wpf - Override ControlTemplate - not Style -
I override content on button This is that when I do this, the button's default style
overrides how I can keep the old style (the old style defines the mouseover, mouseout effect and like)
& lt; Fluent: DropDownButton SizeDefinition = "Small" & gt; & Lt; Fluent: DropDownButton.Template & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; Label content = "a" fontfamily = "times new roman" fontsis = "11" /> & Lt; Polygon points = "0,0 0,15 15,15 15,0" stroke = "{fill binding}" strokectitches = "5" & gt; & Lt; / Polygon & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Fluent: DropDownButton.Template & gt; & Lt; ColorSelectorModule: ColorGallery / & gt; & Lt; / Fluent: DropDownButton & gt;
PS: I know that this is a question for a specific library control. However, I did not get any feedback on the project's stage.
To explain further informed features: DropDownButton: The content of the button (inbetween Fluent code: DropDownButton-tag) does not determine what is in the button, but what is displayed in DropDownMenu The reason is that I have to modify the contents of the button itself (the area where you click to activate DrowDownMenu).
What I'm trying to code here is a FONTCOLOR-button, with a behavior similar to that. There is a word-FONTCOLOR-button, where you can see the current color at a time inside the button
Anyone interested, here's a link to your solution on Fluent's project page There is also:
You are just changing the template, the template defines what style you are talking about, That's not the style template's legacy, so you have to manually replicate all the behaviors from the old template President must
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