How does CSS 'overflow:hidden' work to force an element (containing floated elements) to wrap around floated elements? -
Anyone know how to overflow: Elements with elements posted to wrap the elements are hidden?
I really want to understand the internal functioning rather than using it and trusting 'it just works'.
I understand how it works when the element is the same direction as the hair element, which is the beginning, but the overflow: hidden means to hide the crop-growing material (When used with situation: full / relative).
Any info appreciated.
Floats, elements located at the right, inline blocks, table cells, table-captions and ' In addition to 'Visible', set up new block formatting contexts (except that value being propagated in the viewport) with 'overflow' elements.
In the block formatting context, the left outer edge of each box touches the left edge of that block (right-to-left formatting, touch the right edge) It is also true in the presence of floats (although one Box boxes of boxes can be reduced due to floats), as long as the box does not establish a new block formatting reference (in this case the box may be compressed due to the float).
The block formatting reference clears the float. Source:
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