ruby - Why am I getting Net::SMTPSyntaxError? -

I am trying to install Sinatra based Ruby App to connect to Gmail and send emails via SMTP. I have followed the instructions given on the web, but I always get this error:

net :: on SMTPSyntaxError / contact 502 5.5.1 unrecognized command. K30sm7454901vbl.19

  * file: smtp.rb * location: check_procession * line: 930  

being lifted from this core ruby ​​file

/ System / Library / Framework / RUB / Framework / 1/8 / UR / LIB / RUB / 1/8 / Net / SMTP RB In Check_Prown

... and here is the method that does this:

  def check_production (res) until res.success happens? Raise.exception_class increase, res.message end end  

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and what am I doing?

Thanks in advance!

may be useful, where the author states that Google's SMTP requests the use of TLS SMTP does not support Lib Different Thinking There is also one.


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