startup - What code would you put before/after your R session? -
R allows us to run the code at the beginning / end of a session.
What code would you suggest to put there?
I know about three interesting examples (although I do not have to "how to do them" under my fingers):
- Session being closed History of the session on
- Running a fate () at the beginning of an R-session.
- I was thinking of having automated savings of the workspace. But I did not set up to resolve the issue of management of space (so there would always be X amount to be used for that backup)
Any other ideas? Apart from
Profile, you can define . First
and . The last
function I have usually got rid of any graphic display to run ()
, therefore, in this case, it should go like this:
. Last & lt; - option () { () save.image () # Optionally, you can define specific file / folder system (paste ("cowsay", "bye @", date ()) # if You are running GNU / Linux
and get something like this:
However, this is not very useful while the profile file maintains the start-up. The previous function can do various tasks on "access" ... such as saving the image file or ... ...
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