LINQ Question - Query -
I have a table which for example stores a cultural form for a particular key.
RecordID Key CultureID Description 1 1 NG-B Hour 2 1 SS-ESHara 3 2 NBG Swimming
I have been given this as an IEnumerable @ cultureID = "ES- I want to return the parameter of "ES" to the following In short, if the cultural version is present then return it to the given parameter, and then return the "N-GB" entry (which are present), can anyone help me with the LINQ query for this
RecordID Key CultureID Description 2 1 es-ES Hora 3 2 n-gb swimming
You can use the fact that booolans sort in [false, true], so the following quer not the same en-GB
, and then en-GB
var result = (where x.CultureID == cultureID = x.CultureID == "N-GB" order by x.Culture ID == "N-GB" x in variant in x Select) first ();
If no "N-GB" entry is present for any key ( first
is a demand for at least one record) then this query is an error Will, but you said, it is always present if you are not sure, use first and default
Note that many LINQ providers support these idioms, it is not only usable for IEnumerable / lists. You can also add filters to key and culture as part of the LINQ query, so that you can sort the database for you, and you will not get a complete list of translations that you want to:
var result = (in X in DB. Translation where x.Key == some key & amp; (x.CultureID == cultureID || x.CultureID == "en-GB") Order B X. CultureEdit == "N-GB" Select X) first ();
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