sql server - SMO.Transfer and filestreaming -

Has anyone managed to get the transfer management that works with the filestream column?

My code is as follows:

transfer transfer = new transfer (source database); Transfer.CopyAllObjects = True; Transfer Dodistation objects first = true; Transfer.CopySchema = True; Transfer.CopyData = false; Transfer.CopyAllTables = true; Transfer the option. Dependency = true; Transfer. Destination server = server name; Transfer.delection database = target database; Transfer.TransferData ();

I am getting the error message when I create a table with the FlyStreaming column:

"Error: Error code = -1073548784 Description = Execute query ... unsuccessful The following error occurred: "FILESTREAM should have a non-NULL unique ROWGUID column in a table with column (s)." Potential Failure Reason: Problems with the query, the "ResultSet" property is not set correctly, the parameter is not set correctly , Or the connection is not established properly Land. HelpFile = helpContext = 0 idofInterfaceWithError = {C81DFC5A-3B22-4DA3-BD3B-10BF861A7F9C} "

Because it is strange source table certainly set these properties. Am I missing part of the transfer process? Strangely, it works fine:

Strangely, it works fine:

  / / Transfer.TransferData (); System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection script = transfer.ScriptTransfer (); Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database targetDatabase = server.Databases ["dbname"]; TargetDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery (script);  

Can anyone put any light on this? Why would the transfer fail, even then the script will be created and executed properly?


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