBaseType : Public Static ShowTrackChangesViewModel CreateVM & lt; T & gt; (IList & lt; TrackChanges & gt; Track Changes, Tea Organizations) where T: MyBaseType Then, you can use the unit as if it was a MyBaseType was if you need specific qualities that are not in the base category, then you do not want a general method (because it will not be normal!). Hope that helps!

e commerce - does both google checkout and paypal return a transaction id? -

Once the user has made a payment using either Google Checkout or PayPal, would you get a response with a transaction ID? is? Can you later use your API to draw the details on the transaction for the report? If you use the appropriate API, then yes.

qt - signals and slots in multilayered UI widgets -

मान लें कि हमारे पास follogin UI है: + ------- ------------------- + | W1 + -------------- + | | | | W2 | | | | + ---------- + | | | | | W3 | | | | | + ---------- + | | | | | | | + -------------- + | + -------------------------- + डब्लू 3 एक विशिष्ट संकेत W1 में उत्सर्जित किया गया है या नीचे एक स्तर, अर्थात qApp)। विचार W3 स्वतंत्र रूप से विकसित करना है लेकिन किसी को सिग्नल / स्लॉट कनेक्शन करना पड़ता है। यदि W3 को किसी भी अन्य विजेट के बारे में नहीं जानना चाहते हैं, तो डब्लू 3 में स्लॉट में डब्लू 1 में उत्सर्जित संकेत को जोड़ने का एक अच्छा अभ्यास / अनुशंसित तरीका क्या होगा, और हम नहीं चाहते कि W1 को डब्लू 3 के बारे में पता होना चाहिए? समाधान 1: W2 में सिग्नल के साथ W1 में सिग्नल के साथ कनेक्ट सिग्नल (संकेत तकनीक सिग्नल) और इसलिए W2 में स्लॉट में W2 में संकेत कनेक्ट करें। समाधान 2: एक QApp सिग्नल जेनरेट करें और W2 में स्लॉट के साथ W2 में कनेक्ट करें। समाधान 3: एक क्यूएफ़एप सिग्नल जेनरेट करें और W3 स्वयं को इसके स्लॉट का उपयोग करके कनेक्ट करें। धन्यवाद आम तौर प...

java - Do Threads Add A Lot Of Overhead To An App? -

Matures as my app, I think that finding more and more uses for threads So far, I have around 25 threads, do all the important things and work together in the symphony. I know that my app is around 15.5 MB resident. Compared to the browser (+/- 35MB) I feel very safe, but I see the resident size of my app ever growing. The question is, how far is the upper part with adding a thread? I am also wondering if the synchronized keywords have to face more latency with each new thread? Thank you! Threads are very useful, but they can be a threat as well. I am working on a project to check the dangers presented by an application. If you run the top through the ADB shell, it specifically tells you how an app is running. You will see that the use of the processor is directly proportional to the number of threads. It means too much that the number of threads is upper even though they appear to keep their activity free from trapping periodically, then synchronizing their actions c... - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: control -

& lt; CC1: ConfirmButtonExtender DisplayModalPopupID = "ModalPopupExtender4" आईडी = "ConfirmButtonExtender4" runat = "सर्वर" TargetControlID = " Lnkremoveloc "सक्षम =" गलत "OnClientCancel =" RemoveLocations "& gt; & Lt; / CC1: ConfirmButtonExtender & gt; & LT; CC1: ModalPopupExtender आईडी = "ModalPopupExtender4" OkControlID = "btnDisable" CancelControlID = "btnCancel" BackgroundCssClass = "modalBackground" PopupControlID = "pnlRemove" TargetControlID = "lnkremoveloc" runat = "सर्वर" & gt; & Lt; / CC1: ModalPopupExtender & gt; & Lt; asp: पैनल CssClass = "modalPopup" आईडी = "PnlRemove" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt;! - सामान्य पॉपअप नियंत्रण प्रारंभ - & gt; & Lt; टेबल वर्ग = "tbl कॉमनपॉप" चौड़ाई = "400" सेलपैडिंग = "0" सेल स्पेसिंग = "0"...

How do i get Firefox to send HTTP Referer data to an embedded flash player? -

I want to stream some video, and it has all been done for flash, but they do not want it to be external So I have a server set, so if the correct http_referer is set that it works but Firefox does not work properly for any reason The most disappointing thing about this is that it also works in IE. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Scott According to the after configuring Network.http.sendRefererHeader in: config in Firefox: 0 - Never send a referer header or set a document. Referrer. 1 - Send the raffer header when clicking the link, and set the document.referrer page for the following. 2 - Send a Referrer header to click on a link or load an image, and set up the document.referrer for the following page.

java - Writing a Quicksort with one loop -

My brother wants me to only optimize my code by a loop. I do not think how only a loop can work in a quaortet (they asked me to remove the internal loop) public class QuickSort {public static zero instant (int [] Target, int lo, int hi) {if (lo> = en) {return; } Random Number Generator = New Random (); Int Pivot = Number generator. Take NXITINTI (High-Low) +; Int pivotValue = target [pivot]; Target [axle] = target [hi]; Targeted to [Hi] = pivotValue; Axis = hi; Int counter; {Counter = lo; Counter & lieutenance; Pivot; Counter ++) {While (target [counter] & gt; target [pivot]) {if (smoke-counter == 1} {int temp = target] [counter]; target [counter] = target [pivot]; target [Axis] = floating; // return; // possibly problem} and {int temp1 = target [pivot-1]; int temp2 = target [pivot]; target [axle] = target [counter]; target [axle 1] Public target zero main (string [] args) {} = temp2; target [counter] = temp1; axis = axis1;}}} instant (target, lo, counter 1) Int sizeO...

