c# - How can I avoid using a string member name to get a member of an anonymous type? -
I am using the following code to retrieve names of members in an unknown way. Can I change the follwing code to use the Lukada expression, or to allow at least the calling code to use Lambda, even if I have to use the 'deep down' string?
Private Tee GetAnonymousTypeMember & lt; T & gt; (Object anonymous type, type member member name) where T: class {var anonTypesType = anonymousType.GetType (); Var propInfo = anonTypesType.GetProperty (memberName); Return ProofFo.Gate Value (anonymous type, empty) as T; } Added: How does anonymous type
come in GetAnonymousTypeMember
method is private for that class Only public law has been declared: Public Zero Publishing Notice (Notification Trigger Trigger, Object Template Parameter)
I call this method:
Publish Notation (Notification.represented, New {NewJobCard = Model}); That new {NewJobCard = model}
is made as GetAnonymousTypeMember
as anonymousType
& gt; selector ) {Type type = typef (t); Var expr = selector.Body as a member expression; String name = xp Member; name; Var prop = type.GetProperty (name); Return (U) prop.GetValue (example, zero); }
will be able to do this:
string name = GetMemberValue (new {name = "hello"}, o = & gt; o Name);
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