
Showing posts from January, 2011

.net - GAC – Assembly is in the GAC but “Could not load file or assembly” -

I have an interop DLL which was generated by Visual Studio for a third party COM object that I am one. Dll I am consuming in NET I have registered both the interlock DLL in my consumer DLL and GAC. I have to use GAC because these DLLs are being used by a SharePoint 2010 workflow. When the execution goes to the point where my DLL calls the call to DL, the following error "" file could not be loaded or the assembly "..." the system specified file "expected version and public With the key "could not be found. If I check the Fusion Assembly binding log viewer, the following error log entry is listed in the Interop DLL: log: GAC lookup was unsuccessful. I can see that assembly in GAC, and it has the correct version and public key token, as the file is specified in the notfoned exception. What's going on? The problem is that, the version and public key are valid, processor architecture Interop should match your calling DLL. And, of c...

php - How to paginate multiple results in CakePHP? -

How can I use the Pageinization Assistant in KPHPH to set more than one result on the same page? They will do the page independently Edit: I have found a reason why it can not do this because because the page will get its URL from the assistant controller / verb and after that Finally add its parameters. If it pulls the URL from the address bar, it has its own unique variable and then a straw_rele is used to navigate to the next one if you have already placed the page, or if it is not present in it Now, I'm thinking of re-writing assistant to support this feature to support this feature, but I'm not sure if I need it or if they are already I support it and I am doing it wrong Here's my solution in your controller: function index () {// your default model is $ $ this- & gt; Set ('model1', $ this- & gt; paginated)); // Endorsement for Model 2- $ this- & gt; Set ('Model2', $ this- & gt; Paginated ('Model2')); } In your ...

using c# inside an apache python script -

I have a C # application that defines a subscription provider used in an asp.Net MVC application. And I have an apache httpd server that authenticates with mod_wsgi. Its purpose is to share the subscription provider between two, so that the authentication information is the same. How do I get this behavior? trivial Apache works on static content. Some URIs will be sent to mod_wsgi on Python. Python will then be executed by the C # program ( subprocess ) via the C # program, and the standard output response from the C # program will be read . Whatever is necessary to serve Python Web pages. It assumes that your C # application is running on the command line, the command line reads the parameter and the result is written on standard output, it is easy to create The thing is, the way it works today can not be, but it is trivial to integrate any program running from the command line. Your C # application can be rewritten in BTW, Python. It's not ma...

xmpp - Facebook Application integrating Chat -

How can I integrate a PHP web application with Facebook chat? I have integrated the Facebook app and have successfully coded the xmpp-login permission. But now I need to use Jabber using the X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM system. How can I do that? There is also an explanation and a Python script in the context of the Facebook API. Facebook Explanation : To use this mechanism, a user must first log in to their application and expand "xmpp_login" Will have to give permission. The password is not required for "principal" to enter the second time. Your application can now access Facebook chat via Jabber using the X-facebook-platform software. During the resource binding phase of XMPP, the user's extortion ID will be specified. Checkout JavaScript library in PHP which supports X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication. ...

updating similar fields in sql server -

Is there a way to search for fields that have the same values ​​in SQL DB? For example, I have more than one lakh record tables where one column has URL values ​​and it is linked to a country column. Earlier I tried to match the URLs which are similar, where it is a zero value for the country as it was able to update using the following: UPDATE t1 SET t1 On T2 On T1 as sources of joining as source T1 from source .tountry = t2 source; Tl = t2.url; Then I changed the query to use such a word: UPDATE t1 SET = t2 from source to source As T1 JOIN Source T2 On T1 On T1.url = t2.url WHERE t1.url like t2.url; When I use the selection statement to find only the record where the URL is like I get the results but the update does not work. A better example is as follows: All of these are the same domain URLs and I For everyone to avoid doing this manually, we want to update the country's column because it has to do around 200,000. how about: update ...

java - How do i create methods from the parsed values from the xml file -

I've parsed an XML file using the digester parser, now I need to make a method If I have & lt; Product List & gt; & Lt; Products & gt; & Lt; / Products & gt; . .. & lt; / Product list & gt; Search products () I should give all sub-committees with all the features How do I do this .. Thanks "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I am assuming java ... try this: digester.addObjectCreate ("product list" Arrelistist class); Digester.addCallMethod ("Product List / Product", "Add", 1); Digester.addCallParam ("Product List / Product", 0);

foreign keys - creating models with multiple references in rails -

मेरे पास एक मॉडल है जिसका परिभाषा class A & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: b is_to: c end मैं ए के एक नए इंस्टालेशन को कैसे बनाऊं, जो कि दोनों बी और सी से जुड़ा है मुझे बी और सी के लिए आईडी मिल गई है। आप इस तरह के एक नया उदाहरण बना सकते हैं : एक्ट बनाएँ: बी = & gt; बी, सी = & gt; C

sql server 2005 - Are there any advantages to use varchar over decimal for Price and Value -

I was debating against my suggestion to store value, value and other similar information with my friend. Based on my view, Calculations will be difficult because we have to move back and forth. The integrity of the data will be lost. Poor performance of the index Sorting and aggregate functions will also require casting and so on. e.t.c. But he was saying that in his previous planning, all people used to store such values ​​in the context, because communication between DB and APP is very effective in this approach. (I still can not accept it) Do you have some advantages in collecting such values? Note: I 'is not talking about columns like Phone No, Id, ZIP Code, SSN etc. I know that Vorar is most suitable for those people. Columns are price based, and of course the calculations will be included in some way or the other. none Try looking back one value further and see how much data you lose. DECLARE @foo TABLE (once varchar (30)) INFER @foo VALU...