How to pass Object context to jQuery.ajax JSONP callback? -

I run into problems to pass the JavaScript object context in the callback handler of a JSON AJAX request, when the ajax provider Its predefined call back. (Flickr service provider). I give a simple example: function person (AID) {; = anId; Var self = this; This.loadName = function () {$ .ajax ({url: "jsonp.json", datatype: "jsonp", jsonpCallback: "handleJSON", data: {id:}, context: self, success: function (Data) { =;}}); }} Var Handson = function (data) {console.log ("Received" +; } Var a = new person (234); A.loadName (); Var B = new person (345); B.loadName (); The above examples work perfectly, the console handle outputs to the line of the JSN function. But in this function I have no reference to the original object which is calling it. I want the success function to be called instead: Here I can refer to the self variable There are many possible solutions, but I No work is...

How to convert time like 2 pm or 3 am to HH:MM:SS format in php? -

How do I change time from hour to noon or 3h in HH: MM: PHP in SS format like this: $ date = '2pm'; Echo Date ('H: I: S', Stromathem ($ date)); Result: 14:00:00 and: $ date = '2am'; Echo Date ('H: I: S', Stromathem ($ date)); Result: 02:00:00 More INFORMATION: Update: To change it back: $ date = '14: 00: 00 '; Echo Date ('AA', Stromatium ($ date)); Result: 14PM

Any Ruby models to traverse DOM's quickly? -

Does anyone find Ruby libraries / gems that allow you to cross a DOM quickly? I have something that is fast, and there are not many dependencies, I'm trying to use the nokia, but I'm worried about the number of bug segmentation defects. = "Text"> I have a personal favorite.

.net - VisualStudio Default Code Discovery Method -

Some time ago (after installing VStudio 2010), I went to Definition ... Opening a small box and asking me if I wanted to: Use the object explorer Open Meta-Data View Something I Can not remember Well, I was not really paying much attention and chose meta-data view, now I want to set it on object explorer But I can not do it for life "text"> Do you have Rehber installed? If so, how can you change it:

c - Address 0 being overwritten by NULL pointer on HCS08 -

On my 8-bit Freescale HCS08 micro, whenever I call a library function that returns values ​​for pointers, and I really do not want them, I threw them in a tap, eg. UART_SendBlock ((Four *) TeXSTER, Stellen (TEXTST), Faucet); The last argument type is uint16_t * and returns the number of characters actually sent, a value that I do not care about. However, I was having problems with my micro on port A, the function was called every time, and debugging told me about the argument that screwing things up. The configurations of Port A remain at the address of 0x0000 and 0x0001, where there are numbers on NULL (aka (zero *) 0 ). I thought that NULL was some kind of magic, where it would not really do anything, but it does not seem like that. My operation really looks hacked: define #MNUL (Zero *) (& mynull) uint32_t mynull; Is there a better solution? I tried to define MNUL to the unused section of memory on my processor, but due to this it was immediately reset...

php: force download from different domains? -

I wonder if you come up with some terrible solutions for my problem. Not working normally! OK, I'm trying to force-download a file on any website with the following php script. Do I just pass? P = and the download prompts for my url & lt ;? Php error_reporting (E_ALL); If (isset ($ _GET ['p'])) $ path = $ _GET ['p']; Second "No Way Set!" Echo; $ File = $ path; // header ('location:'. $ File); // works perfectly, the browser opens the file in // title ("cache-control: no-cache"); Header ("End: -1"); Header ("content-type: application / octet-stream;"); Header ("Content-Attention: Attachment; File Name = \" ". BaseName ($ file)." \ ";"); Header ("content-transfer-encoding: binary"); Header ("content-length:". Filesystem ($ file)); Echo readfile ($ file); ? & Gt; However, as I have found today (filesize) does not work with local files on my server just wit...

using telnet to connect to a ssh based server -

Is it possible to use tunnel to connect to SSH server via Telnet? I am using an API that can telnet only the host, but the host will only accept the SSP connection. If this is possible, then what will I have to do to set it? net cat and ssh $ nc -l -p 12345 - C "ssh" Make sure that you have RSA authentication setup, because you can not log in a password.

osx - Same C code producing different results on Mac OS X than Windows and Linux -

I am working with an older version of OpenSLL, and I'm going through some behaviors that make me Trying to work with cross-platform codes that have been stumped for. I have a code that calls OpenSSL to sign something. My code has been prepared after code in ASN1_sign, which is found in a_sign.c in the OpenSSL, which shows the same problem while using it. Here is the relevant line of code (which is similar to that found in A_signi and used in the same way): EVP_SignUpdate (& amp; ctx; (unsigned char * buf_in, inl) ; CTX is a structure that uses OpenSSL, is not related to this discussion BUF_It is a four * of data that is to be signed - inl The length of buf_in EVP_SignUpdate can be repeated to read EVP_SignFinal before being asked to sign the data to be signed. When this code is used on Ubuntu and Windows 7, everything works fine, only one of those inputs is the exact same signature produced. On OS X, if the size of the INL is less than 64 (which is 64 bytes ...

