upload - What is the Featured Image area for on the TwentyTen theme using WordPress? -
I am making a child topic in Wordpress using the TwentyTen theme as a parent. I saw under the Pages area in the Admin section, there is a 'featured image' area, but I do not know how that particular image is displayed on the page.
What's for the featured image area? I would like to use that uploader ideally to place an image on a specified location on the page.
In which file for I can get the code php code for the featured image area which is displayed in the pages in the admin area? I saw everyone through the work. I am assuming the php file is that it is a function in core files and it is being called in the functions.php file in the function theme, but I do not think where it is happening. Can somebody help me out?
featured image sometimes " post thumbnails Where it is shown depends on your theme, but you can see it in use in this code:
& lt ;? php // If this is a post or If there is a page, its thumbnail, and if it is large (is_singular () & amp; amp; amp; is_pause_stable ($ post- & gt; ID) & amp; amp; (/ * $ src, $ width, $ Height * / $ image = wp_get_attachment_image_src (get_post_thumbnail_id ($ post-> ID), 'post thumbnail')) & Amp; amp; $ image [1] & gt; = HEADER_IMAGE_W IDTH): // Houston, we have a new header image! Echo get_the_post_thumbnail ($ post-> ID, 'post thumbnail'); Other:? & Gt; & lt; img src = "& lt ;? Php header_image () ;? & Gt; "Width =" & lt ;? Php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH ;? & Gt; "height =" & lt ;? Php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT ;? & Gt; "alt =" "/>
Php endif;? & Gt;
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