objective c - Populating NSTableview from a mutable array -

I've been trying it for two days, and the dead is ending continuously.

Macro OS X has been done through coco programming of Aaron Hillegage, and has done all relevant studies related to the NSTEView and the Mutateable Areas and I am trying to amend them according to my needs. .

Although none of these data uses a array with objects in the form of a source, it seems that the tableview is used as a data source.

Any code or suggestion of Jonas Jangjan's " re-code" with the end of the Coco Front to display the results of

the results I know it should be simple, but I'm lost in the woods here.

I can populate the table by setting the array

It really is very Simple, once you understand him (definitely!). You can not use NSArray directly as a table source. You need to either create a custom object that implements or implements that protocol in some existing classes - usually the controller. If you use Xcode to create a standard document based application, then the document controller class - (it will be called MyDocument) is a good class to use.

You need to implement at least two of these methods:

  - numberOfRowsInTableView: - tableView: objectValueForTableColumn: row:  
< P> If you want a variable array whose value you want to use in a table view with a column, then something like the following should be done as a start:

  - numberOfRowsInTableView : (NSTableView *) aTableView {return [myMutableArray count]; } - tableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) aTableColum Row: (NSInteger) rowIndex {return [myMutableArray objectAtIndex: rowIndex]; }  

It can only be added to me with the place of NSArray myMutableArray to add two methods as a class that self and you can use an array as a data source.

However, with a temporary array, it is important that whenever you change it, you should know the table view that it has been changed, so you see the table -reloadData .

Need to be sent if you have more than one column in your table view and you want to populate it with the properties of your object array, a trick that you can make for yourself can do. Let's say that objects in your array are examples of a class with two defined methods:

  - (NSString *) givenName; - (NSString *) Family name;  

And you want your table view to be a column for each, you can set the identifier property of each column to the property name in person Displays that column and use something like the following:

  - tableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) aTableColum line: (NSInteger) rowIndex {person * items = [MyMutableArray objectAtIndex: line index]; Return [item value forKey: [tableColumn identifier]]; }  

is replaced by valueForKey: with valueForKeyPath: and your individual square also has the following methods:

  - (person *) mother; - (person *) Father; - (NSString *) Full name;  father.fullName  or  mother.familyName : // name and family name  

You can add a table of identification like column The combinations and values ​​of these will automatically be populated.


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