webserver - Upload large files using Ruby -
I am thinking that what is the best way to allow large files to be uploaded to the server using Ruby .
I have found but it does not give any concrete solution.
I do not want to use rail because I am working on a simple upload server that will run in standalone mode, I'm guessing that Sinatra can be key but I do not know that without the timeout Which web server should I use to run this?
I also need this web server to upload together.
Update: With "big files" I mean between 200MB and 5GB
UPDATE2: Videos due to those files (my case), I can deal with a maximum size of 2 GB like YouTube.
OK I'm taking a bit of a stratch here: if you're the target of your upload If you use any couch, you will get rid of the timeout problem. In this example, see couchdb as some "temporary" memory so if a download is finished you can take the file from Cochab and do whatever you want with it. I have been able to upload files as large as 9 GB in the DCL line without any play. It can read a bit but I think you can work it out.
There are many railway gems in Couchbad, so it plays well with others;)
Tell me if you want to go, that the rabbit hole below, then I give you some more hints
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