java - read post request values HttpHandler -
I am writing a small Java app that uses an http service that receives the http post command from the client.
I am using this class to apply, package handler and HTTP server in
I am now implementing a handle (HTTPS exchange exchange) function which handles the request, and I'm stuck in reading the post values received from the request because I have access to these values only HttpExchange .getResponseBody () is the only one output stream.
I'm looking to parse the txt post values and uploaded files.
Please help.
Please help.
> Thanks.
I have written sections that process multipart requests for my project, an HTTP server Uses
To get photo uploads from a card, the classes that come with Java 6.
This file can help with upload (Multipurpose Post).
For a non-multipurpose post, you will need to do something like this:
// Define the encoding headers rehearsed = exchange.getrextest headers (); String contentType = reqHeaders.getFirst ("content-type"); String encoding = "ISO-885 9-1"; If (contentType! = Null) {map & lt; String, string & gt; Paramos = value parser Pars (content type); If (Parametantensky ("charset")) {encoding = paramet. ("Charset"); }} // Request Body String Curie Read query string; InputStream = exchange.getRequestBody (); Try {BiteAirOnputStrout Out = New BytereOutStream (); Byte buff [] = new byte [4096]; (Int n = (buf); n & gt; 0; n = (buf)) {out.write (buf, 0, n); } Qry = new string (out.toByteArray (), encoding); } Finally {in.close (); } // parse query map & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; Parameters = new Hashmop & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (); String defs [] = qry.split ("[& amp;]"); (String diff: dff) {int ix = def.indexOf ('='); String name; string value; If (ix> lt; 0) {name = URLDecoder.decode (def, encoding); Value = ""; } Else {name = URLDecoder.decode (def.substring (0, ix), encoding); Value = URLDecoder.decode (def.substring (ix + 1), encoding); } List & lt; String & gt; List = params.gate (name); If (list == null) {list = new ArrayList & lt; String & gt; (); Parms.put (name, list); } List.add (value); }
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