c++ - binary file encryption problem -

I'm having a problem while encrypting some data in the file. I am using simple xor for that say i have this structure: struct MyFile {char fileName [128]; Int account; Float balance;}; Saving it as a binary file is working properly, but when I use an excerpt to encrypt the file name in the structure and save the strait to HD then the structure is not read and the file name decrypting is not displayed Happening. I am using this simple function for the encryption / decryption purpose. Static Zero Codec (Const four * key, int key, four *, four * result, full length) {for (int i = 0; i Note that when I encrypt the filename and decrypt it directly into the memory then the result is correct. I remember why it was changed when saved on the hard disk Please answer asap and tnx in advance ... Note that you have the files Will be opened in binary mode ("rb" / "wb" instead of "r" / "w" for fopen ) especially in the implementation of Window...

assembly - SegFaults in my Assembler? But that's impossible! :O -

Ok, so I understand that we have all our C / C ++ programmers at one time, our unusual slavery, demonic signs, SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault now, I (emphasis on the last stress) This magical GCC (or G ++) The compiler, or what you have, is understood to have some form of unsuccessful safe / checking system within certain parts of the machine code. But! Today I was walking with some old X86 codear with a good old NASM on virtualized arch Linux system, and for a lot of my surprise and contemplation, once again failed by my coding efforts by Naphitius Segfault. The code that generates a dangerous signal: mov eax, 0x7 mov [0xB8000], eax Now, I Understand that the Linux kernel loads your assembled program in a shell and executes it from there, but I thought it talks with the MOV instructions processor in 1 to 1, how the Earth can detect the kernel I'm trying to use a little memory, it does not want me, and the instructions Central? I do not pretend to understand that when your...

java - HQL version of a SQL join with group by -

I have two tables, bands and votes, the band has a name and an ID, and the total_vittas column and band near the votes .ID is a foreign key that points to I have a lot of votes, have been saved in different dates. What I want to do is find the maximum value of the total_width column of each band, the following SQL query works: select, max (v.total_votes) In total, from band B, vote v where = v.band_id group by total bn by command; The system I am working with, however, uses Hibernate I would like to rewrite that SQL query as HQL or as a hibernate parameter query. Is it easy and I am missing it now? Thanks for any help. In the HQL, you can try: band Select the, Max (vote vote total vote) included in the band. Vote by band. Order by maximum (vote.) It assumes there is a one-to-many collaboration between band and votes ( In fact, providing an object model is very useful when you work with the HQL and / or Criteria API to q...

python - Django urls straight to html template -

Learning DJ & amp; Python. Just after the tutorial, establish a new site. Let's say for the debate now that I want to add a bunch about us, the basic HTML pages of frequently asked questions with very little dynamic elements do you write a new line in my file for each page ? Or some of them can clearly map the map * * .html to the relevant .html file directly? In general, if it needs to be seen then I have to write a new line in the URL. The py file for each page Unless there is a certain identification section in the URL, There is no need to create an entry in for the template url. For example, you can say that all URL templates that end in ".html" are referencing a direct file. urlpatterns = pattern ('django.views.generic.simple', (r '(. + \ .html) $', 'direct_to_template'), # ...) Take a look for the details.

jquery - $.getJSON problem in spring mvc3.0 -

I have the following javascript functions that I call upon the submit button click .... Function CheckUser () {var uname = $ ('# username'). Val (); Var pword = $ ('#password'). Val (); Warning (uname); Warning (pword); $ .getJSON ("login.html", {username: uname, password: password}, ​​function (message) {alert (message);}); } I am using Spring MVC 3.0 ... the following are the controllers I use ... Package com.web.controller ; Import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; Public class LoginController {@RequestMapping ("/ login.html") Public @ResponseBody String getLoginStatus (@RequestParam ("username") string @Controller username, @resposem ("password") string passwo...

scope - PHP - How to be able to use variables inside __autoload() function -

The autoload function I am using is as follows: - function __autoload ($ moduleName) {// logic file logic to see the existence - if it exists then redirect to the fallback page;) Does it not take any other logic? I want to make some arguments based on some variables inside the autoload function. How can I do this without the use of global variables? Thanks Additional Details I think this is not possible. $ viewClassMap = array ('search_classes -: __autoload () class, but still trying to explain with an example I have a modules.config file An array is' = & gt; General class listings, 'search_pack' => 'general pack listing',); The above array means that the common class list of the class must be included in the search_ squared sequence, in case of search-pack view, class general pack launcher must be included. By default, the commonDisplay class will be included for all other views, function __autoload ($ VIEWNAME, $ viewClassM...

