java - how to store and retrieve items? -
I need to store all encrypted messages so that it can be recovered and displayed by pressing a button, that is Press button 3 time for the last third message;
After retrieving the encrypted message, give the user an estimate (type in the original text) and send a basic message and press a button. How many characters are displayed and how wrong they are.
Sorry for the really bad question. Here is an example of my current coding, basically I get input from a textfield, how do I retrieve and retrieve the input?
string input = txtInput.getText (); Stringbuilder builder = new stringbiller (); Char [] charArray = input.toCharArray (); For (int i = 0; i.e.R.R.E.Langle; i + = 2) {if (I + 1 & lt; char. Line) {// Even builder.append (I + 1); } // Strange Builder.Append (Chair [ii]); } String flipped text = builder.string (); Lblencryted.setText (flippedText); For (int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {string [] storeArray = {flippedText}; }} Private Zero jButton2ActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {string input = txtInput.getText (); Stringbuilder builder = new stringbiller (); Char [] charArray = input.toCharArray (); For (int i = 0; i.e.R.R.E.Langle; i + = 2) {if (I + 1 & lt; char. Line) {// Even builder.append (I + 1); } // Strange Builder.Append (Chair [ii]); } String flipped text = builder.string (); Lblretrieve.setText (flippedText); } Public static zero major (string algos []) {java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater (new runnabl) (public zero run (new encryption). SetVisible (true);}}); }
Check out.
If your texts are less than I suggest suggesting how many matches are there.
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