apache2 - Apache Virtual Host URL -

I have created an Apache virtual host for a web application that works fine, but I have a problem with url. I want my application to be used only in the same way with URL :, but now applications can also be accessed.

My virtual host looks like this:

  NameVirtualHost & lt; VirtualHost> Server name alias / ksw "/ home / ksw / site" document root "/ home / ksw / site /" error log / home / ksw / log / error_log custom log / home / ksw / log / access_log combined & lt; / VirtualHost & gt;  

Is there a way to configure my application to be used only? Thank you.

Home / Home / KSW / Site Files are:

  drwxrwxr-x 18 apache apache 4096 August 4 17:41. Drwxr-xr-x 4 Root Route 4096 August 3 20:17 .. -RY-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 825 August 3 20:18 Admin Settings. Sample - RY-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 2179 August 3 20:18 APiPHP-RY-RW-R-1Apache Apache 28 Aug 3 20:18 APIPPP 5 DWXWWXR-X2 Apache's Apache 4096 August 3, 20:17 Bin Druid XWXR-X2 Apache Apache 4096 August 20: 18 Config-RY-RW-RA1 Apache Apache 4505 3 August 20:18 config.php-rw -rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 17 997 August 3, 20:17 Copying Draft XW-X-X4 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 Docks drwxrwxr-x 3 Apache Apache 4096 Aug 3 20:17 Extension -Rye-RW -R-1 Apache Apache 162 Aug 3 20:18 Common Questions -Ry-R W-R-1 Apache Apache 236945 3 August 20:17 History drvxsvvx-x2 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 Home Drives Roxseaux 3 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:17 Images -RRR-R-1 Apache Apache 2474 August 3 20:18 img_auth.php-rw-rw -r-- 1 Apache Apache 35 August 3 20:17 img_auth.php5 drwxrwxr-x 9 Apache Apache 12288 August 4 14:13 includes- rw-rw-r - 1 Apache Apache 4561 of G3 21:03 index.php-rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 32 Aug 3 20:17 index.php5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 3993 August 3 20:17 Instal-RY-Rd -r-- 1 Upbeat 3772 August 3, 20:18 install-utils.inc drwxrwxr-x 4 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 Language Druksx RxSer-X2 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:17 Locale RRRR - 1 Apache Apache 4993 August 4 14:05 Local settings php drwxrwxr-x 8 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 Maintenance -RW-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 56 9 August 3, 20:18 MacFill Droid XV-X2 Apache's Apache 4096 August 3 20:17 Mathematics-RV-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 1532 3 August 20:18 Opportunity_disk. Php-RY-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 6173 3 Aug. 20:18 ProfileInfo.fp-RW-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 3535 August 3 20:18 ReadmeRR-R-1Apache Apache 29th August 4 17:41 redirect.php-rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 35 August 3 20:17 redirect.php5-rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 91 August 3 20:17 redirect.phtml -rw- Rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 34280 August 3 20:17 Release Notes drwxrwxr-x 2 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:17 Serial RAV-RW-R - 1 Apache Apache 18814 3rd August 20:18 setup.php-rw -rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 20480 3a Repair 20:18 .setup.php .swp drwxrwxr-x 9 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 skins -arwai-RW-R1 Apache Apache 603 August 3 20:18 Prarnbprofailr. Php drwxrwxr-x4 Apache Apache 4096 August 3, 20:17 T-RW-R-R1Apache Apache 12822 3 August 20:18 Test. Php drwxrwxr-x2 Apache Apache 4096 August 3, 20:18 Trial-RY-RW-R - 1 Apache Apache 2746 3 August 20:18 Thumb. Php-rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 32 Aug 3 20:18 thumb.php5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 1373 3 Aug 20:18 trackback.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 13195 August 3, 20:18 UPGRADE drwxrwxr-x 16 Apache Apache 4096 August 3 20:18 Wiki-RY-RW-R-1 Apache Apache 88 Aug 3 20:17 wiki.phtml -rw-rw-r-- 1 Apache Apache 3830 3 Aug 20:18 xmlp4.php  

Captain does not say so Can be =)
Only then 'ap_name' dir is the symbol symbol of 'ip_addr' dir.
Or if you use the degego (for example) and the configured scenes in the wrong place.
Do you use PHP? If so - something is definitely wrong =)

If you compare the 'app_name' string actually 'ksw' ... < Br> You have established MediaWiki with a site root directory and only linked to 'Elias / KSW'!

  • If you are restricted to using only the .htaccess apache file
  • If you want 2 different pages on / and / app_name, then you need to create the folder 'ap_name' and install your app there!

It's all.



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