Xcode preprocessor definitions (not per project) -

I have to have preprocessor definitions for each machine with encoded, so no matter which project I will open, There will be some definitions. In the first office, I want to know that #define SERVER_IP in another office # Define SERVER_IP etc ... So the projects are exactly the same, only those encoded environmental projects will provide those definitions. Is there any such possibility in Xcode? You can just define a prefix header file and set its name in the Xcode project The contents of the file prefix header file could vary for different offices. Although note that this type of thing is not usually a good idea - you should not embed the settings in your code - use priorities for this type of things.

android - Creating a web service project -

How do I start a project, in which I can design an application that brings weather forecasts from existing web sites is? Here's an example: You must use the Google Weather API to start the project:

java - Generic List of Array -

How to delete: type protection: type list [] expression Uncontrolled requires compiler warning in the following expression: list & lt; Object & gt; [ ] ArrayOfList = new listing [10]; Using Apack's only way @SuppressWarnings ("uncheck") Is . At least if you want to avoid the warning of the raw type in response to Matthew. But you should consider your design again. An array of lists? Is it really necessary? Why not list the lists? And if it becomes very complicated (list of inventory map list ...), use custom data types. This actually makes the code more readable. And as an unrelated side note: You list & lt; Object & gt; [] Must specify arrayOfList Brackets are part of type, not variable

Tomcat Classpath -

जब मैं अपने टॉमकैट में निम्नलिखित jsp चलाता हूँ ... & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; meta http-equiv = "सामग्री-प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = आईएसओ -885 9 -1" & gt; & Lt; title & gt; शीर्षक यहां सम्मिलित करें & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; पहले: cp = & LT;% = System.getProperty ( "java.class.path")% & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मुझे यह आउटपुट मिलता है ... इससे पहले: cp = C: \ apache-tomcat-6.0.24 \ bin \ bootstrap.jar; C: \ Program फ़ाइलें \ जावा \ jdk1.6.0_19 \ lib \ tools.jar मैं सी कैसे कर सकता हूँ: \ Myfolder \ project यहाँ दिखाई देता है ...? मैं अपने tomcat6 वर्ग पथ को कैसे इस फ़ोल्डर को सेट कर सकता हूँ .. Kaddy आप catalina.bat (या .sh) को संपादित कर सकते हैं उस। लेकिन अगर आप बस कक्षा में कुछ जार डालते हैं, तो उन्हें \ lib संपादित करें: इसे करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका catalina.bat को संपादित नही...

sql server 2005 - Should I use stored procedures for reports in SQL Reporting Services -

When I write a report for SQL reporting services, I put SQL-script inside my report (SDL). When I run this script in SQL Management Studio it takes about 1 second, but the report is generated for a long time (sometimes the report throws an exception about the timeout). Should I write the stored procedure and use it in the report? Will it be faster? And another question - when SQL-script returns to multiple rows, does the report get all the rows and only show one page, or does it take only one page from the SQL server? Thanks in advance. stored procs vs. ad-hoc / dynamic sql: if the report is running Data is relatively unchanged, so you might want to consider caching: I personally feel the favor because it is easy to reuse. What's going on according to the RSE Execution Log / (or No!) To see how long the process is going to be done:

C#: how to insert string containing new lines into TextBox? -

How can you insert new lines into a text box in a text box? When I call it \ n as new line character, it does not work. You must set the multilevel property of the text box to the correct and you can use the environment. New line as the new line. You can also use \ r \ n instead of the environment. New TextBox1.Text = "first line \ r \ n second line"

android - how to check selected file is an image? -

Friends, I'm trying to display an image from the gallery, now I want to check That selected file Users can select video file, image file etc. Anything so I want to allow images only. Click on the active button Private Zero selectImageFromGallery () {startActivityForResult (new intent (Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI), 0); } @ Override Protective Result on Intact Result (Int Requestcode, Int Outcome Results, Intent Data) {Switch (Outcome Code) {Case 0: Logs. I ("Macmine", "User canceled"); break; Case -1: _data = Data; ShowImageInActivity (); break; }} intent = new intent (int. Action_GET_CONTENT); Intent.setType ("image / *"); StartActivityForResult (intent, IMAGE_PICK); No need to see if you only want to select images, use the above asset, in the case of audio and video files, it will automatically filter your required files Does.

zend framework - Dojo parse unparsed widjits -

Adds dojo.parser.parse to the Zend Framework (); If you have widgets on the page on your script, but if you do not - understand. But I have a common JS file, which should set the lightbox images in all the pages, and for that I need dojo.parser.parse (); to be included. I can add it to my normal JS file, but if I do, then the parser runs twice and dojo breaks because all the widgets in the page are adding twice. How can I set my JS effectively to see incompatible objects effectively, or even better, to find out what dojo.parser.parse (); Already running? (Unfortunately, Zend does not specify dojo.parser.parse) in a variable) Once dojo.parser.parse () has terminated the parsing of the widget, all the widgets reference global item dijit.registry._hash . You can use a simple test to determine if the dojo.parser.parse () is called or not. This approach works only when you create widgets only as an announcement.

java - How to create UI and Model based on some business logic -

I was following business logic. This represents some operations in Op1 and Op2. And param1, param2, ... represents the parameter required to execute these functions op1 = param1, param2 op2 = param1, param2, param3 Now in the UI I had a drop list that contains "op1" and "op2" on the basis of my business logic, the following should be 1) If I select the operation as "OP1" then correspond to parameter 1 and paragraph 2 2 text fields must be enabled on the UI Similarly, there should be 3 text fields for "OP2" Now when the user enters the data, then I need to continue the data in my DB 1) Consistent with "OP1" The value of the Ultimate 1 and Paragraph 2 should be 2) Consistent with "OP2" I should store the values ​​of param1, param2 and param3 Please guide me how can I get it? Well I'm not a DB expert, but maybe you have a table for ops with proper information OpId OpName permissions .... 0001 doStuff 001001...

