oracle - Jet Database and pass-through queries, parameters -

I am connecting with Jet 4 DB via Odyssey. Jet DB has used pass-through questions to Oracle DB. It works so far (direct P-T questions can not be used, but there is a trick by creating an opinion on the query).

I need some subsets of data provided by P-SS. Parameters will be the best, but not supported.

Two questions:

1) Where the jet seems to be able to push something from the oracle. For example, I have a passthrough query that returns 100k rows. With a single flirting section on Pete (such as "District = '1010'"), a scene is very fast, so processing takes place at the oracle. Adding more cloud can slow down the query, looping for minutes with high CPU usage. Is there any documentation on what has been passed on the jet side and what has been done?

2) How to create dynamic passphrase with VBA / Access There are lots of tutorials to make it possible to do with Jet (or anything with that effect) carried through Odyssey?

Thanks Martin

Edit: Sorry to be so clear

I have a reporting tool that is available through ODBC From Jet to DB reaches. Jet DB has some data and many passphrase questions for Oracle DB. A specific use case would be a generating report for a given department and a given date, using the data of Jet and Oracle. It works very well in theory.

The problem is that there can be no parameters in passthrough questions. A passthrough query works like a view, so I can just select from "pt_query" where the dep = 'a' and date = somedate "can execute. Jet, however, loads all the rows from PT and does a full scan on the client side. It's unusually slow to see a 100k-rows and I need to find a way to avoid it. For some simple selection, Jet seems to work harder to Oracle And did not load all the rows, so my question is 1.

If that does not work, I have to find a way to force Jet to load only data from Oracle for any given request.

I know that I can modify PT through Access VBA, but I only connect to ODBC, so I can only pass SBU to Jet, do not call VB API (Unless possible to inline the VB in the SQL statement).

It is not impossible that the query has been created due to a table scan, and causing this problem Used to be .

You are working in VBA, creating a few interesting questions in the form of SQL strings in VBA and saving them new questions, updating existing questions, using the form for record sources, Or it is possible to use open recordsets. Depending on what you want to do, you can use DAO or ADO. I have an Oracle, so what I can suggest suggests using SQL Server, the connection in square brackets can be found by viewing the connection of a linked table (current DB. TableDefs ("NameOfTable") Connect):

Due to the new ADODB.Connection CNA you have Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 or Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 scn = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB .12.0; User ID = Administrators can use; Data Source = "_ & amp; CurrentProject.FullName cn.Open scn '' One inclusive question, but you can see that it will be easy to select from two different databases' s = "INSERT [ODBC; Description = test; driver = SQL Server; " _ & Amp; "Server = Server Name \ SQLEXPRESS; Trusted_Connection = Yes," _ & Amp; "Database = Test]. Select Table2 (ID, Attax) ID, Table 1" cn.Execute s


  '' Http: / strConnect = _ "Provider = sqloledb;" & Amp; _ "Data source = myServerName;" & Amp; _ "Initial catalog = test;" & Amp; CMD with _ "Integrated Security = SSPI" Active Connection = Strontonct. Common Type = ADCMD Text Command Text: "Selection ID, Test one 2 Test 2" _ and & quot; "WHERE ID =?" .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter _ ("ID", adInteger, adParamInput, 1). Comma timeout = 0 set rs =. Exempt End  


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