jsf 2 - How to dynamically add JSF components -

Can I add JSF components to the dynamic? I should have a form containing a button that contains a & lt; H: Input Text & gt; Is it possible to add to the form?

I know that it should be possible in JavaScript somehow Does anyone know how to do this in JSF? I think the big problem is that I can get or set the value of new input through # {value} .

A dynamic element such as & lt; H: dataTable & gt; or & lt; Ui: repeat & gt; Use & lt; H: Kickoff example with dataTable & gt;

Been @ViewScoped to make sure that the list is missed on all postbacks on the same scene.

; :

  & lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; H: Dataable value = "# {bean.it}" var = "item" & gt; & Lt; H: column & gt; & Lt; H: input text = "# {item.value}" /> & Lt; / H: column & gt; & Lt; H: column & gt; & Lt; H: command button value = "delete" action = "# {bean .remove (item)}" /> & Lt; / H: column & gt; & Lt; / H: datatable & gt; & Lt; H: command button value = "add" verb = "# {bean.ed}" /> & Lt; H: value of the command button = "save" action = "# {bean. Save}" /> & Lt; / H: form & gt;  

Managed Bean:

  @Menzeben @ Viewcrypted public class Bean {Private list & lt; Items & gt; item; @PostConstruct public zero init () {items = new ArrayList & lt; Items & gt; (); } Add Public Zero () {items.add (new item ()); } Remove public null (item items) {items.remove (item); } Public Zero Save () {System.out.println ("Item:" + Item); } Public listing & lt; Items & gt; GetItems () {Return Items; }}  


  public class items {private string value; Public string getValue () {return value; } Public Zero Set Val (string value) {this.value = value; } Public string toString () {Return string. Format ("item [value =% s]", value); See also:  


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