java - Arrays are more serializable than ArrayList? -

Some time ago our architect gave me this fund and I can not talk more about it to get the details at that time But I could not understand that arrays are going to perform more serializable / better on array lists.

Update : This web server is in the code, if it is important and it can be

Update : There is no problem with XML serialization for array lists.

  & lt; Sample-array-list & gt; Reddy1 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt; & Lt; Sample array-list & gt; Reddy2 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt; & Lt; Sample array-list & gt; Reddy3 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt;  

Could there be a problem with distributed applications?

There is no such thing as "more serial" or either a category is or is not, . Both arrays and ArrayList are serializable

For display, this is a totally different subject. Array, especially the oldest, use a little less memory than the array list, but the serialization format is actually compact for both.

Finally, only one person who can really explain this obscure and misleading statement, who has made it, I suggest that you ask your architect what he actually says.


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