How to define permissions in Amazon s3 -

I have a structure on Amazon like this -

  (name of bucket) MyImages - - (key) Normal ---- 1.jpg ---- 2.jpg  

I have created key (normal) using the S3 Firefox Organizer tool and for all Set the read permission. Now, when I am uploading images inside this key by the Java program, I want to set the value of each object as a key. But this is not happening and I need to write some additional line code to allow each object.

AccessControlList acl = s3.getBucketAcl ("MyImages"); // read everybody using ACL Grant Promotion (Group Granty. ALUURES, Perm., Reid); S3.setObjectAcl ("MyImages", "Normal / 1.jpg", ACL);

Is there any way to get rid of the above code? Why not get permission for objects or keys?

The following code works for me Change file_to_save with the file object that you are writing to S3 Are there.

  PutObjectRequest por = New PutObjectRequest ("MyImages", "general / 1.jpg", file_to_save); O.setCannedAcl (CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead);  


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