sql server 2005 - Delphi - Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted -
This error has been detected when I tried to select on the empty table in MS SQL Server 2005: "either BOF Or the EOF is true, or the current record has been removed. " I used TADOConnection and TadodataSet in Deadly 5 to connect and retrieve data from the database.
Conn: = TADOConnection.Create (zero); Dataset: = Tedodetaset. Cut (zero); Conn.ConnectionString: = 'Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Password = a; ' + 'Permanent security information = true;' + 'User ID = user; Initial Catalog = mydb; ' + 'Data Source = MYPC \ SQLEXPRESS;' + 'Use the procedure to prepare = 1;' + 'Auto translate = True; Packet size = 40 9 6; ' + 'Work id = MYPC;' + Use encryption for data = False; Tag with '+' column collation when possible = false '; Conn.LoginPrompt: = False; Conn.Open; Dataset Connection: = Kon; DataSet.CommandText: = 'Choose from silently'; DataSet.Open; DataSet.Free; Conn.Free;
Is there a database table empty without this error?
This error originally occurred with updates from MDAC_TYP (2.6 from memory). An old "This is in accordance with a bug in the SQL Server Provider. Set the cursor position = clUseClient
to eliminate the error."
An ADOExpress is available from the patch, but the link does not work. Embarcadero now hosts it here: (Thanks to the official link Jerome!)
All the patches listed on the AmberCadero site Let's download and install it, suppose you can find them.
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