objective c - Pass a Variable Up the Navigation Stack? - iPhone -
I am able to forward a variable from the view controller to see the controller by pushing my view controller on the navigation stack . An example of how I would do this would be:
MyViewController * Controller = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "MyViewController" bundle: zero]; Controller MyString = stringToPass; [Self. Navigation controller Push ViewController: Animated Controller: Yes]; [Controller release];
However, if I want to return a variable back to the navigation stack, what should I do? Using POPViewController does not pass the pushViewController variable instead of permission like I thought it would be
I need to be able to reach several variables of the variable with that view controller that has been defined.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
You do not pass the value Doing, not the variable, not the variable, not the variable
A visual controller should not be responsible for popping itself. With Apple's view controllers (eg, UIImagePicker), it is the responsibility of the Parental View Controller to popping; Parents VC can also get the current value. (Not completely accurate, this keyboard can access the value before auto completion is implemented)
Alternatively, if it is a value that can be shared globally, You can store it in your app representative.
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