
Showing posts from February, 2011

c# - A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client -

I am using MVC2 and I have not helped me get rid of this exception. web.config has changed before, but again I put [valid input (wrong)] What should I do? EDIT: I am posting HTML values. It's possible that your form contains values ​​that look like HTML like parentheses. Please check this link:

bash - SSH doesnt exit from command line -

I run a shell script on another server and thus a shell script nohup ./ 1 & Gt; / Dev / zero2> 2 & Amp; 1 & amp; Then type exit to exit the server even though it is just hanging. Server is Solaris. How can I get rid of hanging properly? Thank you. I think this script has been running for a long time. In this case, you will have to separate the process from the terminal which you want to stop while terminating your SSH session. Actually you have already done the work by handing both stdout and stderr to / dev / null , But you do not do this for stdin The case of I used the test: SH localhost Noah sleep 10m & amp; gt; / Dev / null & amp; ^ D # Bracket While SH localhost nyupup sleep 10m & gt; / Dev / null & lt; / Dev / null & amp; ^ D # Exit I recommend using the excellent gnu screen which will make this service available to you. Oh, and do you have to run the script directly and do not think within ...

url - Making jQuery bookmarkable (i.e - for a content slider) -

I have created my own custom tabbed content script and it works great. The only thing missing is that it is capable of marking different segments. I know that the URL should be rewritten in some way. At the moment I am using default to prevent refreshing the page, it also closes by changing the URL. I have also tried to manually rewrite the URL, but I think it should have some type of hook Thank you in advance, Henry. Edit: Javascript: HTML: Store a page's history For, the most popular and full featured / supported method is using the HashanShoes, which means that you say that you yourite / page.html # page1 to yourite / page You can go through .html # page2 , you can track this change, and because we are using the hash You can find a great way to compel a change in hash using the project There is also a full-featured AJAX extension for it to convert your website into a full featured Web 2.0 application Allows their states / hashes to integrate Ajax requests...

sql - How to merge 2 rows in mysql -

T1F1F2F3F4A2 2Now A2 3 UK But I want to see only the result one 2 2,3 UK if I select How to get it? I'm looking at the results: 2 2,3 are UK and 2,3 F3 fields If you want to create groups by F1 and F2 and get all the values ​​of F3 in a string, then separated by commas (which is what you are asking), its its Have to use. F3, F1, F2, F2, F2, F3, F2, F2, F2, F2, FO, FO, FO, F4, F4, F4 , Select as F4 Be sure to read the documentation on Group_ConCAT (see link above) because it exceeds the maximum length (1024 characters per default) This area will be small! If you get value for F4, then what might you expect (since the query is using many Pesky "features" of MySQL) ... it makes more sense if the F4 uses both lines For the UK, you can add F4 to the Group Door Section.

android - how to change images with timer -

Hi all I have to say images image1 and image2 I want to display both images on the timer, only visible on one image Give it a moment Both images are overlapped, which means image1 is greater than image2. So, if I use the timer, then I want to be able to show an image at a time. How do I do this I hope that I am clear of my problem. Put your picture in the DROP folder. And create a splash.xml file in the drawable folder like this: & lt; Animation-list xmlns: android = "" Android: Oneshot = "true" & gt; & Lt; Item android: drawable = "@ drawable / splash_1" Android: period = "200" /> & Lt; Item Android: drawable = "@ drawable / splash_2" Android: period = "200" /> & Lt; Item Android: Dragon = "@ Drauble / Splash" Android: Period = "200" /> & Lt; Item android: drawable = "@ drawable / splash_4" Android: period = ...

c# - OpenGL-OpenTK rotation problems -

I'm a real Noah who has just started learning 3D programming and I have about rotation in the 3D space It is a very difficult time to learn. My problem is that I do not seem to understand how to use the local coordinates of the object. I have a basic class for 3D objects, and for starters, I want to apply the function which will rotate the object on a certain axis with X degree so far I have the following: / P> public zero rolled (float angle) {this. Rotation = Matrix 4 Malt (Rotation, Matrix 4. Crearatotation X (MyMath Conversion) Digotrade (Angle)); } Public Zero Pichadag (float angle) {this.rotation = Matrix4.Mult (rotation, Matrix4.CreateRotationY (MyMath.Conversions.DegToRad (angle))); } Public Zero Yawdag (float angle) {This. Rotation = Matrix 4 Malt (rotation, matrix 4. creole rotation (MyMath.Conversions.DegToRad (angle))); } 'rotation' is a 4x4 matrix that starts in the form of identity matrix. Every time I want to roll / pitch / highlight the object,...

linq - How can I create an Expression within another Expression? -

I'm sorry if I have already started using LINQ only if I have already said I have the following expression: public steady expression & lt; Funk & lt; TblCustomer, customer satisfaction & gt; & Gt; SelectToSummary () {Return M = & gt; (New Customer Sommerie () {ID = MID, Customer Name = M. Customer Name, Last Sale Contact = // This is a person entity, no one knows how to make it}); } I want to be able to populate LastSalesContact , which is a person unit. Details that I want to populate from m.LestestPerson , then how can I map to m.LestestPerson to fields LastSalesContact . I want to use mapping again, that is, I do not want to do this: lastcell communication = new person () {// etc} Can I use a static expression, such as: public static expression & lt; Funk & lt; TblUser, User & gt; & Gt; SelectToUser () {return x = & gt; (New user () {// populate}); Update: I need to: return m = & Gt; (New customer summa...

language agnostic - Why is separation of user and profile data considered good? -

I am reading this and felt that I do not quite agree with the statement the separation of the user and the profile Data is a good touch . As I saw it, profile data, such as, e.g. Creating a new object (and table) with 1-to-1 relation for the user object, creating such data in the country or user object, separating it into profiles. Is this kind of isolation considered to be a good practice because of just the beauty reasons? (You only see user input data in one table and the generated data is in another) Good, it Only if you believe there are 1-to-1 relationships in the user and profile. If this is always a guarantee of becoming a case, then due to separation it may be purely beauty, although there may still be performance reasons, for example, profile data should be accessed by other users. Can be cached without much attention, often for quick invalidation etc. They are different types of concept data - even if they have 1-to-1 relationships I do not cache the user...

vb6 - Changes to a dialog wont appear when i run it in Visual Basic using VB Editor 6.0 -