push - Android, launch an app from remote server -

I want to launch an Android application from a remote server, I can see that PushRegistry in J2ME Class, this class has solved this problem but I can not do it in Android. In advance thanks to (and possibly later) in Android 2.2 Can use for If you do not have 2.2, you will have to select the server from the device to see if the application launches. You can do this, but it would be better to use it to determine the time of voting. You do not want to vote again and again because you will use data and battery and so on.

security - MS Access 2003 multi-users application : Any other way than granting all users full windows permissions to the directory? -

Some users will use the database for read-only and some will need to add, delete, and update records. Now, users who have read-only for databases will have the right to read only as window permissions on the backend directory. What is obvious is that backend is read-only. I thought using this would be a fight, but it does not seem that. So my question is, is there anything that I am doing wrong or is there really no other way? Thanks for any input. EDIT: Just for clarification, what do I mean when a read only uses the user database, then the user should be able to add, delete or update the database. The permissions on the user level security access folder are not changing. ULS can control what your users can do. I understand your question, this means that ULS can modify permissions in any way which you have set very strictly. You must set folder permissions so that all users can add. Edit permissions

c# - Let parent handle the child controls event or command WPF? -

I have a user control that has 2 controls A and B. Now, A and B have their logic in their dragon show. Parents who have these 2 controls, they can manage dragdrops in their own way through these incidents. So, like my parents, parents are there. a. DraggropeEvent + = New EventHydler () etc ... Now, I want to manage the two children in the control of the Drauprope event and not the children to handle it themselves, on the other hand, if these controls alone ( Not in the control of parents) is used, so I want to work my argument or take it again. How do I get it? Thanks! Add a boolean property such as HandleDragDrop to your child's controls and walk They handle drag-and-drop only if that property is true. Make it correct by default, set it to false in its original control.

php - Separating the components of CSS for database entry -

CONTEXT: मेरा प्रोजेक्ट सीएमएस वेबसाइट है, और प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता सीएसएस एक डेटाबेस तालिका में आयोजित किया जाता है। फ़ील्ड हैं: int आईडी प्राथमिक int site_id सूचकांक स्ट्रिंग चयनकर्ता स्ट्रिंग संपत्ति स्ट्रिंग मान बूल महत्वपूर्ण जब किसी उपयोगकर्ता की वेबसाइट को खींचा जाता है, यह एक साधारण क्वेरी है : SELECT * से css_table WHERE site_id = $ this_site_id और PHP का उपयोग करके संसाधित किया जाता है और उचित सीएसएस में बदल जाता है। प्रश्न: मुझे अब रिवर्स में जाना होगा। एक उन्नत सीएसएस मोड होगा जो प्रशासक को एक कच्चा सीएसएस संपादक देगा। टेम्पेररा को पॉप्युलेट करने और संपादन की अनुमति देने के लिए तालिका पंक्तियों को एक बार फिर संसाधित किया जाएगा। अब उसे डाटाबेस में वापस आना होगा। इन नई सीएसएस को वापस अलग, डालेंटेबल फ़ील्ड में कैसे संसाधित किया जा सकता है? , मैं सीएसएस को एसक्यूएल में वापस करने के लिए निम्नलिखित कोड के साथ आया था। & lt ;? ( 'Cssparser.php') की आवश्यकता होती है; $ Cssp = नया cssparser; $ Cssp- & gt; पार्स ( 'test.css'); $...

Question about C#, servers, XML -

So I'm working on a project for my internship and have done a little injury on a brick wall Unfortunately, Only I know who is qualified to help me at the office, at this time they are on vacation, and Google has unfortunately been disappointed (or my search skills inadequate), so I thought I would ask here. This is basically to create a server to create a company that is already in the company (which creates a phone application) which I need to do, in one of my applications in my server A request has been sent to me (I have to modify the app to do this, but I do not know), and I have a server response with an XML response that already knows the app how to proceed (main Objective objective That we can see that the actual server imitates the error by simulating it on its server.) Now, I have some sample HTTP requests and their associated XML responses are easy, the app and the actual server With simulation taken from The app is written in C #, and currently sends HTTP web req...

jQuery Change Value of ASP.NET AJAX CascadingDropDown -

I can use jQuery to change the value of a cascading dropdown, but events that target the fire to control The reason for the drop down of children is that it never happens with the data: $ ("# & lt;% = ddlFromCompetition.ClientID%>"). Change (function () {var fromValue = $ ("# & lt;% = ddlFromCompition.value; $ (" # & lt;% = ddlToCompetition.ClientID%> "). Val (fromValue); // The value of the reasons is to change, but the child is not updated}}; To be clear, ddlFromCompetition and ddlToCompetition Parents / children are not a child of ddlToCompetition which does not update using the above code when the mouse is selected using the ddlToCompetition Child dropdown update expected . I try to fire the event fire to .change () . ("# And lt;% = ddlToCompetition.ClientID%>"). But this does not work. you trigger () event $ ("# & Lt;% = ddlToCompetition.ClientID%>") is required. Trigger ('chan...

wpf - How can I add scrolling to an ItemsControl? -

I want to show items in an ItemsControl in 3 * 4 pages is a cool feature example For: & lt; ItemsControl & gt; & Lt; ItemsControl.ItemsPanel & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; Uniform Grid Column = '3' Row = '4' / & gt; ... How do I enable scrolling? If the panel is a stackpanel , scrolling / paging is enabled. But for Uniform Grid it is not clear whether you paging or Want to scroll, but I think you mean the latter. This is the case, just place ItemsControl in a ScrollViewer : & lt; ScrollViewer & gt; & Lt; Item control ... & gt; & Lt; / ItemsControl> & Lt; / ScrollViewer & gt;

xml - Price comparison websites - how do they work? -

I was thinking that someone could tell me how the price comparison website works? I mean if this works how I feel (it has been explained below) then I have a very good project that works for me, which should make a lot of money for a long time. So I think how it works is that each supplier provides an RSS feed which links to the comparison website. Each product has its own unique code (provided by the manufacturer) and it is given in a standard tag in RSS feed. The comparison website collects what data the product supplies and compares those that supply a particular product. For example, book publishers can provide RSS feeds behind each book, ISBN, publisher's names, authors, titles (clearly), RRPs, genres, facts / stories and some other useful information, such as all in the tag & Lt; ISBN & gt; ISBN here & lt; / ISBN & gt; Websites that sell books can filter these books by style, authors, and can show them how they want to use an XSL stylesheet (use of RSS f...

