iphone - Adhoc app not showing in iTunes when dragged in -
The distribution certificate has expired recently, so anyone else had to make. Everything seemed to work fine - I did a zipped build with profiles & amp; The app file sent to a colleague who was not installed with any problem.
Was sent to someone else, who had the "signatory invalid" message and the customer I sent said, "Do you want to change the embedded mobile provisioning profile?" The message that I asked them to say yes, and then the app does not appear in their list.
Therefore the iTunes app accepts but can not tell anything confused about different results on various machines.
Any thoughts? Thanks Don / iWasRobbed, they have expired the profiles profile which they have deleted, And when they tried to sync a later time whenever pulled in iTunes, the app would still not be visible, so I was connecting them to my computer, when Xcode added its own OS version 4.01 Was not supported by its existing SDK (up to 4.0 only). .
With SDK 4.01, Exod 3.2.3 was downloaded again and their iPhone Status Lite switched from yellow to green light and made it.
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