performance - Hints to speed up mobile debugging with Visual Studio 2008 C++ -

I am debugging a C + + MFC Windows Mobile 6 using Visual Studio 2008 on a USB ActiveSync link is. It works fine, but it is very slow like adding a new watch to an integer is appropriate, ~ 20 second task manager shows devenv.exe using 50% CPU at this time, e.g. All cycles on one core, hence the problem is CPU statement rather than IO Bound. I have confirmed it using an emulator instead of the device, which is not very fast. The environment also includes visual assistants within VS 2008, and Microsoft Security Essentials, which are all on XP SP3 Anyone on the way to improve the speed of debugging in this context Hint? Did you try to reinstall your Visual Studio? Or have you reproduced this behavior on another desktop? It should not take 20 seconds for that work.

api - set "run as administrator" flag programmatically -

Is it possible to set the program "run as administrator" on the exe file or shortcut file programmatically? Does Installshield support this functionality if I do this as part of the installation process? I am trying to find the respective command line / API / installshield command for this. Upstream build processing should reveal your EXE with your administrator requirement. There is nothing to do with InstallShield or Shortcut when the user clicks on the shortcut, then it is done correctly, will see the Windows Manifest, and the UAC will prompt for the upgrade.

Working with Image and Bitmap in c#? -

I am developing a project that includes a photo gallery managed by the admin panel. I want to show a thumbnail image for the admin in the admin panel which is active and will be shown to end the user. OK I am storing images in two parameters in DB: Image data (byte []), ImageMemType. So when I store images for the first time, I want to store thumbnail editions of images. In this address, I have got some example code to resize and manipulate the pictures: Private static image crop image (image image, rectangle crop area) {bitmap bmpImage = new bitmap (img) ); Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone (Croparia, bmpImage.PixelFormat); Return (Image) (BMPCRP); } This function takes an image as a parameter. But I have image data (byte []). So, how do I convert the image and the image to a byte array in my byte array? image from byte array public image bytereremes (byte [] bytere ) {Memorystream MS = new memorystream (byte); Return image.freamstream (ms); } image byte array ...

java - Specifying an Index (Non-Unique Key) Using JPA -

आप एक क्षेत्र को कैसे परिभाषित करते हैं, जैसे ईमेल JPA एनोटेशन का प्रयोग करते हुए सूचकांक हमें ईमेल पर एक अनन्य कुंजी की आवश्यकता है, क्योंकि प्रति दिन इस फ़ील्ड पर सचमुच लाखों प्रश्न हैं, और इसकी कुंजी के बिना थोड़ी धीमी है। @ एंटीटी @Table (name = "person", uniqueConstraints = @ UniqueConstraint (columnNames = {"code", "uid"})) सार्वजनिक वर्ग व्यक्ति {// कोड और यूआईडी सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग कोड पर अद्वितीय; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग यूआईडी; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ईमेल; } मैंने एक हाइबरनेट विशिष्ट एनोटेशन देखा है लेकिन मैं विक्रेता विशिष्ट समाधानों से बचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं क्योंकि हम अभी भी हाइबरनेट और डेटान्यूक्लियस के बीच तय कर रहे हैं। अद्यतन करें: जेपीए 2.1 के रूप में, आप यह कर सकते हैं। देखें: जहां तक ​​मुझे पता है, कोई क्रॉस-जेपीए-प्रदाता को निर्दिष्ट करने का तरीका नहीं है अनुक्रमित। हालांकि, आप हमेशा डेटाबेस में उन्हें सीधे हाथ से बना सकते हैं, अधिकांश डेटाबेस प्रश्नोत्तरी योज...

vba - Hotkey for moving messages from inbox to archive in Outlook -

मैं एक हॉटकी को MS Outlook में कॉन्फ़िगर करना चाहूंगा, जो निम्नलिखित संदेश एक "संग्रह" फ़ोल्डर में (डिफ़ॉल्ट इनबॉक्स के अलावा किसी अन्य फ़ोल्डर का अर्थ है संग्रह) जब भी मैं [CRTL] + M दबाता हूं मैं वर्तमान में Outlook 2007 का उपयोग करता हूं। Outlook में एक मैक्रो को हॉटकी निर्दिष्ट करना मुश्किल हो सकता है, लेकिन आप मैक्रो को एक बटन के रूप में जोड़ सकते हैं टूलबार।

c++ - unable to pass Template function as a callback parameter -

कृपया नीचे दिए गए कोड का संदर्भ लें: typedef शून्य (* टाइमर कॉलबैक) (int RequestID_in, शून्य * अतिरिक्त Parameter_in); वर्ग MyTimer {सार्वजनिक: MyTimer () {} bool अनुसूची (int इंटरवल_इन, टाइमरकॉलबैक टाइमरकॉलबैक_इन, शून्य * अतिरिक्त Parameter_in) {// कुछ लॉजिक रिटर्न सच; }}; नामस्थान {टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; शून्य myTimerFunc (Int RequestID_in, शून्य * अतिरिक्त Parameter_in) {MyLogic & lt; T & gt; * plogic = static_cast & lt; MyLogic & lt; T & gt; * & gt; (अतिरिक्त Parameter_in); If (plogic) {// कुछ करना}}} टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; क्लास मायलोगिक {सार्वजनिक: मायलोगिक () {} शून्य परीक्षण मे () {मायटिमर एटिमर; ATimer.schedule (10, myTimerFunc & lt; T & gt ;, यह); }}; Int main () {मायोलॉजिक & lt; int & gt; myLogic; myLogic.testMe (); } मैं VC6 कंपाइलर का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और कम्पाइलर निम्नलिखित त्रुटि फेंकता है: त्रुटि C2664: 'अनुसूची': 'शून्य' से पैरामीटर 2 कन्वर्ट नहीं किया जा सकता , शून्य *) ...