I have this huge VB project that I got from any one. I want to add a check box to this in a dialog, so I opened the main 2.frm and added the check box using the IDE. But now when I run the application, the size of the dialog is changed to its original size so a new check box is displayed which is below. I know that it means that somewhere in the code the size of the dialog box can change, but I've scanned the code and found nothing. Where dialog is being made it is being done: Main2.vsCodeOptions.Left = 10 Main2.vsCodeOptions.Top = 0 Main2.Move main.Left + (Main with - main 2 bird) \ 2, main. Top + (Main Highlight - Main 2. High) \ 2, 3900, 5010 Main 2. Vsi.port.vijay = false main 2.VSAlload.Visible = False Main2.VsrepPrt.Visible = false Main2.VSAbout.Visible = False Main2.vsCodeOptions.Visible = True main2.Left = main.Left + (main .Width - Main2.Width) \ 2 Main2.Top = main.Top + (Main Highlight - Main2.Hight) \ 2 'Use this code to keep the form above in the form modul...

php - Performing a dictionary attack on my own site -

I want to attack a dictionary or, if it is easy to attack in the database directly with my hash password, find this To determine which users of my site are using a simple password. While creating a password, I will apply some complexity rules, but I would like to be able to contact the words of those simple users, change your password. Database MySQL MD5 is with hashed password The rest of the site is written in PHP. My impression is that I need a dictionary file and they have an automated way to test each word against each user, but I have more than 1000 users to see and I I'm sure there are more than 10,000 potential words to test, so I do not know the best way to automate that type of thing. Any help or guidance will be highly appreciated. If MD5 is unsalted , then you might be weak or only marginally strong Users will be able to read passwords For example, in the plain text, by entering a hash in an online rainbow table: No dictionary attacks are required. ...

integration - ssi.php return strange page -

मैं कुछ पृष्ठों में इस कोड को शामिल करता हूं: $ _ GET ['a'] = 'stats2'; "/var/www/forum/ssi.php" शामिल करें; मुख्य पृष्ठ पर ( इसका काम ठीक है। लेकिन अन्य पृष्ठों पर जैसे, आदि। ssi.php फ़ोरम पृष्ठ का हिस्सा (सीएसएस के एक जेएस में बहुत कुछ)। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? क्या यह वह सटीक समान कोड है जिसमें आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं आपका आवेदन? यह आपके सापेक्ष पथ से जोड़ने जैसा लगता है ..

javascript - jQuery Sticky Sidebar failing -

First of all I did not write this code. I found it on someone else's website and i want to learn it from myself trying it out though i can not work it i have googled for code if it is a jQuery plugin that is freely Is available or anything, but I can not find it anywhere on the web. I have given it a "sticky" class (with Sidebar ID # sidebar), I have included jQuery at the top of the page, and I have placed this code in the head: & lt ;! - Floating Sidebar JQuery - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var sticky = function ($ obj, opts) {$ (. Window) .scroll (function (e) {sticky .oncroll (e, $ obj, opts);}); } Sticky.onecroll = function (e, $ o, ops) {var iScrollTop = $ (window) .scrollTop (); Var sClass = "sticky"; // Set Original Data (! $ (sClass)) {$ (sClass, {css: {status: $ o.css ('condition'), top: $ o.css ('top ')}, Offset: $ o.offset ()}); } Var oOrig = $ (sClass);...

mysql - How do I handle multiple types of users? -

Users in my application can be one of three types: teens, individuals or members of any organization. In my user table, I have a boolean field teen (not faucet) and a foreign key organization_id (null). If the teen is true and Organization_id is zero, the user is a teenager Teenage can not belong to an organization. If the teenagers are liars and the organization_id is empty, then the user is a person. If the teenagers are liars and the organization_id is not empty then users are members of any organization. / P> There should be a better way of doing this I do not like that this case exists where teens are true and organization_ID is not empty. Would it be better to add a new table, the organization and remove the foreign key from the organization table? I see the negative side that it will take me more time to determine if a user is not an individual or organization, and get data if appropriate. Is this another great way to handle? If you had a role column tha...

javascript - Onsubmit URL Redirection with jquery -

I'm looking for the best way to perform onsubmit URL redirection. Currently I have a form like this .. & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "go" /> At present it is dologin.php to me clientare.php Directing for I can not make any changes in dologin.php because it has been encoded. I want to be prompted as soon as the button is clicked, I need to redirect to clientdetails.php . How can I get it? Thanks UPDATE How do I currently do this? ... & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; Function Redirect () {window.location.href = '/clientarea.php?action=details'; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form action = "dololin.fp?" Onsubmit = "setTimeout ('redirect ()', 1000);" Method = "post" id = "frmlogin" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" value = "some" /> & Lt; Input type...

java - Error deploying ear to Glassfish -

We have an EAR with 3 EJB modules. I'm trying to deploy on a glassfish, but I'm killing an error that I have not understood or can not figure out how to best identify. [# | 2010-08-03T14: 39: 15.570 + 0100 | Information | Glassfish 3.0.1 | | _ThreadID = 28; _ThreadName = Thread-1; | [Autodiport] For file / export / home / map / app / domain selection /myapp/autodeploy/App-ear.ear for autodeployment. # # [# | 2010-08-03T14: 39: 18.654 + 0100 | Warning | Glassfish 3.0.1 | | _ThreadID = 28; _ThreadName = Thread-1 ;; Error in annotation processing: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com / company / app / controller / IMSGPProcessor. #] [# | 2010-08-03T14: 39: 20.470 + 0100 | Saver | Glassfish 3.0.1 | Global | _ThreadID = 28; _ThreadName = Thread-1 ;; Class [LOOMM / company / app / jms / iJmscense factor; ] did not get. Error while loa...

java - Problem running eclipse under fedora core 13 x86_64 - runs and exits without even a splash screen -

When I try to run eclipse under Fedora Core 13 x86_64, eclipse starts and then without error Get out My installation is to download this file from Eclipse Amazon Mirror: Eclipse-G-Haloos-Linux- gtk.tar.gz It's not a problem Eclipse Dyer and Eclipse are going to be executable in CUd Reoulting. Executable runs and then exit without displaying as a splash screen. Can someone suggest what I am doing? See below for the version details and see a part of the eclipse with the -debug flag. Thanks for any suggestions. [a1155344 @ minimi eclipse] $ cat // etc / issue Fedora release 13 (Goddard) kernel \ r A \ m (\ l) [a1155344 @ minimi eclipse] $ uname- a Linux minimi # 1 SMP Fri June 11 09:38:12 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux [a1155344 @ Minimi Aklipas] $ cat eclipse.ini -startup plugins / org.eclipse.equinox. launc her_1.1.0.v20100507.jar --launcher.library plugins / org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_1.1.0.v20100503 -Product or...

