Display unescaped HTML String in Django Admin change list -

I am currently experiencing a serious problem. I use it with standard django admin interface. Change the list to display one of your models has got a field, which includes a link (such as database: http: // localhost: 8000 / data / somefile.pdf '> link).

Now what do I want the string to be displayed as an unexpected saga and a link? I have already tried the following in "change_list_results.html":

  {result result%} and% lt; Tr id = "{{result.1 | adminfilter}}" class = "{% cycle 'row 1' 'row2'%} '& gt; {% Of items in%} {{items | Safe}} {% endfor%} & lt; / Tr & gt; {% Endfor%}  

I have tried "{% autoescape off%}" other than the actual item I have used "| secure"

You want to set the allow_tags = true on your method, it's a bit hidden , But it is described in the documentation - about a screen or where you take it.


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