c# - Creating high resolution image -

I have an image (PNG) with resolution 1600 * 1200 (96 dpi). I have some text on the image and then it was saved in a file so that the pivot-observer could be loaded using silver deep zoom. The text gets blurred while moving and I was wondering how I can sharpen the text (only while zooming slightly). This is my first programming with images / graphics, so any information would be great (i.e. the link to read, the concept of understanding etc.) JD. I have never used these controls, but you can override the zooming algorithm ( If this is also possible, I do not know). If you have text in an image and you are not using vector-based images (SVG, EMF, WMF, etc.), any kind of dispersion is going to be blurred. A different zooming algorithm, if it is a possibility, can decide how to spread the pixels for the text, you have something called "the closest neighbor" or perhaps "bi-cube" projection Looking at, the size of the image is changing. These methods are ...

xml - XQuery vs OpenXML in SQL Server -

मेरे पास एक XML सर्वर तालिका में यह XML है: & lt; root & gt; & LT; बैठकों & gt; & LT; बैठक & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 111 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; प्रतिभागियों & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; स्मिथ & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; / भागीदार & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; जोन्स & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; / भागीदार & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; ब्राउन & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; / भागीदार & gt; & Lt; / प्रतिभागियों & gt; & Lt; / बैठक & gt; & LT; बैठक & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; 222 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; प्रतिभागियों & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; व्हाइट & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; / भागीदार & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; Bloggs & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; / भागीदार & gt; & LT; भागीदार & gt; & ...

apache - Htaccess 301 only part of the redirect works -

Hi im running a site from one domain to another, and I have created the following .htaccess file, but its work not doing. * # Option + FollowSymlinks redirect to RewriteEngine 301 RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} $ [or] RewriteCond% { HTTP_HOST} $ rewrite (. ) $$ 1 [R = 301, L] I would like to do this in a URL where there is a list of URLs where the URL is different, along with just domains. East. The link is included in the above 5302 but the link is 5271. Then with the rest, I want to make it a normal redirect. Just do the above code code (. *) $ $ 1 and ignore special cases What am I doing wrong? After the text "itemprop =" text "> according to the syntax is in the form of folows: redirect 301 / service Try this: Redirected 301 /pi/Dækkape_UG150_12_lysegrå_5302_.aspx http : //ækkape_UG150_12_lysegrå_5271_.aspx "" Without the parametro for the ... - Is it redundant to put web.config appSettings values into the Cache object? -

I thought I would put those settings in the cache and then cancel the web. The config file changes Some articles read It seems that it is totally unnecessary. the web Remember the config file has already been cached. Have a look at this question. Whenever the file is touched, it automatically refreshes.

delphi - i lost windows 7 effects after accidently modifiying 'compiled resource script '? -

My projects look like a monumental project and windows 95, that I'm programming using a text editor that Comedic Resource Script was revised for the project when I reopened my project, I asked if I want to recreate that file for which I clicked yes my form is dull and windows Adds the 95 style, XPMF component is added back to the XP theme but what about Windows 7, I do not have Windows 7 / Vista, so I can not test if my form supports Win7 on Win7 (But maybe they will see and feel like XP) how to help them win 7 style again! I am using Delphi 2010 under the project. Select the Options menu, Applications section, then make sure that the Runtime Theme is enabled in the check box. Additionally, your form should look good in Vista and Windows 7. This changes the need for the XpManifest component. You can extend this by adjusting the property of GlassFrame on each of the forms.

struts2 - Is there a way to get the session map within custom ActionMapper? -

I want to set / set session parameters within a custom ActionMapper in Stratus 2. When I call Maps & lt; String, Object & gt; Session = ActionContext.getContext (). GetSession (); Within my custom MyActionMapper class, session is null . What am I doing wrong? Do I really have to configure a session? Thank you, Gregor When you ognl # session.USER_KEY , then you do not use getSession or setSession . Better enter the sessionmap from the syntax given below. Sessionmap sessionmap = ActionContext.getContext (). Receive ("session"); So it will work properly.

Upgrading Ruby broke Rails? -

So, I upgraded Ruby to 1.8.7 so that a special gem could be done. Hooray, it works now! But ... Now there is no rail I tried to re-install the gem through the gem, but he did not help, either rake no longer recognizes as a valid order by my window box, and I did not recognize errors I can not even start the server without the full string of My only thought was that I should not have to copy my gems (a tutorial made it with an upgrade window The only way to save my gems is to tell). I am trying to change the 1.8.7 again, and by changing anything, restoring everything according to the need. EDIT: OK, just plain 1.8.7 works, but it is disappointing to re-establish all my gems by hand ... Is there a better solution, in windows? You may have to uninstall the earlier version or RVM to manage several of its versions. Use something like I'm always trying to upgrade directly to a Windows machine (the rake and rail is not working at all). EDIT: Even with RVM, you think that ea...

