c# - my site show error -

My site shows this error

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System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: The system resource exceeded.

Source Error:

  Line 267: Audubbed Adapter DTT = New AudiDiadata Adapter (Original); Line 268: Dataset DSTT = New Dataset (); Line 26 9: DTT Fill (DSTT); Line 270: Line 271: This Totalview.Text = dstt.Tables [0  

Can anyone tell how to solve it?

Are you turning off your data adapter? You need to explicitly call dtt.close () or by using the blocks (they are idisposable):

  DataSet dstt = new Datasets (); (OleDbDataAdapter dtt = new OleDbDataAdapter (tot)) {dtt.Fill (dstt); Dtt.Close (); }  

etc. Closed () here is unnecessary because using by calling block dtt.Dispose () , but I like to leave it in any way.

Most ADO .NET objects are IDisposable; While I doubt some of these things whether you shut down or settle them or not (like command) I expect data adapters, connections, etc.


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