ios4 - Test rig exited abnormally with code 134 with OCMock verify on iOS 4 -
I am trying to add osmoc to my iOS 4 project. To test it, I have a method with person
a method, -hello
. When I run this exam:
- (zero) testcock {id duplicate = [oakock object mockfor class: [person class]]; [[Fake hope] Hello]; [Fake hello]; [Fake verification]; }
Everything is fine, and the build is successful if I remove the Hello
call like this:
- (Zero) TestCock {ID Fake = [Okock Object Mockfor Class: [person class]]; [[Fake hope] Hello]; [Fake verification]; }
I expected that I would get an error message which was not supposed to be a fake copy of my expectation. Instead, I get a secret message about crashing the test rig:
/ developer / tools / play platform UNitTests.include 451x test rig / developer / playoffs / iPhone simulator. Platform / Developer / SDKS / iPhoneSimulator4.0.sdk / developer / usr / bin / otest '134 Exited abnormally with code (it may crash).
Is this accident normal when the expected method is not called? Do you have a bad configuration?
You do not have a bad configuration, it's a bug that Apple simulator SDK is when it comes to iOS 4 Actually, if the code is used through the NSINNewon object, then an exception is thrown, then the exception is unreadable. I wrote about this issue when it first came out:
Unfortunately, this bug affects Osmome and Apple does not show much interest in fixing it is. Many people have filed a bug report, but there is no benefit.
I know this is a bit of rest, but when using for testing, you will get a slightly better error message (I believe this is the same truth).
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