animation - jQuery effect plugin -

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin that wobbles on dom elements

I checked their source And they use jQuery but do not think they are using a plugin to do this. Anyone knows a plugin that does something similar?

I do not know about this plugin, but you can make one if you want.

OK, the site uses the jQuery code (below) for it.

  $ (function () {var start_time = new date () .gettime (); var wobble_sec = 4; var icons = $ ("# Featured IMG"); var bobble = set interval (Function () {var sec = ((new date). GetTime () - start_time) * 0.001; var alpha = second * 2 * monastery; pi; var wobel_lafa = alpha / wobbly_sc; var lambda = (0.5 + math Chaos (Math, PI, Wobel_Lafa)) * 0.5) * 50; (Var i = 0; i  Math.PI) {Clear Timeout (bobble);}}, 30);});  


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