flex - inline formatting of a tooltip of an itemrenderer of a datagrid? -

How to do some parts of the tooltip adventure? I'm showing I'm generating a Upakrntip, column name to a Detagreed in Detatreder and then assume I assume I want to be bold ...

  public override function set data (Value: Object): Zero {var dg: DataGrid = this.listData.owner as DataGrid; Var Datafield: String = (DatagridColumn as dg.column [this.listData.columnIndex]) .dataField; Var toolstring: string = ""; (Var i: int = 0; i & lt; dg.columns.length; i ++) {var field name in DataGridColumn) .dataField As String = (dg.column [i]; ToolString = StringUtil.substitute ("{0} {1}: {2} \ n", ToolString, FieldName, DisplayLead (Value [Field Name])); } This.toolTip = toolString; Super.data = value; This.text = displayString (value [dataField]); }  

If you want to change all tooltips in your application, you can do this / CSS, as mentioned here in the document.

I have found that often to be limited, so it is more common I will make one.

The document is a bit confusing if it works in memory, so that you can listen to the tooltip method to create custom tooltips and replace event.toolTip with your new tooltip. Toi has a new tooltip position other than the default, you should do it in the tool tip show listener.


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