iphone - Hidden UITabBarController covers Button -

I have a hidden UITabBarController, but it seems that I want to cover that button I would like to put on the screen in the home view. // Hide tab for home screen - (zero) viewViewPeople: animated (self-sufficient). } Is there a way around this? Tab Bar will be shown for other views except Home View (like the first tab). Cheers! What you can do is in the interface builder (assuming you had linked the UIBB controller to the IB) Choose from the menu: layout - & gt; Send back to while the tabbar is highlighted, this will mean that this button will not blur the view of "home" and will be on the other side of the scene, assuming you have other views in your There are no other buttons present in the same place in the UIViewview. This is, of course, when you navigate away from home view, and at the time you invite UITbar, a new view controller can be cleaner to load, so that you can do this kind of UI Can not support the sieve. This means that your home vie...

WPF + MVVM - Access object/property in UserControl -

I have found a way to use the object / property within a UserControl I have a page object, in which I load a user Icontrol: & lt; UserControl: RichTextEditorControl Height = "350" /> How can I use my object / property which is in my view mendall with the control of my user? To put my problem in practice: I have a list of items that have been displayed in my view, and when I have selected an item, then I load the usercontrol I want my user to How to do "stuff" in selected items? Thanax! You may have a dependency property on your UserControl, or only this datacontent would be the selected item. . After this you can simply set up user control using binding: & lt; UserControl1 DataContext = "{Binding Selection Object Properties}" /> If your list box adds the same TheSelectedObjectProperty , then when you change the item in the list box automatically, UserControl will see the selected items.

jquery - Keeps prepending several images -

I am working on SharePoint with jQuery and every time I use the prepaid () function with each () function. To display an image in front of each cell in the list I use in combination, I get many of those pictures. More specifically, the quantity of those pictures corresponds to the amount of items in the list. I'm sure this is a clue what's happening, but I'm not a jQuery expert. Here's a piece of code: $ .each (function (I, e) {$ (e) .prepend (image);}); Image, BTW, Image is a variable that contains the HTML code for the image item is: var item = #MSO_ContentTable & gt; Div: is (& gt; div); This place is awesome! You can do this: $ (item). Each (function (i, e) {$ (e) .prepend (image [i]);}); But it is not clear if there is a image , if it is a set of elements, then it searches every match item selector If it's a jQuery element or an array, then it will work, if it's something else, then post it. The above ex...

utf 8 - Deployed (ie serverside) mysql db is UTF-8 but local version isn't -

At least I think the problem is. In my forum and production database (both on the same server) I have a text field that has html. Some of these have web coats, which look fine. However, locally I have my development database which is a copy of the staging database (it was copied with staging DB dump with mysqldump, my local one falling, then forums Dump file to mysql). Locally, webcloths are shown as "in mysql" (for an initial webquot). I have to guess this because my local database is not properly set up for UTF-8? How do I know to make sure? Try mysql --default-character-set = utf8 for your local imports [ ...] .

jinja2 - How to get a list of current variables from Jinja 2 template? -

अगर मैं इस तरह के एक जिन्जा 2 टेम्पलेट वापस करता हूँ: return render_response ('home.htm', ** context) फिर टेम्पलेट में से संदर्भ में वेरिएबल्स की सूची कैसे प्राप्त करें? तकनीकी रूप से, क्योंकि प्रसंग नामित शब्दकोश के रूप में पारित नहीं किया गया है, एक टेम्पलेट के अंदर से संदर्भ चर की एक सूची तैयार करने के लिए थोड़ा काम करना आवश्यक है। हालांकि यह संभव है। जिनजा 2 को वापस करने के लिए परिभाषित करें। वस्तु वस्तु, जो मूल रूप से वैश्विक चर / फ़ंक्शन का शब्दकोश है वैश्विक नाम स्थान में उस फ़ंक्शन को उपलब्ध कराएं; यानी एक जीनजा 2. पर्यावरण या जीनजा 2. टेम्पलेट ग्लोबल शब्दकोश वैकल्पिक रूप से, संदर्भ से ऑब्जेक्ट फ़िल्टर करें; उदाहरण के लिए, जिन्ना का डिफ़ॉल्ट वैश्विक सहायक कार्यों (श्रेणी, योजक, आदि) को छोड़ने के लिए कोलाबल () का उपयोग करें। यह संदर्भ समारोह या टेम्पलेट में किया जा सकता है; जहां भी यह सबसे अधिक समझ में आता है। उदाहरण: & gt; & gt; & gt; आयात जीनजा 2 & gt; & gt; & gt; & Gt; & gt; & gt; @ Jinja2.contextfu...

configuration - PHP config quark with if statements -

OK, this is odd on my development server if I'm running a test on a script and I / P> if ($ _GET ['cat']) {... Instead of another practical way: if (isset ($ _GET ['cat'])) {... I'll get an error by saying Notice: Undefined variable: in pwdmsg: WAMP \ www \ myFile \ Decrypt-text.php on line 16 Just wondering if anyone would know that this is not a big thing true Because I can only do this when I am testing a theory or trying to check something is just an annoyance Oh, and please do not scold my question if this is complete Like stupid or like "... even n00bs know that!" I know it does not do this on my live server, but my god does on the server My basic dev-server information: PHP 5.3.0 Apache 2.2.11 MyScale 5.1.36 PHP exts: * Core * Bcmath * Calendar * com_dotnet * CTYPE * Date * Eagle * Filter * FTP * hash * iconv * json * mcrypt * mysqlnd * ODBC * PCRE * Reflection * Session * SPL * standard * tokenizer * zip * zlib * ...

sql - MySQL: Possible to have wildcards in AS aliases? -

I have a bunch of similar fields in several tables (I inherited it - do not blame me;) Rather than implementing all aliases, is it possible to automatically alter / interpolate through a wildcard? I'm imagining something (which does not really work in real life): SELECT t1 *, T2 * As alias2 *, T3. * Alias3 * So I'll get back the fields like: name, address, city, state surname, surname 2. address,, Alias2.state, alias3.address,, Alias3.state This, if you use it: SELECT t1. *, Alias2. *, Alias3 * T1, T2 AS alias2, t3 as alias3 Define the table nickname, then you can use the table alias. SELECT in *. Disclaimer I have only used ANSI-ANSI, but it is still correct to correct the address 89 syntax for short - honest .

