Display android listview based upon listview selection -
I have a list view, the values in this example are:
UK, US, France < / P>
These values are pulled from a constant array in my string.xm file. In addition, there are 3 ARAs within string.xml, which are available in every UK, U.S.A. And France & amp; Basically I want to load these arrays in a new listview, which is based on the user click event.
Basically I do not know how to pass user selection in new list view and populate accordingly. I know that the use of an intention in this process has been included but I am not sure when Andrew Nebbe is there!
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The first context (activity / service etc.) )
You have a few options:
1) Use:
Intent mIntent = new intent (this, example .class); Bundle Extras = Mentent.Getextras (); Extras.putString (key, value);
2) Create a new bundle
Intent mIntent = new intent (this, example class); Bundle ambulance = new bundle (); MBundle.extras.putString (key, value); MIntent.putExtras (mBundle);
3) Use the shortcut method of intent
Intent mIntent = new intent (this, example class); MIntent.putExtra (key, value);
New Context (can be activity / service)
intends to myIntent = getIntent (); // This recipient may be different for the purpose of example, if (myIntent! = Null & myIntent.getExtras ()! = Null) string value = myIntent.getExtras (). GetString (key); } Have used.
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