iphone - UISearchDisplay - application crash -

I have a big problem I have copied some code from Apple Research pages table search sample from

here The case is:.

  #pragma mark - #pragma mark content filter - (zero) filterContentForSearchText: (NSString *) searchText scope: (NSString *) scope {[self.chatMessagesArrayCopyForSearching removeAllObjects]; // Clear the first filtered array if ([searchText length] == 0) {} else {(friend in FriendMessage * chatMessagesArray) {For NSComparisonResult results = [compare friend.message: searchText option: (NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch) range: NSMakeRange (0, [searchText length])]; If (Results == NSOrderedSame) {{self.chatMessagesArrayCopyFor addObject for Search: Friends]; NSLog (@ "% @", friend. Message); }}}}  

When the application crash I'll type a letter for example, and then the second letter is probably because there some console with friend.message : <> - [AccessibilityObjectWrapper message]: Non-accredited selector example sent to 0x5d8d580

FriendMessage custom class, provided any inherited from NSObject Thanks for the help, and the message is standard NSString *.

"The text">

The fact is in its error that it says, 'AccessibilityObjectWrapper' does not tell you that there may have been a friendly message at some point, but now it has happened):

This is usually because your code disappears anywhere.

Where do you create an array of management objects - can you edit your question and add that code too?

Thank you.


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