linux - Eclipse 3.5+: Loading plug-ins from auto-created .eclipse directory inside user's home directory -
I downloaded the latest Eclipse (3.6) for my Linux machine and removed tar.gz in the / opt / eclipse directory Is root I started Eclipse as a normal user and successfully installed some plug-ins via eclipse. The plug-in is visible from "Installed Software" by Eclipse, but they are not working - there should be no new approach, no features, nothing. Then I looked in my home folder and got the following directory:
.class / org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_1473617060
that looks like one in the directory structure / opt / eclipse (Where Eclipse is installed) and it has 4 directories ("Dropins", "Configuration", "Plugins", "FEATURES") and a file ("artifacts.xml"). The "Plugins" folder actually includes all the plug-ins that I have installed.
I have already read the following topic: and the "opt / eclipse / dropins" and / or "opt / eclipse / links" directory point to the configuration directory in my home directory, but it not working.
So the steps to reproduce this problem are:
- Run Eclipse as a user, which has no written permission for installation
- Install plug-ins through eclipse and restart it (as a single user)
- Now the eclipse shows that those plug-ins are installed plugins are actually user's home Are present in the directory where they are (~ / .eclipse /.../pl Ins).
Problem: The plug-in is ignored in some way, I know that every time I install the plug-in non-root (or always installing plug-in as root) While installing the form manually, I can fix the problem by manually copying the plugin to the installation directory (in the form of root), but how do I configure Eclipse to read the user's own configuration files and plugins Awareness I, which has been automatically generated by Aklips in the first place.
How do I actually use plugs in Eclipse with any idea -in-installed by Epson?
It seems like a P2 bug do you have one?
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