iphone - UISplitViewController - Dealing with memory warnings -

I have a UISplitViewController where the master VC is loaded (UITableViewController) and pressed using a table cell, it makes detail VC (two UIViewController with UIWebViews):

  @implementation MasterVC - (void) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {UIViewController * detailViewController = nil; DetailVC * newDetailViewController = [[extensionclock alloc] initWithNibName: @ "DetailVC" bundle: zero]; DetailViewController = newDetailViewController; // Update the view controller array of the split view controller. NSArray * viewControllers = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: self.navigationController, detailViewController, zero]; SplitViewController.viewControllers = viewControllers; [ViewControllers release]; [DetailViewController release]; }  

If I have to continue to simulate a memory warning, DetailVC (called didReceiveMemoryWarning, viewDidUnload, dealloc) but I get a "- [UIView _invalidateSubviewCache]: deallocated sent for example message "error releases I view controller where the line Mastrwu am, which is why it makes sense since it was released due to memory warning that attempts to load Drishykantrolr (Vistarvisi) detail I Scope it looks view since expanded to VC release, I do not fully understand.

Now, if instead didSelectRowAtIndexPath issuance detailViewController inside, I will continue in this viewWillDisappear, everything works fine:

  @implementation MasterVC - tableView (zero) : (UITableView *) TableView selected by the StatusApath (NSIndexPath *) Index pathway {UIViewController * detailViewController = Zero; DetailVC * newDetailViewController = [[extensionclock alloc] initWithNibName: @ "DetailVC" bundle: zero]; DetailViewController = newDetailViewController; // Update the view controller array of the split view controller. NSArray * viewControllers = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: self.navigationController, detailViewController, zero]; SplitViewController.viewControllers = viewControllers; [ViewControllers release]; // WILLDissapear released in the scene // [detailViewController release]; } - (Zero) view specially: (BOOL) Animated ([Super ViewView Size: Animated]; MyAppDelegate * Representative = [[UIApplication Shared Application] Representative]; // Extend VC Reconfiguration and Release It - [UIView _invalidateSubviewCache]: example canceled the message was sent to [[delegate.splitViewController.viewControllers objectAtIndex: 1] release];}  

detail to understand for me, it (a) When the controller is released from view, the master view controller c It will happen, but even then, it seems like a hack (plus static analyzer 'right' in the place of complaint not to release the VC) any other better way to solve it?


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