php - Form over several pages - URL should remain -

I do not know that my English is enough to explain this right: I have made a form that is 4 or 5 Pages are not required until the final submission is made, on each change, the post is added to the new page as a hidden field and a new script is called. & lt; Form method = "post" action = "form4.php" & gt; My problem is that I do not want the browser to show the URL in the new script and keep it on the ideal original URL. I do not know the right words for a solution Search Google or here Maybe you can give me an indication for this to happen? Another option is the same script in the step. & lt; Form action = "formhandler.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "form_stage" value = "1" /> .... & lt; / Form & gt; and within the formhandler.php: switch ($ _ POST ['form_stage']) {case 5: // step 5 handle the stuff here break; Case 4: // ...

scope - Using $(this) within .get is undefined in jQuery -

I'm using a shorthand AJAX call, $ Get But when I try and reference the variable with $ (this) , it tells me that it is undefined. The code block: $ ( '. ReplaceWithObject' click ', function (event) {var cid = $ (this) Kfnd (' input '). Val (); $ .get (' GetVideoComment.ashx? Cid = '+ cid, function data) {$ (this) .html (data);});}); This is just cid just fine, as $ (this) is available before $$ Code>. Under .get $ (this) is undefined $ (this) to be set before get Does not work? getVideoComment.ashx? Cid = 628 works, it gives a flash object The problem is that $ (this) is undefined within get . Any ideas about what I want to do here? Or am I doing wrong? You need to cache your initial selection, so it is present when your callback fire. $ ('.withWebObject'). Live ( 'click', function (event) {var $ this = $ (this); var cid = $ this.find ( 'input') .val (); $ .get ( 'GetVideoComme...

php - Trim leading and trailing white spaces in JSON values -

All, I request JSON to use PHP on a web server and it Gives me a JSON Feedback in a variable will have many keys and value in the JSON response I would like to have a function which places white space behind and behind in each "value" of the key-value pair for the whole JSON response. How can I do this via PHP? {"glossary": {"title": "example terminology", "glossdiv": { "S": "SGML", "Sorts": "SGML", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language ‡ flfi ..", "Title": "S", "Glossy": {"Gloss Anti" "Code": "SGML", "Abbreave": "ISO 8879: 1986", "Gloss Def": {"Paragraph": "Make Markup Languages ​​Like DokBook", "Gloss Sizes": ["GMA "Mark")}}}} Before processing the data it is encoded in JSON format. It is better to clear the sour...

objective c - iPhone Xcode UIButton Title Will Not Appear -

So I'm making an iPhone program and will not show the title of my UIButtons for some strange reasons ... are I missing I have not received any error or even the compilation and warning on my buttons and everything appears, just the title is not being shown .... FurballViewController.m ... - (zero) LoadView {UIButton * btn = [UIButton with Button Button Type UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [BTN Setfarm: CGRactMake (20, 50, 280, 40)]; [BTN SETTITAL: @ "Stupid Title Wont Work" forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Self.view addSubview: BTN]; [Btn release]; } ... Did you try to set the title text color? It can be white.

c++ - Should I randomly shuffle before inserting into STL set? -

I need to insert 10 million strings into a C + + STL set. I string is sorted if I sort order Do I have a disease problem? Should I Make Random First? Or will the implementation of G + STL be reborn automatically for me? I have only one question: do you really need a set ? If the data is already sorted and you do not need to insert / delete elements after creation, then a deck will be better You will have only one big-o complexity to retrieve You will get less memory overhead ... and better cache terrain at Binary_search : I suspect that you need more than ForwardIterator for a binary search, guess that this site is again Area is closed: (

Visual SourceSafe 2005 - How to GET changed files for a certain date range (command line tool) -

To draw the list of files for the given date here, I was trying to perform a GET operation on that time frame Have not changed in Here I am using: receive ss $$ MY_PROJECT -widi 8/01/10; 12: 00a ~ 08/03/10; 11:59 p-r In the beginning it really looks like I want - it's a while trying to change the files again, all of a sudden, it remains the same Dumps unchanged files. Do I need it? If so, what is missing? Thanks! Try it out (my vss is on remote server): SET SSDIR = "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Source \ SS.XA" History $ / MyProject-VD31 / 12/10 ~ 17/11/10-R Please note that the expiration date is before the start date limit. I just needed a list of changes, not a file, so I used the history.

objective c - "Tab" between controls without tab key -

I have a window that is happy between your controls using tabs and tabs and shift-tab keys. However, I also want to be able to move between control between up and down arrow keys (in this case) How can this be achieved? For non-text controls, you should be able to get something with such that the respondent series Somewhere in (eg, your NSWindowController): - (zero) keydown: (nsevent *) event {NSWindow * window = [self window]; Switch ([[Event characters] ObjectOutIndexX: 0]) {Case of NSTARROF Function: [Window Makefirst Responder: [[Window First Responder] Previous Widekiewview]]; break; Case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: [Window makeFirstResponder: [[Window FirstResponder] nextValidKeyView]]; break; Default: [Super Keydown: Event]; break; }} and in text field delegates: - (BOOL) control: (NSControl *) Control text view: (NSTextView *) textView doCommandBySelector :( SEL) Command {NSWindow * window = [Control Window]; If (command == @selector (moveUp :)) [[Window Makefende...