java - Has anyone used Juxtapose? How good is it? -

I'm thinking of using Junkstops for a simple peer-to-peer game. How much better is zytotox? How complex is it? The JXTA community has version 2.6 & amp; 2.7 Recently this release has been much more stable and tested than 2.5 and earlier. Check for a start, you will need information. You can also read the online Practical Jacksa II book at the script.

iphone - "Best" Way to Implement a UISegmentedControl underneath a UINavigationBar -

I am working on an app that uses a navigation controller to control ideas. In one part of my app, I want to place a UIView under UISegmentedControl just under the navigation, which will be the "Filter" UITWview. Originally: ====================================== == | & Lt; Back) The title goes here. & Lt; - Navigation Bar ======================================== | (All | active | inactive) | & Lt; - Fractured Control ======================================== | Item one & gt; | & Lt; - UITableView all the way down. -------------------------------------- | | Item two & gt; | | -------------------------------------- | | Item Three & gt; | | -------------------------------------- | | Item four & gt; | | -------------------------------------- | | Item five & gt; | | -------------------------------------- | | Item Six & gt; | ======================================== So how do I put it together; How do I do this in code or in IB? Th...

facebook error The page you requested was not found. - When inviting friends to join -

I am a real developer, of course using the iframe xfbml and I get the following error: The page you requested was not found. You clicked on an expired link or entered the address incorrectly. Some web addresses are case-sensitive. * Return to Previous Page I am using Request-Form Tag as the following: & lt; Fb: request-form target = "_top" action = "" method = "POST" invite = "true" type = "myappliation" content = "see & lt; fb: Req-choice url = 'http: //' label = 'I'm coming' /> & gt; & Lt; Fb: Multi-friend-selector rows = "3" showborder = "false" actiontext = "Its shy to ask for help now!" Max = "10" style = "height: 100px;" Target = "_top" /> & Lt; / FB: Request Form & gt; This code is working for some users, but for newcomers, they get tha...

python - How to get an isoformat datetime string including the default timezone? -

Let me prepare a time string that matches the ISO format yyyy-mm-ddThh: mm: ss.ssssss Will be -ZO: Northeast . now () and utcnow () class methods are almost what I want to do. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Date Time & gt; & Gt; & Gt; # Time adjusted for current timezone & gt; & Gt; & Gt; (). Isoformat () '2010-08-03T03: 00: 00.000000' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; #unadjusted UTC Time & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Datetime.datetime.utcnow (). Isoformat () '2010-08-03T10: 00: 00.000000' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; #how can I do this? & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Datetime.datetime.magic () '2010-08-03T10: 00: 00.000000-07: 00' ' Note something like the following example I am in Eastern Australia (UTC + 10 hours) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Date Time & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Dtnow = (); Dtutcnow = datetime.datetime.utcno...

Do ASP.Net MVC Controller Attributes Execute Before or After the Action? -

निम्नलिखित कोड पर विचार करें: [प्रमाणीकरण (ऑर्डर = 1)] सार्वजनिक एक्शनरसेंट कुछएक्शनटैटअर्जर्सअटिफिकेशन () {Var मॉडल = नया SomeViewModel (); // एक प्रमाणीकृत सत्र / उपयोगकर्ता के साथ कुछ करो ... वापसी देखें (मॉडल); } क्या प्रमाणिकरण विशेषता को SomeActionThatRequiresAuthentication विधि के अंदर या उसके बाद कोड के क्रियान्वित करता है? मैं यह पूछ रहा हूँ क्योंकि मेरे पास एक विशेषता है जो इस तरह से कुछ करती है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग प्रमाणन: कस्टमअधिकृतविवरण {सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड शून्य ऑनऑस्ट्रिकेशन (ऑथराइजेशन कॉन्टैक्ट फ़िल्टर फिल्टर) {यदि! HttpContext.Current.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected) HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect (ViewUtil.Actions.User.LogOnUrl ()); }} जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि यूजर को प्रमाणीकृत नहीं किया गया है, तो उपयोगकर्ता को रीडायरेक्ट किया जाएगा। हालांकि ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि कार्रवाई केवल निष्पादित होने के बाद ही रीडायरेक्ट होती है। यह समस्याएं पैदा कर रहा है क्योंकि मैंने एक्शन निष्पादित करते समय उपयोगकर्ता को प्रमाणित किया है। सबसे पहले मुझे यह समझ...

.net - What can WCF WebHttp do that ASP.NET MVC cannot? -

Please, "they solve 2 different problems" answers, this is HTTP request and response Trouble Just because you have views / templates in MVC does not mean that you have to use them. MNC is great for XML and JSON service. Please, no, "this Microsoft tells you what you should do" answer if I think that I would not be asking this question like this apparently people did not like it How I covered my question, but the title is very clear. I would like to know what WebHttp can do that MVC can not do, or both can do it but with WebHttp it's easy or more powerful I'm really looking for details, on top of each other No higher level details about selecting one. There is a lot more overhead in an MVC application since you can not serve other services (not SEO-sensitive) While actually doing "URL-rewriting" does not need to be done, or to understand that Google Robots is not necessary, you do not need it - and therefore routing overhead is unnece...

.htaccess - Is it possible to use http_refer to block direct access to a folder while allows a flash player access -

I have MP3 files on my server that I can access on my site through a flash player. Is it possible to use http_refer to do this as suggested by a close associate? Based on my research, I was coming in the code given below but blocking everyone including my Flash Player. How do I get files with my flash player manipulate the .htaccess file? & lt; Files * Deny All http_referer (SIC) to validate / files> ) Are some insecure because some users turn it off. If your files are available on the web ... well, they are available on the web A lot of people spend a lot of time and money, considering how to limit the audio, there is little effect. Without much time investment, I do not care much about it. In addition to this, header firefox is sent when Flash requests for an MP3: GET / Music MP3 HTTP / 1.1 Host: MyHost: 80 users -Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; N-GB; RV: Geico / 20100316 Firefox / 3.6.2 GTB 7.1 (.NAT CLR 3.5.30729) Text / ...

export all the contact details from iphone -

I want to export all contact details of the iPhone and uplaod on the server It is Xcode or do i need a third party software ?? You can export the contacts from XML string and can pass it to the web service. To get details such as first name, last name, address etc., iterate over all contacts and export contacts to XML. Hope this will be useful.

