c# - Calling method on Master page from WebMethod -

"itemprop =" text ">

or any viable alternative solution.

So, imagine a master page that the tool IFooMaster with a method ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout (string message);

I am on a page that receives this master page, if a checkbox is unchecked, I want to send a message to the user that if he saves it, then some administrators Can not check the checkbox again without action.

I have been given feedback that I can not use just one alerts ('message'); In Javascript because they want to show these messages continuously

Next, I tried to make an AJAX call through PageMethods to show a message (as all the use of this codebase Does). My problem lies in this method being frozen. ("IFooMaster Master") .ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout ("You think that's unchecked, you can re-check it. can not do. "); }

Since ShowSuperImportantMessage () is stable , I can not use master from within .

The method on the Master page looks more or less like this:

  Public Zero ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout (String Message) {lblGenericMessage.Text = Message; BtnGenericMessageOK.Focus (); UpGenericMessage.Update (); MpeGenericMessage.Show (); }  

mpeGenericMessage is a ajaxtoolkit: .. ModalPopupExtender

upGenericMessage is an updated panel

The other 2 are obvious.

Any thoughts? Can I do some Kung Fu jQuery to show that thing? I tried, but the solution complained that the control I tried to refer to by clientId did not solve because they were on the master page.

Quick Edit : Architecture is a problem before anyone can tell me, or I should not put such a thing on the master page, or w / e ...

I know that the situation is not ideal, but I have this legacy code, and I can not leave it all and do not want to rewrite half of my web pile.

Try something like this (unprotected):

  ( (IFooMaster) (HttpContext.Current.Handler) (.master).  

This does not seem to be working - Master on page- If the method is called (understandable), then it is not bowed.

Therefore, instead, create a blank page using the same master page, accept that page with either a post or a GET, which is necessary for you to pass through your master-page method. Remove the Page_Load parameter and call the method. As a result, to use the Response.Write , you should use the result (and remember to change the content-type) to call your client-side code page and get the results.


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