matlab - How do I detect empty cells in a cell array? -

How do I find empty cells in a cell array? I know that the command to remove an empty cell is a (1) = [] , but I think that which cells are empty, can not get MATLAB to automatically detect . Background: I have already specified a cell table using the a = cell (1,53) . Then i if exists (file name (i)) and textscan to check for a file, and read it, as a result, when filename (i) does not Exists, an empty cell result and we move to the next file When I finish reading all the files, then I would like to delete the empty cells of a I try if a (i) == [] use % # empty cells Search micro cells = cellfun (@ isempty, a); Empty empty cells # empty (emptyCells) = []; Note: a (i) == [] will not work if you want to know that the i-th cell is empty, you can see the contents of the cell You have to use curly brackets to reach. In addition, to evaluate == [] instead of true / false , you use the command isempty Instead, in a nutshell: a (i) == [] should be rewritt...

debugging - How do I debug a program written in the Go language? -

How do I debug a go program? I am using it, but there is no debugging in it. Is there any way to move my code and monitor memory? Or did I get stuck with the print statement? Can i use it Update : Now is an official page docs on this reply written It was because a lot has changed, and the following limitations have been removed. I'm progressively leaving this whole answer, but if you want to debug the go code, then follow the link above. DBL debugging decoding dialogs which can be translated by GDB version 7.x. Highlight the above written blog post: You can ... Load a go program in GDB version 7.x List all Go, C and Assembly source files by line (some parts of Go Runtime are written in C and Assembly), Set the breakpoint from the line and the code Step by step, Inspect the print stack mark and stack frame, and Find the address and select the most variables. Print AOL Content. There are still some disadvantages: The emitted DWARF code is unreadable ...

python - remove everything between 2 tags that span branches of an xml tree -

I am trying to extract everything between 2 tags in an XML document, using a python & amp; Lxml. The problem is that tags can be in different branches of the tree (but always at the same depth) can be seen in a document such as this. & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello World & lt; Start / & gt; This is a paragraph & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; goodbye World. & Lt; End / & gt; I'm leaving now & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; I want to remove everything between the start and end tag, which will result in a single tag: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello world now I am going & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; Do not anyone know how this can be done? Python? You can try to use it as SAX: Lxml import SkipStartEndTarget the Atry class: def __init __ (self, * Arges, ** kwargs): self.builder = etree.TreeBuilder () self.skip = false def start (self, tag, attrib, nsmap...

iphone - Invalidate NSTimer not working -

I have a timer where I format the remaining time as a string: "mm: ss" and When the string value of time is 00:00, I want to invalidate the timer. For some reason this does not work, even when I log in the remaining time, I think that is the correct form of value, so I do not know why there is no branch in "counttime". Can anyone help? - (id) init {if (self = [super init]) {NSDate * date = [[NSDate alloc] init]; Self.intervalLength = Date; [Date release]; NSString * timeRem = [[NSString alloc] init]; Self. Timeline = timeline; [Time release]; Formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [Formatter setDateFormat: @ "mm: ss"]; Notification = [NSOtification NotificationWith: @ "Timer" item: Self]; NotificationandRed = [NSOtification NotificationName: @ "TimerFinished" Object: Self]; NSMutableDictionary * information = [[NSMUTABADADA] alloc] init]; [Information set object: formatter forKey: @ "format"]; [Info setObject: No...

iphone - CALayer Shadows disappearing during a UIView animation -

So I am currently testing UIView animation, and I saw that the CLArier ( disappeared at the beginning of the animation Are done and are seen again at the end of the animation. Is there any way that I can keep these shadows and keep the shadow with the UIView with the aviate? I tried to use shadows without boundaries, But it was a terrific idea, because the animation phase The rate of the frame was dropped like a rock, and I could not find it in the shadow. I am using the right code now below is the bottom you initially see a red scene, and when the tape , It will flip into a big blue scene. The final result should be something similar to the iPad music app; when an album is selected, it flips to reveal a view on the back. - (zero) viewDidload [[Super Viewedload]; UITapGestureRecognizer * Tapreak; // Drop Shadow Path Generation CGFloat x1 = 0; CGFloat y1 = 0; CGFloat x2 = 100; CGFloat y2 = 100; FrontBorderPath = CGPathCreateMutable (); CGPathMoveToPoint (frontbroadpath, NULL, ...

iPhone security architecture references -

Recently, I have made a mistake about the iPhone OS security architecture on the Net, but so far no comprehensive documentation on the iPhone Or white letter is not found OS security architecture Is there anyone who knows some sources and do I have a capable point in some contexts?

.net - Avoid the carriage return when writing InnerText in xml elements using System.Xml.XmlWriter -

I am using XmlWriter to save an XmlDocument in .Net. However all the elements of the interted surrounding carriage return are written with the characters. I tried to use XmlWriterSettings to avoid writing those characters, but there is no luck yet. Here is a piece of code used: XmlDocument outxml = new XmlDocument (); Outxml.AppendChild ....... XmlWriterSettings Set = New XmlWriterSettings (); Set up Encoding = encoding; Set up Indent = true; XmlWriter xwriter = XmlWriter.Create (file, set); Outxml.Save (xwriter); Xwriter.Close (); is like XML output: must be similar to the required XML output: & lt; String id = "msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable = "yes" & gt; Fehler beim Speichern der Einstellungen-Datei. & Lt; / String & gt; Is there any way to avoid writing those carriage returns inside the elements? PD: I saw this issue, but the solution does not apply to this issue. Thanks in advance. Allen C You will want...