python - How to reverse django feed url? -

I am searching for hours to try and understand it, and it seems that no one is online instantly Gives - I have just created a Django 1.2 RSS Feeds View Object and attached it to the URL. When I go to url, everything works great, so I know that my implementation of the feed class is fine. There is a bottleneck, I do not know how to link to the url in my template. I could only have worked hard, but I was using more% {url%} I tried to cross the full path like this: {% url app_name .lib.feeds.LatestPosts blog_name = name%} And I could not find anything. I am searching and it seems that everyone has such a clear solution that it is not worth posting online Do I have a lot of time now? Here is the realval URL pattern: app.lib Import from feeds LatestPosts urlpatterns = patterns ('', (R 'RSS / (? P & lt; blog_name & gt; [azza-j 0-9] +) / $', latest post "> You can, for which url Helper function: django.conf.urls.defaults ...

javascript array index problem! -

var a = नया सरणी (); एक [1] = 'ए'; बी [10] = 'बी'; console.log (क); / [अपरिभाषित, "ए", अपरिभाषित, अपरिभाषित, अपरिभाषित, अपरिभाषित, अपरिभाषित, "बी"] / मैं अपरिभाषित तत्व को निकालना चाहता हूं लेकिन प्रक्रिया क्या है ?? सबसे पहले, jQuery का इससे कोई लेना-देना नहीं है। दूसरा, सरणियाँ "ऑटोफ़िल्ल्ड" हैं यदि आप सूचकांक 10 को परिभाषित करते हैं, तो सभी इंडेक्सस 0 - 9 स्वचालित रूप से कब्जा कर लिया जाएगा, बस जावास्क्रिप्ट एरेज़ का काम करने का तरीका। आप जो खोज रहे हैं वह शायद एक ऑब्जेक्ट है: var a = {}; एक [1] = 'ए'; एक [10] = 'बी'; या var a = {1: 'ए', 10: 'बी'};

java - Putting timeouts on Prepared statements -

I am trying to use a prepared statement that works on a far-off database, with considerable interval and unreliability Included is the network connection used to access this database. Downtime for one minute is common. The problem is that in the case of such a failure, if my program tries to execute a prepared statement, the whole thread goes in an endless wait, it never goes out and is just waiting for the response from the database . I tried to use the setQueryTimeout () method explicitly from time to time, but it seems that there is some problem in this method in which this work Can not do, if the network fails Is there any alternative way to do this? The exact description of SetQueryTimeout allows the JDBC driver to Instructions have been issued to send out the band signals (at least in the case of Oracle JDBC driver) in the database to prevent the execution of the prepared statement; This part is important, because it depends on the driver and database built support ...

c# - How to set lookup field in document library?(sharepoint 2010) -

I have a document library named DropOffLibrary. Also I have a lookup column ElDocsBatch in this library. So I have to set a specific value SPFieldLookupValue newValue = new SPFieldLookupValue (11, "account"); For this lookup field. Finally I have solved the problem I have. =)) SPListCollection collLists = oWeb.Lists; // Get the foreach of all the lists (SPList oList in collLists) {if (oList.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary) // Search for all libraries {SPDocumentLibrary oDocumentLibrary = (SPDocumentLibrary) Ollist; String name = oDocumentLibrary.Title.ToString (); Get the name (name == "Library name") // Library that you want {SPListItem row = oDocumentLibrary.Items [i]; // Get an element by ID in the library SPFieldLookupValue newValue = New SPFieldLookupValue (id, "LookupFieldValue"); Line ["field_name"] = new value;

php - How to remove the author and date of creation details from an article? -

Creating a sample website using Joomla. I am just beginning to start authors's description and creation from the published article. How to hide the date? Right side panel will show you the parameter (advanced) Change your requirements for will be set to use globally by default. It can also be controlled by editing the article.

java - How to intercept the Hibernate generated SQL? -

For a security arrangement that works as an older brother (such as the mandatory access control), we Select All Hibernate We enable user, timestamp and SQL in a database to enable some profiling with other devices. Information is allowed to determine what the user has tried to see, the ready-made properties for selected statements are valuable. We require full SQL statement including all parameters. Is there a listener or interceptor where we can join and handle all these things? The biggest outstanding problem is still collecting the statement of the statements. Thanks The actual parameter values ​​can be made available (at least For my knowledge), when using the logging level of JDBCAppender, if you want the logger output itself in the database. Alternatively, you take a look at the one who claims to: In the logout output for the statement made, the compulsive reasoning is automatically SQL The output is inserted in. It improves readability and debugging significant...

javascript - Function scope within IF Statement -

Hopefully someone can put some light on my problem. Basically I just want to execute blocks of code if a certain DOM Element exists. If this happens then I do some bits and Bobs and call the function. Although it complains that the function is not defined, it indicates that the function is not scope. The code below is: $ (document) .ready (function () {if ((document.getElementById ("view & lt; portlet: namespace / & gt;: editSplash") = null ) Console.log ("Notifications start scripting"); // Loop loading box / body weight $ ('. AjaxErrorBox') notify hide (); $ ('loading.Notifications'). Hide (); $ $ '('. NotifyWindow '). $ (' NotifyWindow '). $ (('. NotifyWindow ') Empty (); console.log ("Notifications Click"); getFeed ();}); // Start AJAX call jquery ajax object function getFeed ($ 'notifyWindow'). (); Console.log ("Ajax call to start feed"); $ .aex ({type: "GET", url: ...

mysql - SQL add tablename as field -

I did this before, but I do not remember where I saw it. Should I name the table as a field in a query? Say I have a table that the user says, how do I add the table name 'User' as a column? Like: Username Username as Username, Password, ** Table ** It may appear obvious, but have you considered the following? Username, password, 'mytable'

jquery - jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing -

I am currently developing a web application designed for the administration of vending machines and in this way I have used jQuery for this project I have decided to use jQuery UI and jqGrid, so I can easily provide a great and highly customizable user interface. Unfortunately, is too old and it does not cover all the features of this great plug-in (because I really do this, even if the documentation is not bad). Still, enough background information, I think, go to the point: I use the navbar created in Jabrid to add, edit and delete objects from the grid. I have found this work similar to an attraction, except one thing: Some fields can only be enabled (or visible) when adding a new item and not when in editing-mode (they are hidden and / or disabled) needed). Example: I am working to sell vending towers and there are many types of these towers (different sizes and accessories). But if a new tower is added and the system is entered, then the type should be set. But th...

