javascript - Dummy AJAX calls to force a "wait" cursor. Bad idea? -
I want to place the user's cursor in "wait-state" during some tasks, but the CSS cursor property lets me search more Forcing ... creative solution (The problem I am referring to is that the cursor does not change unless the user takes the cursor. See for example.)
I have found that most browsers are correctly Feeling while AJAX requests wait and switch back and forth through the default cursor, so now I was thinking that as long as I want the cursor to be in "waiting" a dummy makes ajax request. I think it might be a very bad idea, but why can not I really tell why any good reason why this is bad? (Or better solution?)
Yes, it is a bad idea that a wait cursor user thinks Its browser (or connection) is frozen.
Web pages give you many options to wait for feedback: disable progress bar, spinner, feedback text, modal feedback window, command. Instead use one (or more) .
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