Using Hex numbers in css setting w/Jquery -
I have this code which acts as a post:
$ ( '# Cs_tableVideoListingsTD'). The problem is that "gray" is very dark when it is dark ('function') {$ (this). CSS ('border-down', '2 px solid gray'}}
The problem is that I try # 333 or a hex number, it does not work at all.
I just need to apply border border, so use "border down": "2px solid # 333 "(note colon) does not work because syntax only works when applying multiple styles.
Therefore, I'm thinking of applying hex color in the above code / o be funny about specifying the variable like.
Your code is okay unless you decide to add colon.
You do not want colon unless you pass the object < />
TD TD '). Each (function () {// is separated with a comma, you are passing 2 arguments $ (this) .css ('border bottom', '2px solid # 333')}};Try it:
$ ('# Cs_tableVideoListings tbody tr td 'each (function () {// Separate with colon, you have 1 object logic $ (this) .css ({' border-bottom ': 2px solid # 333'});});
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