iphone - How to show "Open In..." when a user tries to open email attachments in iOS -

I've seen this function for some iOS apps: when a user tries to open an email attachment, press and hold it Can be on attachment for a few seconds, and a popup menu will show two buttons. One button reads "Open in iBooks" (for example) when the user clicks it, the app will be run and open the attachment.

I would like to know how to register my application to be associated with a particular document type.

What happens after the document is opened? Is it copied to a place that can be read by the application, or does a document representing a document document receive?

If anyone has to do this, please tell me THX too much.

Set your app to CFBundleDocumentTypes plist . Here is an example.

When you are the app, you can get information about the file in the application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: , which has passed a dictionary with the key

You have to point to the file to open the URL. I think it's just for reading and if you want to change it, then you have to save your edition.


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