java - Where we have to put the .class file in Tomcat Directory -

मुझे टोकेकेट निर्देशिका में *। Class फ़ाइल क्यों डालनी है? मेरी जावा-पूरा संदर्भ पुस्तक में, उन्होंने इसे सी: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \ अपाचे थॉमस 4.0 \ वेबएप्स \ उदाहरण \ वेब-एफ़ \ वर्ग \ / code> में डाल करने के लिए कहा था। लेकिन अब मैं टोमक 7.0 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। वेबएप्स में नाम "उदाहरण" के साथ कोई फ़ोल्डर मौजूद नहीं है मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? क्या आप मुझे लिंक बता सकते हैं जो सेवलेट्स को शुरुआत से समझाएगा? बस खुद को एक बनाएं कोई भी फ़ोल्डर जिसे आप टॉमकेट / वेबएप में बनाते हैं, एक स्टैंडअलोन वेबपैक्लिकेशन बन जाएंगे। आपको इसे स्पष्ट रूप से नाम देने की ज़रूरत नहीं है / उदाहरण आप इसे / beer भी नाम दे सकते हैं आपको तब से यूआरएल को बदलना होगा। उस ने कहा, मुझे लगता है कि एक और हाल की किताब को टॉमकेट 4.0 का उल्लेख करने से बेहतर है, जो एक दशक पुरानी है। किताब में और अधिक पुराने जमाने की सलाह / प्रथाएं हो सकती हैं जो वास्तव में आजकल नहीं की जा सकतीं (उदाहरण के लिए, खाँसी,)। उन पुस्तकों और अधिक हालिया हैं (नवीनतम से लेकर पुराने तक): करने के ल...

Loadtesting ajax applications based on jQuery -

Does anyone have any experience in testing the AJAX application load load? Especially javascript to run as their javascript library? LoaderNear and NeoLoad are two load test applications that work on the Gwy layer. But none of which supports the jquery library For other load testing tools, such as jmeter, mill and other HTML layer tools. They simply do not cut it because you need to maintain application logic in your tests. Selenium, however, uses real browsers, which can be an option with the Selenium grid (see also, but then locally to set up a test environment Lots of hardware is needed. The last time I saw loader and neolod both work on the HTTP layer, not on the GUI layer. Just because a device works on an HTTP layer does not mean that you need to repeat the application logic in the test. Smart testers, such as load testers (from, can configure several testcards automatically with small user intervention. We use it often with...

SVG image with CMYK colours - is it possible? -

Is it possible to specify why the SVG image produces in CMYK? If so, is this a big job? What if the color of the image is specified in RGB, is it difficult to convert them to CMYK? , which will let you do for yourself, but it is not yet supported by any browser: (

java - How to throw RuntimeException ("cannot find symbol") -

I am trying to throw an exception in my code like this: RuntimeException Throw (msg); But when I create a netban I get this error: c: \ .... java: 50: not symbol symbol Can get: method runtime exception (Java.lang.String) location: class ... runtime exception (msg) throw; 1 error Do I need to import something? Do I have this misspelled? I'm sure I should dumb something: - ( New runtime expiry (msg) ) You need to have the new in it. This is making an example and throwing it, not calling a method.

uiviewcontroller - IPHONE How to access variables from other classes/viewcontrollers -

I have an app that uses several view controllers. In an example, I need to use a difference (int life) in different view controllers from where it has been created. I have tried to use it and throws it out and does not claim to claim "life" to the error. I already import visual controller where the int was announced. I'm stuck on this one I appreciate any help Use properties or custom setter and greater for instance variables.

c# - List all SQL instances, and their tables -

I want to list all SQL server instances and their tables. I have a code that lists all the server is correct but I have not received a list of their tables. Datatale data source = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance.GetDataSources (); Foreach (DataRow line in DataSources.Rows) {Console.WriteLine ("Server name:" + row ["server name"]); Forchahaa (different items in the line item array) {Console.WriteLine ("- item:" + item); }} You can query that the tables in sys Tables are using . See below: Use your DDNAMem to select CES. Go to TOS

regex - Match a PHP class with a Regular Expression -

मैं एक फ़ाइल से php वर्गों को पकड़ना चाहता हूं: class a {function test} {}} वर्ग ब एक {फ़ंक्शन टेस्ट () {}} फैली हुई है और परिणाम मिलान होना चाहिए class a {function test} () { }} और वर्ग ब एक फ़ंक्शन परीक्षण () {}} रिज़ेक्स प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं के व्याकरण के लिए 'खराब' हैं इसके बजाय टोकनेइज़र फ़ंक्शन पर विचार करें। जैसे यह भी देखें

WPF Hide Grid Column -

मेरे पास एक xaml ग्रिड है जिसे परिभाषित किया गया है: & lt; ग्रिड & gt; & LT; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; कॉलम डिफाइनिशन चौड़ाई = "150" / & gt; & LT; ColumnDefinition / & gt; & LT; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; / ग्रिड & gt; पहले कॉलम में टेक्स्टब्लॉक और डेटा कैप्चर के लिए दूसरा कॉलम एक पाठ बॉक्स होगा। मैं पहली कॉलम की दृश्यता कैसे बदल सकता हूं? मेरी समस्या का समाधान चौड़ाई बदलने के लिए था "ऑटो" के लिए पहला कॉलम तब मैंने अपने पहले टेक्स्टबॉक्स की बाइंडिंग सेट की ताकि इसकी दृश्यता संपत्ति ढह गई (छिपाई नहीं) पर सेट हो गई थी, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप कॉलम में गाया नहीं जा रहा है।

wpf - What is simplest way to repeat a video in a MediaElement -

I have media analytics where the source is linked to some data What is the easiest way to repeat the video? Ideally, media will be the property of repetitive behavior in the element. & lt; Repeat Media Element Deliver = 'Always' ... /> But I can not find such a property. You must add the storyboard to the media element, see the examples given below: & lt; Media Element Name = "myMediaElement" & gt; & Lt; MediaElement.Triggers & gt; & Lt; EventTrigger Routing Avent = "MediaAlment.loaded" & gt; & Lt; EventTrigger.Actions & gt; & Lt; BeginStoryboard & gt; & Lt; Storyboard & gt; & Lt ;! - MediaTimeline has a repetitive = "always" which runs the media more indefinitely - & gt; & Lt; MediaTimeline Source = "Media \ tada.wav" Storyboard Goal name = "My mediaIlment" repeatEdit = "always" /> & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; & Lt; ...