C#: Modifying the header of an XML file -

I am creating an XML file in C # using an XSD schema of an InfoPath form. When I save the IP form without using the code, I get an XML file with the following heading: and this file is recognized by InfoPath and uses the correct XSD, thus displaying XML data correctly. But when I use the code, I get this: and this is not recognized and is not opened directly by Infopaith; So I would like to include two tags to keep that functionality so that users do not see the difference. Thought that after modifying my line XML file it has already been created, saved and closed. If you can help, it would be great: D. Thanks in advance .. Edit: I have finally been able to get what I wanted to do for both of Maname and Dahlbeke's answers Used and came up with things that work: I had saved the file as before I created the XmlReader file I created the XmlReader in an XmlDocument object I created PI in the PI xmlDoc.InsertAfter (thePI, XmlDoc.FirstCh...

html - Check for default value upon form submission with JQuery -

I'm trying to use JQuery to check on submission if a field input has a default value, And, if this happens, I have worked till one point to present and alert the user. But no matter what I've put in the input field, the submission has been closed and the text has been changed into alert text. Here is JQuery: $ ('# ($ (' # subject '). Val (' at least one subject, separated by commas') {$ ('# Topics'). RemoveClass ('inactive'); $ ('note'); $ ('# subject'). Val ('please include at least one subject'); return back;} return false; }); Once the original text has been cleared, the text has been changed to inform the user. Now I have a string instead of the variable, and For some reason it only works (partially) if I In some places '=='. Now, firstly, if the condition works in the focus function, but there is no other situation. I currently have this code: $ ('#' ') .focus (function () {If (t...

Validation Summary in TabControl (Silverlight 4) -

Everyone here is my question. I am using MVVM pattern in my project and I have a usertrantol on which TabItems have tabs on those that have assumptions on them. The main page looks like this: & lt; UserControl & gt; & Lt; DataInput: Validation noise X: name = "validation summary" /> & Lt; Grid X: Name = "Layouts" & gt; & Lt; DataInput: Validation Summary / & gt; & Lt; TabControl x: name = "TabControl" & gt; & Lt; TabItem & gt; & Lt; MyUserControl1 DataContext = "{Binding}" /> & Lt; / TabItem & gt; & Lt; TabItem & gt; & Lt; MyUserControl2 DataContext = "{Binding}" /> & Lt; / TabItem & gt; & Lt; TabItem & gt; & Lt; MyUserControl2 DataContext = "{Binding}" /> & Lt; / TabItem & gt; & Lt; / TabControl & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / UserControl & gt; And here is a sample code for TabItems:...

sql - pratical example of Postgres regex substring or regexp_matches -

I am trying to figure out the following statistics for a few days. Please help PostGraceal table: Location State of ID -------------------- 1 New York 2 Texas input = 'Wishes for all the cowboys from Texas' Output: Line with Texas SELECT id, from locations State from where state * (status input from state) 1 Select from * places where 'congratulate all cowboys from Texas' state; 2. from select locations * where state = any (string_to_array ('greetings for all cowboys from Texas', '')); There are two problems in both the ways in two ways. But I want to know if they are for you. 3. Select from those places where access to all the cowboys from Texas' ~ * ('\\ m' || state || '\\ M'); The last method will be much better.

testing - Don't understand the purpose of behavioral tests -

I hope someone can help me see the real value in these tests because I read a lot about them And I worked on a project recently but I did not really see the actual value in the tests. I'm sure I can understand why they are written and see how they can be useful. But it seems that there are very few ROIs on these types of tests, here are examples of some class in our code base: class ServiceObject: IServiceObject {dependency_ dependency; ServiceObject (dependency dependency) {this._dependency = dependency} bool SomeMethod () {dependency.SomePublicMethod (); }} Then in our behavioral tests, we will write the test (such as pseudo-code): zero ServiceObject_SomeMethod_Uses_Dependency_SomePublicMethod () {mimicking IServiceObject; Expect to call dependency. Expect to call for dependency. Call some public method for IServiceObject.SomeMethod to check mockserviceobject.SomeMethod to see if the expectation was finished} Obviously some details are missing, but if you are fami...

c# - How to blink a label in -

I want to wink a label in the page but when I want to see the whole page in its light No label. Blink text with random color in java script in script tag H2> & lt; Script language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var hexawale = Array ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", " 5 "," 6 "," 7 "," 8 "," 9 "); Function Flashtext () {var color = '#'; For (var counter = 1; counter & lt; = 6; counter ++) {var hevival = hequilaw [Math. Floor (hequalv. Tall * monastery. Random ())]; Color = color + hexview; } Document.getElementById ("Flashingtext") .style.color = color; } SetInterval ("flashtext ()", 500); & Lt; / Script & gt; and type it in the Body section & lt; Div id = "flashingtext" style = ... - How do you handle when you have too many tabs in your masterpage of your application? -

Actually I think this is a little design problem The question is, if you have a programmatic form , Using repeat controls at the top of your master page, say, how do you handle them after a lot of them - so they do not overlap the view of the browser report? If I already have some patterns for such an issue, then I do not want to modify the wheel again. Any recommendations? Thanks If your tabs are going to be dynamic, then you have to get them vertical The side bar should oppose in a horizontal tab, it will make it more scalable, it is probably a good idea to maintain consistent form and having a static head tab on the top with dynamic vertical vertical tabs. Not sure that it helps at all?

flex - Equivalent of "View Source" for <mx:HTML> Component -

How can I take a peep on the related HTML after setting the location of a control on a site? I notice that as soon as I set up the location, the html text becomes useless and on the contrary ... then how does HTML appear in the form of a text? They certainly do not make it easy, but use the trick DOM. The name of my HTML control is 'html' & lt; Mx: html id = "html" location = "" width = "100%" height = "100%" /> DOM is contained in HTML component of HTML component, which is easily called 'HTML Loader'. var o: object = html.html loader.window .document.getElementsByTagName ("html") [0]; Trace (otext content); Trace (operator text); Trace (operator html); I'm not a JavaScript expert, but you've basically exposed the DOM via html.html loader.window. In addition to being a very convenient way of looking at the source, it lets you do lots of JavaScript-esque work ...