tcp/ip sockets on gprs modem -

I want to establish a TCP / IP socket connection between the devices connected to a GPRS modem and other devices connected to GPRS Modem.Both devices are connected to GCRs, via SIM for TCP / IP socket connection. How can a client obtain the destination IP address of the server so that incoming connections are listening. SIM is integrated with those who allow us to access GPRS. But for the TCP / IP socket, we must know the destination IP address. For this how do I get the IP address of other clients / servers on the network, from which we want to connect to. Using Socket Programming to Establish TCP / IP Connection Hmm, you can use dynamic DNS services like free - every time you like a small program like IT If he changes with, then he needs an edge to register the IP - and then use host no I want to find the server instead of the numeric IP. Although a warning - the device can actually be within the carrier's private network and non-roulette addresses can be given. In tha... mvc 2 - How to correctly and easily handle 404 errors on my MVC2 application? -

same question: I'm partly the question above Except that it is very important rather than being MVC2-ey. Perhaps a 'more conference on configuration' approach is more straightforward with MVC2? When the user types in a non-existent approach, how can I easily set up my MVC2 application to show a special 404 page? Thank you. In Web.config & lt; CustomErrors mode = "on" defaultRedirect = "~ / error-page / index" & gt; & Lt; Error status code = "404" redirect = "~ / error-page / notfound" /> & Lt; Error status code = "403" redirect = "~ / error-page / badderity" /> & Lt; / CustomErrors & gt; mvc 2 - How do I pass data between two controllers? -

In my specific example, I need to get an error on a controller on an controller where it will be displayed. Here is a test case that I had set. I have tried tempadata, watchdata and session. I saw one more thing that maybe I am redirecting it. When I put a breakpoint on the receiver controller, if I go to it then I hit the breakpoint, but it is never hit on the redirect. Send Administrator Action Public Actions New () {Session ["Information"] = "There was an Error"; Session ["noticeclass"] = "error"; Redirect Action ("Index", "Home"); } Then the recipient is the controller here: public performance index () {// handle action return view (); } Then any error or notice is found in a partial view & lt;% @ Control language = "C #" Inherits = " System.Web Mvc.ViewUserControl & LT; Dynamic & gt; "& Gt%; & Lt;% string message = ""; String class = "hidden"...

Is Azure mature enough for actual production usage yet? -

I spun with Azer in January this year and although it was good in theory, I was also able to deploy one Due to facing various flaws, the simple dummy application I have to take another look, although I do not want to spend two more days in vain. If you have recently tried Ezur, then I would be interested to hear about your experiences. Thanks, Adrian Yes , Xbox live, Microsoft's BPOS suite, Live Messenger, and more, all run on the Azure. If this Xbox can play live, it can run your production app.

html - Button Click Counter in PHP -

I am trying to build a small skeleton frame for a friend, where each button is run an animation . She wants a way to calculate the number of clicks the button is being done, and I can not even find that part working. What am I doing wrong? & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['mushu'])) {resonant "working."; PlayAnimation (); ClickInc (); } Function Play animation () {/ * ... * /; } Function clickInc () {$ count = ("clickcount.txt"); $ Click = file ($ count); $ Clicks [0] ++; $ Fp = fopen ($ count, "w") or die ("can not open file"); Fputs ($ fp, "$ click [0]"); Fclose ($ FP); Per Click [0]; }? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Adobe kitten & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "& lt ;? Php $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'] ;; & gt; & Gt; & Lt; Input Type = "Button" value = "... - Getting items from a folder from SourceForge SVN Project -

itemprop = "text"> getItems () '#' Make a reference to a directory such as the new IO.DirectoryInfo ("https : // ") Dim diar1 IO.FileInfo () = di.GetFiles () Dim dra such as IO.FileInfo '' #list All files in the specified directory in DIRE 1 List box 1. ITEM.Ad (Draw) Next End Function This is my code and it does not work. Error "" Warning 1 function 'getItems' returns no value on all code paths. A tap reference exception can be the result when the result is used. C: \ Users \ ****** \ AppData \ Local \ Temporary Projects \ iPossum \ Form1.vb 13 5 iPossum ". How can I do this? Thank you! To correct the error you are asking about, just change the word function to sub . However, after doing this you will not work even if you have the code. You will have a new error, because System.IO directory and file class only work on local file systems . You can use System.N...

osx - Varnish + Rails causes invalid authenticity tokens in development -

This is my position. I'm testing varnish on my local box (I'm doing a few things related to page caching. Every time I submit a form, everything works fine even when I submit a form, I get an ActionController :: InvalidAuthenticityToken exception. Varnish is running at port 6081 on the localhost, and the port is running at the localhost port 80. When I try to use the site using port 6081, I get an exception. Is there any way around this? OK, so the reason it was unsuccessful was my VCL file out all Cookies are obviously on every request, this will cause some issues with authenticity tokens. Fix the stupid for a silly problem: /

objective c - mutually referencial .h files? -

I'm sure that I'm really feeling dumb when I remember how to do it, but here It is: I have two classes A and B is B. A type of B, B is a type of B. It is not uncommon. The problem is that B.H. Import and vice versa. However, one of these should be first, and when this happens, the other uses fail to compile. I know that there is really a dumb / easy way to do this, and I do not remember it, and today my google-fu is weak ... In Objective-C, you can declare a class using @ class classname . Before you use it in A, then you use @class A and @class B before using it in B.