Calling java functions from Clojure -

I can use (.toUpperCase "GOOD") in the closure, because "GOOD" is Java string, and Java UpperCase is the string in the method. I can also use the java function as a way of calling ( / separator) from the closure. But, why do not I (java.lang / object wait3) or (java.lang.system/println "hi")? Can not we use all Java functions from the closure? If not, then there is a rule to call them? If so, where are the references for those tasks? You can use all Java functions to see the closest page of the closure. Specifically, you need to get exactly the right words based on sentences, for example the way you are building Java, eg. To execute the println method on the stable member "out" from Java.lang.System: (. Println (system / out) "Hi")

silverlight - Using httpwebrequest to get image from website to byte[] -

I want to read raw binary of a PNG file on a website and want to store it in a byte [], now Until I have something like this: Uri image URI = new Uri (""); // Create a HTTP Visible Object for the desired URL. HttpWebRequest imgRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (imageUri); (Using memorystream LXMS = new memorystream ()) {LNBFar = LxBr. ReadBytes (1024) (HTTPBib Resigns IMIRPSPonstation = (HTTP Web Response) (IMGR FAQ) Gate Response () (Use (BinaryRadder LXBR = New Binary Reader (IMGRPS); while (lnBuffer.Length & gt; 0) {lxMS.Write (LnBuffer, 0, lnBuffer.Length); LnBuffer = lxBR.ReadBytes (1024);} LnFile = new byte [(int) lxMS.Length]; LxMS.Position = 0; LxMS. Read (lnFile, 0, lnFile.Length );}}} But I can not use GetResponse on Silverlight because it is asynchronous (I think That is not the reason) rather than instead I should use initial response response , but I am not completely clear how to go about it. This is wh...

linux - Bizzare System.out.println() in Java Program -

स्ट्रिंग संदेशफ़ाइल = ... // मान संदेशफ़ाइल स्ट्रिंग "MESSAGE" System.out.println (होना चाहिए "संदेशफ़ाइल है:" + संदेशफ़ाइल + "!!"); आम तौर पर, उपरोक्त आदेश को आउटपुट की उम्मीद होगी: संदेशफ़ाइल है: संदेश !!!! हालांकि, मैं इसे इसके बजाय प्राप्त कर रहा हूं: ! E messageFile है: MESSAGE देखें उपरोक्त बयान, "!!" अंक संदेश के चारों ओर लपेटते हैं। मेरा सिद्धांत यह है कि: स्ट्रिंग संदेशफ़ाइल = ... मेरे ग्रहणित "संदेश" से अधिक वर्ण हैं नतीजतन, यह अगले इनपुट (इस मामले में, "!!") को सिस्टम। आउट.प्रिंटलाइन () संदेश के सामने लपेटता है। क्या चरित्र यह पैदा कर रहा है? अतिरिक्त जानकारी: बीटीडब्ल्यू, संदेशफ़ाइल को जावा क्लास के लिए एक कमांड लाइन तर्क से गुजारें, myClassA MyClassA के निर्माता myClassB को messageFile पैरामीटर पास करने के लिए सुपर () का उपयोग करता है MyClassB संदेश पास करता हैएक फ़ंक्शन () में फ़ील करें मुझे लगता है कि आपके भीतर एक आवारा गाड़ी वापसी ( \ r ) है संदेशफ़ाइल वेरिएबल जो एक लाइन फ...

redirect - .htaccess file disappears in filezilla? how to check if file is present or not? -

For some strange reasons my CMS is being logged out if the address bar is not www before the full website name. For example, when we enter, it takes me to the website, but then it will show as a login and if I type in this cookie will be found and I Will show log in. What do I want to do, when the user type, I want it straight (transparent for the user) go to I want to add that www before I tried to add an .htaccess file to that directory, where index.php exists and it is the code in the htaccess file. DirectoryIndex index.php Directory Index Redirect /index.php When I call it on the Faff file district Moving the .htaccess file is disappearing. If you are ready to modify your index.php, You can add: / * This is a tempory redirection mysite .com to * / if ($ _ server ['SERVER_NAME'] == '' ) {$ Redirect = $ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; Header ('Location: http...

jquery - want to delay closing of fancybox window -

I want to automatically turn off a fancybox iframe, but I want to delay it. $ (document) .ready (function () {original. $. Fancybox.close ();}); The code above will close the window successfully, but I want to add a delay, so that they can read the message that appears before it automatically closes for them. You can use: setTimeout ("parent. $ Fancybox.close () ", 1000);

Apache: Permanent redirect that is case-insensitive? -

मेरे पास निम्न रीडायरेक्ट है: रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / एससीजे https: // fin-iq .com लेकिन यह / scj , / sCj के लिए काम नहीं करता है, आदि इस मामले को असंवेदनशील बनाने का एक तरीका है धन्यवाद! Itemprop = "text"> संशोधक [एनसी, एल] केवल रीव्रेट राउल के लिए हैं वे रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट पर लागू नहीं होते हैं। और एपाचे डॉक्यू बताता है कि, रिवेराइट्यूल के पहले पैरामीटर केस-सेंसिटिव है पुराने यूआरएल-पथ एक केस- संवेदनशील (% -decoded) पथ स्लैश के साथ शुरू होता है इसलिए मुझे लगता है, आपको एकमात्र विकल्प मिला है: पुनर्निर्देशन / एसटीजेपी https: // रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / एससीजे रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / सीजे रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / स्कैज रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / एससीजे https: // फ़िन- रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / एससीजे रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / एससीजे रीडायरेक्ट पर्मनेंट / स्कैज

java - read post request values HttpHandler -

I am writing a small Java app that uses an http service that receives the http post command from the client. I am using this class to apply, package handler and HTTP server in I am now implementing a handle (HTTPS exchange exchange) function which handles the request, and I'm stuck in reading the post values ​​received from the request because I have access to these values ​​only HttpExchange .getResponseBody () is the only one output stream. I'm looking to parse the txt post values ​​and uploaded files. Please help. Please help. > Thanks. I have written sections that process multipart requests for my project, an HTTP server Uses To get photo uploads from a card, the classes that come with Java 6. This file can help with upload (Multipurpose Post). For a non-multipurpose post, you will need to do something like this: // Define the encoding headers rehearsed = exchange.getrextest headers (); String contentType = ...

