JavaScript | Detecting the WebKit over Browser/Phone Type -

Instead of identifying each phone or browser individually, the web-kit engine (i.e., iPhone, Android, Blackberry 6) It is possible to find out

Each webkit browsers should report the version of WebKit in their user agent string.

This is Google Chrome on User Agent Strings and Mac OS X used by Safari; Similar strings are used by browsers on other devices.

Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; U. Intel Mac OS X10_6_4; N-U) Apple WebKat / 533.17.8 (KHML, like Geico) version 5.0.1 Safari / 533.17.8 - Mozilla / 5.0 (MacAutosh; U. Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; N US) Apple WebKat / 533.4 (KHML, like GECO) Chrome / 5.0.375.125 Safari / 533.4


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