if statement - What are good programming questions to exercise the use of "if ... else" in Python? -

What would be a good set of programming practices that will help in knowing the use of dragon newbies "if ..." ?

  • Looking at a date (year, month, day), find the next date.
  • Most listeners did not have much risk of programming before, and I'm eager to use them to think about "if ... otherwise ..." And all else, in due time).

    It is hard for people who are programming for years to get "to get" Does it seem to start with nothing, I can clear anything with the need for more than 5 link codes.

    You have to decide on the order in which user input, output, if, for the second, while, file, etc.

    When they cover, they already know how to get some user input? Print some output? For code loop? Arithmetic on integer? Determine whether a number is divisible by another number or not?

    The answer to these questions limits your examples for IF.

    I suggest before making output, Arithmetic, For, Divisibility (Modulus), User input.

    Then I can print problems like

      first 100 strange numbers Determine the factor of a number entered by the user Play a guessing guess number ( User guesses, you print yes or higher or lower)  


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