windows - Why does the Python 2.7 AMD 64 installer seem to run Python in 32 bit mode? -
I have installed Python 2.7 from with the Python-2.7.amd64.msi package. It installs and runs properly, but appears in 32-bit mode, despite the fact that the installer was a 64 bit installer. Win32 type "help", "copyright", [Python 2.7 (r27: 82525, 4 July 2010, 07: 43: 08) [MSc v.1500 64bit (AMD64)] For more information "credit" or "license" & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Systems, Platforms & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Platform. Architecture () ('64 bit ',' windows PPE ') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Sysmaxint 2147483647
What can I do to install Python so that it actually runs in 64-bit mode?
view the discussion. It is from 2.6.1, but it still seems to be applicable. I have not seen any of the opposite evidence, at least the essence of the matter (quoted from that link):
It is designed by Microsoft in its informal knowledge 'Long' type type Has decided to, always signed a 32-bit integer - even on the 64 bit system. Most Unix systems have at least 32 bits but usually size (PTR).
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