What can one expect from Visual Web Developer 2010 Express -

I'm using vs2008 sp1 I just downloaded VWD2010 Express. I do not know that I have lots of expectations about this, but there are at least three things that are making me sad: On the logo it has been said: "The use of this product only "I have not seen anything like this on the VWD-2008 Express. There is no possibility of creating Empty Solutions , I checked it online, if I can download such a template, but I could not find any. not working using . I still need to use & lt;% =%> to do this work. I wonder what we can expect from that product. Maybe I did not download the right product. Can I do anything? Or I can keep using VS2008 Professional Edit If & lt;%:%> belongs to .NET4 and VWD 2010 Express Uses .NET 4 by default, so I can not use it without errors? Thank you for helping If you only select this product Use only for evaluation "will go

iphone - Is Tab/Indentation mandatory in PLIST (Property LIST) in Mac? -

मैंने एक PLIST बनाया है PLIST की संरचना इस तरह है & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt;! DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "- // Apple // DTD PLIST 1.0 // एन" ""> & Lt; plist संस्करण = "1.0" & gt; & LT; dict & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; नमूना & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; title.short & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; Sample1 & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & Lt; / dict & gt; & Lt; / plist & gt; यह मैक / आईफोन में एक प्लास्ट के रूप में पहचाना नहीं गया है। अगर मैं उस अतिरिक्त टैब को निकालता हूं और दोनों और उसी इंडेंटेशन के साथ मैक और आईफोन में काम करता हूं। क्या मैक या आईफ़ोन के लिए फाइल को पहचानने के लिए इस इंडेंटेशन को और नीचे दिखाया गया अनिवार्य है। & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग ...

c# - UrlHelper.Action doesn't map to the area that the controller is in correctly -

Update 2 OK - It seems that my question Changing then a little bit: -) I have now come to know that URLLar.Action does not appear to solve the URL correctly in any field unless the name of the area is clearly Not specified from. If this is not specified then it seems that whatever area we are currently changing, it seems that it is working from one part of the site, but then the same link in the second area Resolves. > Either I have made some fun to do this or I do not understand how this verb method works. UPDATE 1 I can do the following: Return Assistant. Action ("Add", "Product", New {domain = "Store Management"}); Which changes my question a bit. How does MVCU routing do not isolate controllers with the same name and resolves one with the specified methodology? Original post Hey everyone, I have created a helpful method on the URL helper class and there is a small problem With one of the routes. The code here is hel...

matlab - How can I simulate a moving average model(1) with parameter =0.7? -

How can I simulate Ma (1) model with paras = 0.7 using matlab? What you need is If you need it or want it by hand, but (homework?), I would suggest to underline the steps needed to do (breaking the problem in parts, starting from the definition of MA Model) and when you get stuck, ask a more detailed question.

What should a new Java Developer Learn first.. being a fresher for this field what is the step wise procedure to shine as a java developer -

Can anyone help me .. I'm a new Java developer. Have some knowledge in amp; C ++ but not so good how can I go ahead now empty is empty within a month they ask me to know from java. What should I do. Help me with BRO

objective c - NSTableView: Avoid Blue Header when Sorting Table Column -

When I click on the top of an NSTableView column, the header gets in blue and shows a small brown arrow . How do I choose blue color and arrow? An example for what I want: 'group' in Xcode File header Thanks for any help! If you are working with a multi-column table you have to disable the arrow and highlighting Should not try, to know how the user is sorting ... and if you are working with a column table (in a source list method) then with the list of headings and table for the source list style Go. Before override standard behavior, you should read the Apple Interface Guidelines and think that you need to override those behaviors? Xcode group for record & amp; Files are not sorted and that is why it does not change blue or does not receive an arrow.

python - using xpath to tell selenium where to click? -

I am new to all this, but I have not learned about python a long time ago, do you help Can I specify the right CPD to click on Selenium? I have tried this way, but did not work, obviously: ( ("Xpath = // html / body / div / Div / div / div [4] / ul / li [3] / a ") If you are wandering where I found that ugly XPath, it's the copy of Firebug from the XPath option I think the HTML snippet is as long as the hell, so I can not do more than that: & Lt; body & gt; div id = "outer_wrapper"> ID id = "container"> & gt; Lt; ul & gt; & lt; li & gt; A title = "login page" href = "[dest]" & gt; Login & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a title Title = "" href = "[dest]"> Sitemap & lt; / li & gt; ** A title = "" href = "[dest] "& Gt; Administration & lt; / a & g...

javascript - create css class on the fly in codebehind -

I have a search page, which is used on many sites with many 'themes' on my site. I have some devices that can change based on radio button selection (whether they are enabled or not). With Java, I can fix this by changing Div's CSS class on the fly. However, these topics may have to be changed in potentially, and background color comes from the database when the page is created. Right now I do this in C # codebehind: string bgStyle = "background-color:" + theme.searchTextHeaderColor + ";"; OwnSearchHeader.Attributes.Add ("style", bgStyle); In Javascript I need to change this color to disable it, and when the user clicks back on this device, then I can re-enable it by turning it back to its original color. Have to do. But since I knew the colors behind the code, I do not know what it was in javascript. So, in my opinion, to create a CSS class in the resulting HTML page, when the page is filled with background color that I need, then...

sql server - Is it possible to refresh the contents of "Show Table Data" without closing and re-opening again? -

