iphone - CALayer Shadows disappearing during a UIView animation -

So I am currently testing UIView animation, and I saw that the CLArier ( disappeared at the beginning of the animation Are done and are seen again at the end of the animation. Is there any way that I can keep these shadows and keep the shadow with the UIView with the aviate? I tried to use shadows without boundaries, But it was a terrific idea, because the animation phase The rate of the frame was dropped like a rock, and I could not find it in the shadow.

I am using the right code now below is the bottom you initially see a red scene, and when the tape , It will flip into a big blue scene. The final result should be something similar to the iPad music app; when an album is selected, it flips to reveal a view on the back.

  - (zero) viewDidload [[Super Viewedload]; UITapGestureRecognizer * Tapreak; // Drop Shadow Path Generation CGFloat x1 = 0; CGFloat y1 = 0; CGFloat x2 = 100; CGFloat y2 = 100; FrontBorderPath = CGPathCreateMutable (); CGPathMoveToPoint (frontbroadpath, NULL, x1, y1); CGPathAddLineToPoint (FrontBroadpath, Faucet, X2, Y1); CGPathAddLineToPoint (frontbroadpath, NULL, x2, y2); CGPathAddLineToPoint (frontbreadpath, faucet, x1, y2); CGPathAddLineToPoint (frontboard path, zero, x1, y1); X2 = 400; Y2 = 400; BackBorderPath = CGPathCreateMutable (); CGPathMoveToPoint (Backbird Path, NULL, x1, y1); CGPathAddLineToPoint (backborder path, NULL, x2, y1); CGPathAddLineToPoint (backborder path, NULL, x2, y2); CGPathAddLineToPoint (backborder path, NULL, x1, y2); CGPathAddLineToPoint (Backbird Path, NULL, x1, y1); Containerview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (100, 100, 100, 100)]; Containerview Clip tubons = no; [Containerview. Player Setshippath: FrontBoorspath]; [Containerview. Player set: Adobe Opacity: 1]; [Containerview. Players set shadowoffs: CGSizeMake (0,0)]; [Containerview. Player Setshadrias: 3]; [ContainerviewLeirSetchedRroadSize: No]; [Self.view addSubview: Container view]; Tapreak = [[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self-action: @Selector (fronttap)] AutoWaves]; FrontView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 100, 100)]; FrontView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; [Frontview AddGestureRecognizer: Tapreck]; [View Container Add-Sewview: Front Weave]; TapRec = [[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self-action: @Selector (back tape)] AutoCare; BackView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 400, 400)]; BackView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blue color]; [BackView addGestureRecognizer: Tapreck]; } - (zero) fronttap {nslog (@ "fronttep"); [UIView startup permissions: zero reference: zero]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 0.7]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: See UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight for: Container Visual Cache: Yes]; [Remove frontviewProMeview]; [See container add-sviewview: backview]; Container Weave Frame = CGRactam (100, 100, 400, 400); [Containerview. Player Set ShopePath: Backborder Path]; [UIView commitAnimations]; } - (zero) backspace {nslog (@ "backpack"); [UIView startup permissions: zero reference: zero]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 0.7]; [UIView Set AnimationConclusion: UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView: Containerview Cache: Yes]; [BackView removeFromSuperview]; [View Container Add-Sewview: Front Weave]; Containerview frames = CGRactam (100, 100, 100, 100); [Containerview. Player Setshippath: FrontBoorspath]; [UIView commitAnimations]; }  

It turns out that when you are doing a UIView animation, You ignore the two-bounds' clips of the property and the clips it is anyway (at least for flip type animation), so if you want your shadow to always appear, then you should have a frame frame in which everything it happens.


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