iphone - Adding text into a Sprite -
How can I add text or characters to Sprite? If this is not possible, then what is the option to get the same effect?
Note: I am using the COCOS2D Framework.
I have tried this way -
CCLabel * label = [[CCLabel alloc ] InitWithString: @ "H!" Dimension: CGSizeMake ([spriteObj contentSize]. Wide, [spriteObj contentSize]. Highlight) Alignment: UITextAlignmentCenter fontName: @ "Wordana" font size: 15.0f]; //label.position = newBubble.position; // ccp ([spriteObj contentSize] .wide / 2, [spriteObj contentSize] .height / 2); [Spritebose Adbild: Label Z: 10];
This lesson 'H!' Shows in the lower left corner of the phantom.
As always points out, the phantom trick is adding a label as a child. The advantage of setting up sprat and labels in the same place is that, as a child, the label will participate in any animation that you can apply for the phantom. For example, CCScaleTo animation will scale labels with the image of the phantom.
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