java - reading xml file from jar -

I am trying to deploy a XML configuration from a jar file to a DM-server Here is the code Reader FileRadder = Faucet; {Try FileReader = New FileReader ("test.xml"); } Catch (filenoutfound expense FNFX) {fnfex.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException ioex) {ioex.printStackTrace (); } I was able to read it if I just write a junit test w / o jar and w / o DM-server. The test pack is in the jar and the jar is in the root of the file. Please help !!!! Thank you, A You get the getResource Or getResourceAsStream methods need to be used to read files from within the jars. This can be done like this: Reader filereader = faucet; InputStream = this.getClass (). GetResourceAsStream ("/ test.xml"); If (empty! =) {FileReader = new input screen reader (); } Note that getResourceAsStream returns zero if the file can not be found. Edit: test.xml is correct in / test. Xml Also keep in mind that class ClassLoader or as appropriate.

java - Calling A Method After all SpringBeans and ApplicationContext have been initialized -

I have a way in a complex Java program that should be called immediately after the launch of web application Konteks and Springbains. / P> I joined & lt; Bean id = "..." class = "..." init-method = "initialize" & gt; , but this method is applicationContext.get (). GetBean (BinaID); Call the method. I was thinking how to do this to anyone. Thank you. You can catch one from ApplicationListener .

indexing - Find the source files of Wordpress -

I mean I want to see the source file of the main page. When I click OK and click on option option view, so I have to find the "body" of the file, and edit it physically, which can I find it? Thanks friends WordPress's HTML is generated by PHP by combining with CSS, then its Active Theme Folder In Wp-content / themes / yourtheme you will find all the parts of a WordPress theme:

java - How to make a copy of ArrayList object which is type of List? -

I have read the Java value from the near object context, and to make a local copy of the object, I can either Am clone () or copy constructor I now see the example: list & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); String one = "a" list.add (a); Some articles I've read, only mention that the Arrayist is capable of cloning, but in reality it is not said how to make a local copy of "list", if type The list is not listed, which is not listed which is not clonable. I can call the clone () if there is an array list of type "list". ArrayList & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String (); List.clone (); But if there is a list of types, then I can not. Can I just use the copy maker to make a local copy? What is the best way to copy "list"? list & lt; String & gt; TmpList = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (List); Passing the manufacturer into the li...

Simple: how can I get this jQuery plugin to work? -

I have got a plug-in which illustrates the images in the background and gives the picture I use it I want but there is no document. Here's the plugin: It says: Usage: $ ('# img') .based Image but not me Know what this means. How do I use my image with the "bleed image" class? Thank you! include the after file in your page $ ('.bleedImage'). BleedImage ();

arrays - Best way to change list type in scala -

I have a list named l: list [ATP] that I want to change the list to [string] . This may look like a very dirty, incompetent approach, but I'm not the best way to make sure. My code was: var results = new array [string] ("a", "b") l foreach {case a => Result = result: + (a.toString (.) ToUpperCase ()); } I do not know that this is my fault, because it is not giving me anything, even if I put a print statement inside the loop, even then nothing is printing anything. So I decided to change it in a more compulsive way: for (i This time when I want to see it while printing inside the loop, but in the end the program crashed with an index outbound error Thanks! "text"> Take a look at the map function. For example, Scala> List ("Some", "Wire") Map (_ ToUpperCase) res2: list [java.lang.String] = list (some, STRINGS) or scala> List ("Some", "Wire") Map (_ length) res0: list [i...

SSIS Package conversion from 2008 to 2005 -

Has anyone found a way to save the SSIS 2008 package in the old version 2005? We are required to be deployed on 2005 servers to run the packages prepared under the 2005 and 2008 editions and the VS 2008. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance see a useful one (Even limited) tool is

javascript - Change link targets -

Is there any way (I think it will be with Javascript) that I can have a checkbox or a link Will my page have all the links on my page target = "_ blank" ? Want to do this, I need to have a checkbox that says something like "Open all links in new page / tab" that will change the checked goal and uncheck how it will return it Will be kept. JQuery example ARTR ('target', '_blank');}, ('a'), Function () {$ ('A'). RemoveAttr ('target');});});

autostart - Windows Service doesn't start automatically -

I have a Windows service set to automatically start from 3.5 km, but when the system reboots Will not start. As I think, when trying to start the service, due to the dependence of my service this can not happen, I do not know what my service is dependent on. I tried to work with adding the print spooler of windows as one of the dependencies of my service, as one of the print spooler services, it is too late during the boot-up, ok work around, not working does not. I am using Windows Server 2003 r2, so the "Automatic delayed" option is not available to me and I can not use Windows Server 2008 just for this. At this time I am out of ideas. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Some suggestions to try: Check system logs too Add logging to your service, eg in the system event log or use log4net Press the service in the same message in the start-up, or possibly with as little dependence as a Create a new tampered service

boost lambda - Copy map to vector -

I have to copy some elements from a stud :: map into vector. It should work in this loop: typedef int first; Typedef zero * second; Std :: map & lt; First, second & gt; Map; // fill map std :: vector & lt; Seconds & gt; MVec; (Std :: map & lt; First, second & gt; :: const_iterator = this map.begin (); it! = Map.end (); ++ it) {If (this-> First% 2 = = 0) {MVec.push_back (it-> second); }} Since I do not want to use any type of factories, but instead I want to use: lambda, I tried to use std :: copy , But it can not get right. std :: copy (map.begin (), map.end (), std :: back_inserter (mVec) dam (& std :: map & lt; int, void * & gt; ; :: value_type :: first, _1)% 2 == 0); I'm new to Lambda expression, and I do not understand how to use them correctly I did not get any useful results on Google or StackOverflow. What you will need in STL will be a transform-ef algorithm. Then you have to write: transform_if (mymap.begin ...

python - Simple Twisted server won't write with Timer -

I am just learning python and twisted and I do not want to know why this simple server won? T work yourself Transportation. The written job does not work when the timer is called. I do not get any errors. Thank you so much for any help appreciated! Twisted.internet.protocol imported factory, twisted.internet import from the protocol imported reactor import timer class from prototype (protocol) threading: def say something (self): self.transport .writing ('hello ho \ r \ n') def connection created (Self): Timer (5, self, some). Start () Category The Factory (Factory): Protocol = Prototo Reactor. LISTIN TCP (8007, The Factory ()) Reactor .run () I Have understood yourself. From: Most of the code in twisted is not thread-safe. For example, data writing in a transport from a protocol is not thread-safe. Thanks anyway people!