qt - Where to control the QWizard button? -

I am using QT, and I use a QWizard object that has many pages when a specific page When it comes, I first want to hide the "button" button, and show it to the user after doing something (like clicking on the radio button) ...

I want to do something wizard Customize the control of when this specific page will be shown. The question is, I know how to hide the button, but I do not know which function I should use. I tried the QWizardPage constructor, initializePage function, "show" function, but all these functions do not work.

If I put the button control in the wizard page builder, then the program will crash the wizard object is not yet.

If I put it in the initializePage function, then some QWizard function will reset the button after the initial page function, and all customized settings will end.

And the show ceremony can not be overwritten.

I can not really know which function is usable. Is there a function like MFC loaded onset Active or Java ?? Which page will be called when a page is going to appear?

The best solution is probably provided by using one. This allows you to define mandatory fields / radio buttons / etc. And the next and / or the end button in your wizard are enabled only when all the mandatory fields are filled / checked.

For example, see which uses this functionality.

EDIT: Provides access to the buttons in the wizard. Did you have to do myWizard- & gt; Button (QWizard :: NextButton) - & gt; SetEnabled (false) ? Have tried something like


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