Django template filter to create an list of items that join on commas and end on "and" -

I think I'm writing something that already exists. Is Django's template filter a comma and a list of objects at places and before the previous one could be included in 'and'? For example: a = ['foo',] b = ['The filter I'm looking for will display each list in the following ways: P> will display a 'foo'. B will appear 'bar and falcon' c 'fu, bar and hawk Will display 'D' Fu, Bar, Falcon, and your Mom 'will show'. Question 1: Is there anything that already does? I tried to write it myself in two places: My code: Question 2 : It breaks on forloop.counter & amp; amp; | Length. Please explain why these are not valid. You can do this in your template: {% item in list} {% ifloop.first%} {% else%} {% ifloop.last%} and {% else%}, {% endif%} {% Endif%} {{item}} {% Endfor%} Line breaks have been added for clarity: Remove them to avoid unwanted spaces Output: {% it...

php - Photo gallery page loading slowy...what could be the problem? -

I have a simple php site that I have created but for some reason to load my Photo gallery page for a while Takes for Can anyone explain what is the problem and how to speed up load time? Here is the PHP code. The way I have coded everything in a file (photography.fp), in the same way in the context of the images in any other folder ... & lt ;? Php $ thisPage = "Photographer, Caribbean, Jamaica, Bahamas - Cheryl Blackberry"; $ ThisDescription = ""; $ ThisKeywords = "Caribbean, Jamaica, Bahamas"; Included ("header.php"); //include("html/photography.html); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div id = "photography" & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'coin-slider' & gt; & Lt; Div id = "photos" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" target = "_ blank" & gt; & Lt; Img src = 'photography / img_01.jpg' alt = "studio keya yacht club auumas, Bahamas" /> & Lt; Span & gt; Stu...

iphone - convert instance variable into string? -

If I have a uiviewcontroller with a frequency variable "direction" I do MyViewController.direction I can, but if I do not want a string with a valid name, then I need a "direction". Is this possible? You can retrieve the list of properties by using the code> class_copyPropertyList and you can use the property_getName return the property given by the first method and retrieve the property name. to do. You can read more information on it in the Objective-R Runtime Programming Guide in the declared Properties section.

JQuery/PHP Chat Client Help -

I found this cool chat tutorial on CSS-Tricks. () I'm trying to use it though. Every time I run it, and when I ask in the chat room, I enter my name, it just shows this code: Great! You do not have a username "" $ data [inuse '] = "notinuse";} else {$ data [' result '] = "That username is already in use (Username expires for 2 minutes without use ) "; $ Data [inuse '] = "inuse";} echo json_encode ($ data);}} and {$ username = cleanInput ($ _ POST [' userid ']); $ (= $ Username)) {$ getUsers = "SELECT * chat_users WHERE user name = '$ username'"; If (! Haidata ($ user received)) {$ now = time (); $ Post user = "INSERT IN 'values ​​(zero,' $ user name ',' 1 ',' $ now ')"; Mysql_query ($ postUsers); $ _SESSION ['userid'] = $ username; Header ('location: ./chatrooms.php');} and {header ('location: ./?error=1')}}}}? I wonder what the...

Simple Plugin with MEF .How Can I load plugin using a config File -

I am writing a small plugin architecture and I have decided to use the MEF I am told that we Should use a config file Is there an example that uses a file and a config file? I just have to set up a config file, is it possible? This is an example of a small node that I have created to test. I have load plugin function and config file is missing. Can you help Node example //mycompany.payment.Contracts. Dll Public Interface IPMant {Boole Pe (;); } // Mycompany.Pamment. Service Provider ONADL [Export (Typeface (iPad)]] Public Service Service Provider One: IPMENT {Public Bowl Pay (return true); } //MyCompany.Payment.ServiceProviderTwo.dll [Export (Type (IPMant))] Public class service provider two: ipmant {? Public bowl (return true); } // main console.Applications class program {Static Wide Men (string [] AGR) {HelperPlugin HelperPlugin = New HelperPlugin (); & Lt; IPayment & gt; MyLoadedPayments = helperPlugin.GetPlugins (); // blahhh conti}} public cos HelperPlugin {[...

c++ - Corrupted Binary Files after Transfer libcurl -

I am using a binary file (.exe) with libcurl with FTP, and saving it to a local file I am The problem is that after transferring the file, it is replaced and now it is not a valid Win32 application, and does not run. Here's how I am doing this: curl * curl; Curl = curl_easy_init (); FILE * f = fopen ("C: \\ blah.exe", "w"); If (curl) {curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); Curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "blah: blah"); Curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD, CURLFTPMETHOD_SINGLECWD); Curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL); Curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, & amp; F); } Other {fclose (f); Return CURL_EASY_INIT_FAIL; } Fclose (f); The file is written but the bigger the FTP server. Like I said, the attempt to run it is not a valid Win32 application error in "% 1". Did I forget to set an option or something? You forgot the binary flag This is the correct c...

wcf - Why should I use DataContract Serializer while I have XML/Binary serializer? -

Can anyone please tell me why I am already present in the XML / Binary Serializer. ? This is a site that I was looking at on the same issue. You should check Quoting from the link above: The advantage of the data contrastraseilerizer on XMLSerializer Opt-in instead of opt-out properties To serialize Because it is in the opt-in, you can not only serial the properties, but also can field. You can also serial non-public members such as private or protected members. And you do not need to set up on any asset (though you can serial without a setter, but can not deserialize) About 10% of the XmlSerializer to serial the data, Understand SerializableAttribute and know that it should be serial More options and controls on KnownTypes Hope it helps!