Changes in the data are not updated immediately, it is necessary to close the query result window and then open it again to see the changes. . Is it possible to refresh without reopening the data? "Show table data" just "SELECT * FROM Mytable" After selecting the "Show table data" option, you are now seeing the results of that query in the new grid-type window. You can change the SQL syntax for the original query that is seeing a very small "SQL" icon appearing on your toolbar, or just to re-implement the existing query, the same Hit the "red exclamation mark" on the toolbar, For reference, this toolbar is called "query designer" and should The Vchalit as it appears, given the grid-type SQL data .. It is always for me, but you've made it out of view, "the lost or gone", normally re-enabled in this case.

jquery ui tabs need to empty the previous tab when we move to next tab -

I have just created a script to clear the selected tab. When we switch from 1 to 2 to 3 then it is working fine. But when we switch from 3 to 2 to 1 then it is not working. Here is the script var prevTab = 0; JQuery ("# ​​tab") tab ({fx: {opacity: "toggle"}, cache: wrong, show: function (Event, UI) {Warning (prevTab); var prevTab = ui.index; jQuery (" # Ui-tabs - "+ prevTab) .empty (); // sets the new previous tab index in the current index}}); Since I have a form in each tab, I got a conflict, so I need to clear the contents of the previous tab. Thank you for your help, Gobi: inside the callback function Creating a new local variable var prevTab = Ui.index . In this way, when you exit the function (and its scope), the value is lost instead of declaring a new instance, use existing prevTab and it should be correct var prevTab = 0; JQuery ("#tab"). Tab ({fx: {opacity: "toggle"}, cache: incorrect, show: function (...

wpf - Make ListView ignore rightclick totally -

I'm just coding some global gesture handlers for a wpf application. For example, I want to use the correct click as a trigger to push the UI & Lt; /Window.InputBindings> But now the problem is that & lt; ListBox / & gt; Uses all mouse button events I did some research but it did not find an easy way to make the unknown about the right button. Has anyone ever had this problem and got a solution? thank you in advanced. You should be able to prevent the list box from being consumed by mouse clicks: & lt; List box & gt; & Lt; ListBox.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Mousebudding MouseAction = "RightClick" Command = "App Commands.Notcom" /> & Lt; /ListBox.InputBindings> & Lt; / ListBox & gt;

html5 - how to draw complex shapes on the html canvas tag with the best performance? -

I'm using the HTML canvas tag for about 3,000, vector lines on a small area (900x500) Mobile which is naturally less spec'd hardware, I can present 3000 vector lines on my desktop using about moveto and lineto in around 25 mms. However, on mobile devices it is like more than 700ms which is quite slow. What is the most effective way to present these rows, which make a complex shape using canvas? Will the Canvas Pixel API be better suited for this task? My current code looks like this: var myArray = []; // contains 3,000 objects with X and amp; Y & amp; amp; Type (var i = 0; i & lt; myArray.length; i ++) {if (myArray.type = "moveTo") {canvas element.movato (my array [ii] .x, myray [i] . why); } Else {canvasElement.lineTo (myArray [i] .X, myArray [i] .Y); }} Canvas element. Stroke (); thanks are these related to each other Are you If so, you can try to interpret the shapes using moveto , lineto , lineto , etc. It's about 50% (or less) the ti...

sql - MySQL query for rows at specific time intervals -

I appreciate some help from some mysql query is being confused. Select my current query: select,,, d.dtime, d.input, router from rr INER iisid = Join the interface as joining the IAD I.rid INNER 1273118400_1_60 as IID = DID And between DTM 1273152000 and 1273153800 Where i.status = "active" Now I am using Unix_Timestamp for the time interval between which I ask. Right now I am getting results for: 1273152000, 1273152001, 1273152002 and so on. I have to go for a 60 second interval, such as: 1273152000, 1273152060, 1273152120 and so on. Any ideas how can I go about it ???? Please help please, DILICA Not sure if this can be done further, but you can try the following: select,,, d.dtime, In the form of RInner Internet interface from d.input routers, I ON (RIDIT = i.rid) INNER JOIN (SELECT t.dtime, dt.input, to 1273118400_1_60 ATT Inner Join (Select DTEM, ID, Input from 1273118400_1_60) ATDT ON (DT D...

How do I calculate days since a record entry? Android, SQLite, Java -

I have a database with fields for a stored date I calculated the dates of the records and the days between today Would like to be able to I have terminated its use: mDb.execSQL ("UPDATE" + DATABASE_PLANTS_TABLE + "SET" + KEY_PLANT_DAYS + "= (SELECT Julianes ('now') - Julined ("+ KEY_DATE +") "from + DATABASE_PLANTS_TABLE +");); ('% S', 'now') - Select striptime ('%' ('% s', 'now') -

php - Help wanted with regular expression -

I would like to parse the string with a mailer, in which the following examples may be different from the comma (,): first name & lt;> "First name" & lt;> & Lt;> I want to create an array with each entry for each element containing each sub-entry: [name] and [email]. I was struggling with regexp (what is feeling) what age can someone help me? If you have image extensions enabled, then it can be as simple as: / P> var_dump (imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist ('first name & lt; ;, "first name" & lt; ;, & lt; ;, @ email example Com ',' _ invalid_ ')); Output: array (4) {[0] = & gt; Object (stdClass) # 1 (3) {["Mailbox"] = & gt; String (5) "email" ["host"] = & gt; String (11) "" ["personal...

