iphone - Start CATransition at specific location -
I have a character (code below) that takes a scene down. How can I specify a location for the animation to start, for example, 60, 30
Here is the code that I am currently using:
CATransition * animation = [citation animation]; [Animation set duration: 0.5]; [Animation Set Type: KCARScashPash]; [Animation setSubyType: kkar dialog framesbottom]; [Animation Setting Function: [CameticTiming FunctionWidthName: KCAMDiTimingFunctionAseOutAut]];
Do you want to write your own timing function?
Edit: I was basically suggesting that you are doing CAMediaTimingFunction subclasses, but it seems that it can not do the right thing instead, CATransition Try trying to set up startstart.
, though it has a value in [0,1], not several pixels (if you are using linear animation it should be easy to change) .
I still am not completely convinced that what is meant by "one place to start animation", however - the changes apply to the entire scene range. Generic UIView animations might want to do for you. If you give more details, it is easy to understand that the problem you are trying to solve is that.
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