.net - Automatically Reloading a Referenced COM Interop Assembly when it is Rebuilt -
I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution that has the following projects:
- A C + + / ATL COM library
- A C # library which uses a CD library
- A C # unit test library (using MSTEst) that references the other two libraries
The C + + COM library project has a custom build phase that creates a .NET Interop library , Which looks like this:
tlbimp /asmversion. "$ (TargetPath)" / out: "C: \ libraries \ MyProject.Interop.dll"
Then c # library and C # unit test library reference c: \ libraries \ MyProject.Interop.dll
My problem is that when I am modifying the IDL in the CD library, the library and interop library are rebuilt, but C # projects still have copies of the old interop libraries in which the output directory , And they do not get the update, I have manually removed those old libraries so that the new can be identified.
I can get almost to work on the falls by setting a local property copy for reference in C # projects. But then I'm having problems running the unit test because the Interop Library is not copied to the test diploma spot.
I can hack around it by adding more custom build steps for deleting and / or copying libraries, or futzing with unit-test deployment, but whenever there is Visual Studio only Is there some easy way to use updated interop library everywhere?
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