java - Problem with Applet when the browser window got minimzed or resized -

I have created an applet with some panels on it. I draw something on a panel with some special methods, they use a graphics object to attract. To attract, I use the command like this: gr = this.getGraphics; Gr.drawString ... etc Then I call these methods from applet class. My problem is: I do not panels after reducing or resizing the browser window Show anything, I think this is because I used the paint () of the panel The method did not apply anything. Is there any way to fix that problem without changing my methods? Some of my methods are as follows: // nodes with public null public node (int x, integer number, integer number of nodes with x, y and node number ) {Gr = this.getGraphics (); Gr.setColor (ShowGUI.getPanelColor ()); Gr.fillOval (X, Y, 40, 40); Gr.setColor (Color.BLACK); Gr.drawOval (X, Y, 40, 40); Gr.drawString (numberOfNode.toString (), x + 17 y + 25); } // Issue processing: Public zero mark agg at edge (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, integer numbero...

c# - Prevent users from modifying date in textbox -

In this I have a textbox with a calendar icon when the icon is clicked on a popup form, the calendar control is displayed I have installed it, where they can only select the end date (Saturday) of the week and that date is displayed in the textbox. I want to prevent users from editing text boxes. I have tried to use readable and capable properties but that does not work. How can I keep users from modifying the date in the text box? (I use the Net Time Tracker Starter Kit template for the site) can call blur () in onfocus event: & asp: text box onfocus = "blur ();" ... />

iphone - how to display a number on text view which was stored in variable -

I want to display a number assigned to the variable on the text view ... to show the number on the text view myTextView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", your number variable] You should adjust "% d" according to the type of variable.

maven 2 - why these functionalities i am missing,thought i have the correct spring 3.0 jar -

I'm learning Spring by Reference Document 3.0 And I want to test the following functionality But these are not available .. @PostConstruct context.registershutdownhook PS: I I am using Jdk 5.0 When I type in their eclipses, I get an error that they are not unreal .. Below is my pom.xml: & lt; Project xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / /"> & Lt; ModelVersion & gt; 4.0.0 & lt; / ModelVersion & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Com.SpringExample & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; SpringExample & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 0.0.1-snapshot and lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.springframework & lt; / Group & gt; &...

Parsing files (ics/ icalendar) using Python -

I have .ics file in the following format, what is the best way to parse it? I need to retrieve the summary, details and time for each entry. BEGIN: Visilendar X-Lots-charge: UTF-8 version 2.0 Prodeed: - // Lotus Development Corporation // NONSGML Notes 8.0 / N Method: Publication Start: Vitiaimafon Tijiaidi: India Started Standard DTSTAR: 19000101 T 20000 TJFFSTFM: +0530 TJFFSTO: +0530Ed: Standard Inter VTIMZEN Start: VAITNT DTStart; TGID = "India": 20100615 T111500 dtnd; TZID = "India": 20100615T121500 TRANSP: Opaque DTSTAMP: 20100713T071035Z Category: Public Description: Email \ nDarlene \ n Murphy \ NDR. Ferri \ NUID: 12D3901F0AD9E83E65257743001F2C9A-Lotus_Notes_Generated X-lotus update-self-test question: 1 x-lotus update- WISL: $ S: 1; $ L: 1; $ B: 1; $ R: 1; $ E: 1; $ W: 1; $ He: 1; $ M: 1 NOTESVERSION of X-lotus: APPTTYPE of 2x-lotus: 0x-lotus CHILD_UID: 12D3901F0AD9E83E65257743001F2C9A End VEVENT: VEVENT DTSTART; TZID = "India": 20100628T130...

matching - Using Ruby to Find Common Lines in X files -

I now have 3 files, but I want to do it in such a way that I can add it later. Each file has a list of IDs, such as 174535945 174538045 160515924 81712260 25241494 I should have items that appear in the list of items 1 and list 2, list 2 and list 3, and list 1 and list 2 and list 3. Will each list have the most ruby ​​method to create a hash with one key, and then get all the keys and test > set: 'set' list_1 = open (filename_1) is required. Read.split.to_set list_2 = open (filename_2) .read.split.to_set list_3 = open (filename_3) .read.split.to_set insert list_1 & amp; List_2 lists_2 & amp; List_3 list list & amp; List_2 & amp; List_3

rest - Is the Twitter API *really* RESTful? -

With more than half of the web developer community, I'm really fighting really and actually leaning towards the REST style I am More specifically, I am trying to make some opinions about how practically pure pure architecture really is between a web browser and an episode server. As part of my learning endeavor, I see some online examples of rest in this case specifically on Twitter. In them, they discuss their various "REST API methods". I am struggling with rationalizing that in fact, most of these are really lush, for example, for a simple Consider the GET request. In the net implementation of REST, I expect the same requests at that URL, even if the initial client, in this special case to return the same responses, although we clearly have different responses based on our current certified users Which means that before our responses are generated, our requests are being linked to any kind of client status on the server Is. Hopefully provides enough conte...

wpf - Replace RichTextBox's ContextMenu -

Using .NET 4 and VS2010 Pro, I have created a very simple WPF application, in which the main XW contains the following XAML: & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; RichTextBox x: name = "rich textbox" margin = "2" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt; All I want to do, and have failed to do so by now, the context menu for the richxbox is to take my own place. I've tried code-behind without any luck: public {MainWindow} {InitializeComponent (); RichTextBox.ContextMenuOpening + = New ReferenceManageHandler (Rich TextboxContactsMenuoping); } Private Zero Rich TextBox_ContextMenuOpening (Object Sender, ContextMenuEventArgs E) {RichTextBox RTB = Sender as Rich Textbox; If (RTB == tap) {return; } ContextMenu contextMenu = rtb.ContextMenu; ContextMenu.Items.Clear (); Menuimemail = new menu item (); MenuItem.Header = "test"; ContextMenu.Items.Add (MENUITEM); ContextMenu.PlacementTarget = rtb; ContextMenu.Placement = PlacementMode. Relative point; Text poin...